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What is the worst creature to exist on this earth?
>inb4 hurrrr hoomans
chigoe flea ("jigger")
yeah, bedbugs

I don't care too much if there's critters that kill humans to reduce population, it's the parasites that make existence painful and miserable that need to be completely eliminated from the ecosystem. Because they're not fucking ecological, they turn the ecosystem into a ghetto. Mosquitos at least carry diseases that cull the human herds, they don't turn animals into living feeding stations
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these cunts
>t. Disgruntled bassky
Most successful predator kills are against animals weakened by parasites, and early predator expiration when there are low prey numbers is also mediated by parasites. They're a large part of how the ecosystem keeps from destroying itself short of plants somehow eradicating all animal life.

>cull the human herds
Psychopath. Total malaria eradication. Fuck the eagle eggs. DDT now!
Any parasite living on fecal matter
Parasitic worms
Mango worms
hurrrr hoomans

Or maybe "Fusarium oxysporumf.sp.cubense" because it killed gross michel bananas and I'll forever be stuck eating cavendish or worse.
that demon right there
Prions, Parasites, Fungi full stop.
Imagine a microscopic tick, that could breed colonies of itself, and spread to new hosts through proximity. Boom, viruses, and parasites.
Prions aren't alive
Parasites of any variety.
you posted it
Bedbugs are easy to avoid and get rid of.
But ticks have ruined frolicking in the grass for everyone. Fuck ticks
Who is Michel Bananas and why was he gross?
There are plenty of tasty banana varieties in tropical countries, they just aren't exported stateside except maybe plantains for spics
The American Cockroach
Guinea worm
That's literally needed to create everything. The air is filled with fungi spores. It's the only reason composting works in the first place. If fungi died right now that'd be it.
Bed bugs are definitely it. Those things are demons straight from hell.
Mycobacterium spp, the whole genus is clearly not the work of a benevolent god. Unless "creature" means "eucaryote" ?
a woman

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