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Chimps are fascinating creatures, and I don't think they deserve the nasty reputation they have on this board.
they don't. 95% of the hatred of them came from the one bitch from CT that owned one. she was known for feeding it XANAX AND WINE and then one day it got out and mauled her friend. i've known kids from college that got fucked up on that and they were scary...for 12+ hours too. feed any animal that and i guarantee they'll enter an enraged psychosis mode.
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I agree
Is is true they go for the balls first?
I love all great apes, but I must admit chimps are one of my least favorites. But really I think that's from lack of research on my part.
I mean, why wouldn't they in a fight? You have tender bits, the chimp wants to hurt you, it will target the tender bits
>Buddy and Ollie destroyed a majority of St. James' fingers, his left foot, most of his buttocks, both testicles, part of his torso, and parts of his face including his nose and lips. A paramedic who arrived said, "It looked like a grizzly bear attack." St. James was transported to Loma Linda University Medical Center after the attack

I know scientists that study chimps have to keep their kids FAR away from them. Chimps tear little monkeys to shreds.
You sound strangely similar to certain pitbull owners
you sound strangely similar to someone with no arguments
Chimps don't kill their own children, they kill other chimp's children. In a Darwinian sense, it's very rational.
chimps are vile animals
He meant the scientist’s kids, not the chimp’s own kids
I don’t like it when people compare chimps to niggers, because chimps don’t become Marxist revolutionaries and beg the UN for money.
go cry somewhere else incel
Most of the hardliners see Marxism as a trap funnily enough and prefer segregation. Even in america the white ethonats intially called for reparations back in the day as it was seen as a better alternative to the civil rights act, even the black community saw civil rights as the goverment taking the easy way out. If you go to africa most of their socities are ethnicaly structured or at least based on caste, its why they there are so many genocides. They even retain this ethnic centrist attitude when settling down in places such as america by forbidding their children to date black americans. But black politics are often white washed by white maxists and this history and track record is seldom mentioned in the mainstream media. Black people long for their own black hitler.

As for chimps, they have no real form of unity aside from mutual respect. Chimp groups kick members out or fall apart all the time when there is disagreement or a challenge to the leader. Most chimp wars involve 2 packs of chimps that used to be 1 pack and end with unification or a third pack picking one or both of them off for the females. Socially they are the worst of the apes.
You might want to check out the books of the late primatologist Frans de Waal if a balanced take on chimp behaviour interests you. He studied them for decades.
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I like seeing them hunt.
Chimps are fascinating and nasty.
monkey tendies
Are there any animals in their natural habitat that chimps could theoretically team up with to hunt monkeys?
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I read something about Idi Amin training these guys to use machetes. Very intriguing stuff.
I just don't like the fact that they live off handouts.
>the attack was out of jealousy for another chimp that was getting cake
I feel bad for laughing because the result of the attack was so severe.
Chimps are Kill on Sight when outside the habitat in every zoo on the planet, wanna explain that?
They’re wild animals.
Chimp attacks are way rarer than you assume. When they do happen yeah they're bad
i blame joe rogan
Zoos aren't nature

that seems obvious doesn't it
Bonobos are also far more violent than chimps, believe it or not.
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I think all the great apes are fascinating. It's the closest we have to seeing our prehistoric ancestors. Pic related are my favorite of the two. I like seeing that orangutans have different cultures and customs across groups (some show affection by kissing and others do not, some learned to bathe with soap and others have not). I love seeing how alpha gorillas react to their communities. I love seeing both species as parents interact with their kids and just playing with them gently. It's super fascinating.


I don't know how anyone can see this and NOT go, "Holy shit, we're all part of this planet". There's such an interesting feeling of empathy I get when I can understand the feeling of a completely different species. I remember seeing a video of an alpha gorilla who used his arm as a barrier between the community and a newcomer and it's the same shit I do when my two cats lock eyes and want to have a little spat-- except I tend to step in front of them with my leg instead.
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>There's such an interesting feeling of empathy I get when I can understand the feeling of a completely different species
You don't. That is just you humanising and projecting your own understanding of the human experience onto a completely different animal that has no comprehension of what you interoperate or see in them. It is just like when pet owners claim all the time that their animal somehow understands them and holds them on the same level to a friend when in reality their pets are not cognisant of anything aside from voice tone or smell as a rough indication of their owner's emotional state. That is not to say you cannot have sympathy for animals, but claiming to understand how they feel and comparing their intentions to human ones is the wrong way to go about it.
this is a just-so used when talking down to retards so they don't do something stupid

a more intelligent person actually can empathize with a different species granted they understand them somewhat
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Human emotions are not unique to us. Sadness, anger, and happy are a shared emotion among mammals. You don't need to understand EXACTLY what is in their head to understand, "The chimpanzee is having fun with that ball, I know what it's like to have fun, too!". Sometimes I lay on the floor just like pic related to pet my cat whose napping on the floor. In a case like this, yeah, me and the gorilla have the same intentions: we both want to lie down on the floor in a comfortable manner to gently interact with something smaller than us that we're attached to.
you dont know what you're getting into

there's this entire field of speculative ethology where with logic based on nothing proven, a bunch of people who lead 4chan shitposting wagie-tier meaningless lives despite being academics devote a significant amount of mental effort to trying to rationalize how animals don't have real feelings in order to feel good about themselves.
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I really need to expand my chimp gallery
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The anthropomorphizing crowd are going too far imo. It isn't anthropomorphizing to recognise the emotions in animals and relate to it.
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