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Why do yuropoors hate their cats so much?
What's poor about them? Also, cats are happiest outside.
the indoor cat trend which has been created by social media and "cat lover" websites is totally sick
how do we stop this insanity?
these freaks will insist and argue that letting cats roam outdoors is animal cruelty
they will say things like "cats are basically babies! they are like little children! how could you let them out of your sight?!"
they will claim that indoor only cats are far healthier and live far longer and when you ask them to cite sources for this information they will say "I read it on the internet" or "my vet told me"
there are no studies to back any of this nonsense up, it is totally anecdotal and freakish neurotic behavior
outdoor cats are invasive pests
Happy getting into disfiguring fights and getting run over by cars?

I love cats and am a cat bro, but they need to be indoors. They do so much environment damage its nuts.
because gypsies used to steal rugs with them
It is animal cruelty but ok enjoy your dead cat and get back to us when you're cool enough to hold off on the murder fantasies
much like yourself
oldest cat I ever had was indoor/outdoor allowed to roam the neighborhood freely she lived 19 years
family member had two indoor cats who were neurotic and sickly and didn't make it to 10 years of age
it's all made up bullshit that you believe because you're a fucking retard who believes whatever is trendy to believe on social media
unsurprising that you don't know the meaning of that word but use it anyway
>toxonigger doesnt understand averages vs individuals
>disfiguring fights
only happens to tomcats
get your cats neutered and spayed
>run over by cars
only happens to the dumbest slowest dimwitted animals
darwin awards right? I'm sure that's what you'd say if it happened to a human you reddit tier moron
you have no clue what you're talking about
the only study ever done on indoor vs outdoor lifespans included FERAL cats with the indoor/outdoor pets
I live in a cul-de-sac with little traffic, have a big garden with neighbours who are cool with cats and the only other pet nearby is a low-energy dog who doesn't give a shit. It's nice to go outside and have your cat emerge from a bush.
stop it, muh sides cant take it anymore
>cat parents

You schizos who think pets need to be locked inside 24/7 are as bad as the gnostic PETA freaks who steal pets to kill them thinking it's "liberating" them.

>but le pet might die
Yeah, it's called living in a fallen world, dumbass. You fucking retards need to grow up beyond your coddled and over-protected childhood. I'm sick of you retards.

This thread's also full of effeminate hipster faggots who type in all lowercase. You're all cancer.
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>meanwhile japanese people lock their cats in a cage while indoors
Defend this indoorshitters
only women care about how people type, but ywnbaw
>mutilate your animal for no reason
It's okay to let cats roam if you live in the old world. If you live in the Americas, Australia or New Zealand, where they're a non-native, invasive species, it's not. This isn't a terribly difficult concept to grasp. If you struggle to understand something so simple, you lack the intelligence necessary to care for any pets of any kind, nevermind a cat.
Culturally Australians are bongs and just let them out anyway
>doing anything good with animals
Idc if they're japs, they still treat animals weird.
Outdoor and feral cats contribute to the loss of genetic purity in european wild cats. The Scottish wild cat in particular will likely never be recovered as a result
My cat wanted to go outside. He wanted to go outside so bad he was ready to draw blood over it. So I let him out. He sticks around the house and comes in at night. Occasionally I see him thundering across the lawn or lurking in the treeline like a panther. He'll even hang out with me in the garden. Happiest cat I've ever seen.
An indoor cat is a pet
An outdoor pet is an invasive species
>cats are the happiest when they're outside obliterating small wildlife
good lad
pet cats don't go around obliterating anything as long as they're well fed
your issue is with feral cats
>cat parents
When did this become a thing?
Don't have the space for toys so going outside is her only way to get physical activity.
She's neutered and naturally cautious so I'm not too worried.
If you neuter them they become way less aggressive too, especially males. My gran's male cat was the laziest shit ever. He'd spend all day sitting under a tree in her garden staring at a wall and never interacting with the squirrels and birds that came near him. He never got into a fight with another cat either.

Even now at 16 the old bastard has the same routine, he'll regularly come in with mud on his arse as he still sits in the same spot when it rains.
Don't care, didn't ask.
Just put a bell collar on (which most of us do), instantly destroys your shitty argument as the element of surprise is removed from the stalking predation process by which cats hunt most their prau.
Wrong. Cats kill for sport. Maybe they won't go around looking for endangered species' nests, but the idea of letting my cat butcher lizards, frogs and shrews just because she's bored is revolting to me.
My cat is neutered and she will attack anything that moves. Especially moths. Dumb fuck one day'll end up pestering a viper or something, here it's filled with snakes.

Neutered pet cats kill for fun

And dogs kill cats for fun as does basically any predator bigger than them
>inb4 agile and evasive cope
Cats are dumb as hell and easy pickings.
and now your cat is even easier for superior animal to turn into chinese food

your animal is on the food chain near the rabbit. fucking raccoons eat them. start acting like it. keep them indoors.
Schizo alert.
The conclusion from the stats and reading this thread is that going outside is apparently dangerous in America and safe in Europe.
So you're telling me most toxofaggots on this board are actually eurocucks? That explains a lot
Most outdoor cats return to their houses by nightfall avoiding predators, unless you're a moron who lets their cat fend for itself. Otherwise, I leave food and resources out for them on my property including safe shelter. They return each night and don't disturb any wildlife or are exposed to traffic (I live in a densely forested suburb).
Why so many posts about gnosticism lately?
>densely forested
This fucking retard lets his cat out to die for spiritual reasons lmao

The most effective predators of cats (coyotes, dogs, and birds of prey) will all gladly operate during the day. My dog killed 3 before I got a taller fence.
If you see a coyote during the day, it's likely rabid as they are more active at sunset and into the night.

I don't live in eastern Europe/Asia. Roaming dogs are placed into shelters as they pose a threat to humans.

>birds of prey
Owls come at night, and falcons aren't a common threat here because my cat allows small bird populations to live. Small birds harass falcons/eagles.
Falcons only endanger kittens which are nonexistent because all of the cats in my community have been spayed or neutered. Falcons actually pose a greater threat to small dogs than cats, in fact.
>If you see a coyote during the day, it's likely rabid as they are more active at sunset and into the night.
Coyotes are quite active during the day.
>I don't live in eastern Europe/Asia. Roaming dogs are placed into shelters as they pose a threat to humans.
A dog doesn't have to roam to eat your cat. Your cat has to roam, and eventually, find itself in a fenced arena with an animal that is smarter and way faster than you thought they were. I have seen insanely intelligent hunting tactics and acrobatics from dogs, especially when cats are concerned. Apparently they taste good.
>Birds aren't a threat
Cat collars are a common find in eagle nests.
the great irony is that roaming cats pose a very large threat to humans, by spreading toxoplasmosis and a variety of other tapeworms (and black plague, and rabies).

toxoplasmosis kills ~750 children each year in the united states. pitbulls kill 30. ouch.

>just cook all your food even the vegetables and always thoroughly wash your hands lol
just dont let pitbulls bite you lol.

the saving grace here is you can just keep your cat confined to your yard with the same devices that keep predators out
a pitbull can't be made safe without a sturdy cage or a bullet to the head
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>cat scaling fence

Toxo comes from wild bird meat, which should be ok as long as your cat isn't allowed to eat wild birds.
My outdoor cat isn't even allowed indoors because he fights with my indoor cat. Face it, im toxo free, and if everyone followed my model then they would be too.
Toxo comes from rodents, reproduces in cats, and then gets into us if we dare touch dirt, or eat food that was grown in dirt where a cat shit.

It's a pretty simple issue to solve. Farm cats in particular are a practice thatneeds to end.

>cat scaling fence
This isn't a theory, it's what happened several times before I bought an 8 foot tall fence. Cats are great at scaling a fence initially. But then they land on the other side, in the bushes, which hampers their ability to quickly go back the other way.
Good thing cats aren't efficient mousers, much less with a bell collar that jingles with every step.
Cats don't have to be efficient mousers. That's the brilliance of evolution settling on whatever solution maintains a healthy population in the fewest steps.

Cats are quite shit at killing rodents and don't dig them out of burrows. Toxplasmosis makes this irrelevant. Once infected, a rodent actively seeks out the cat. Between toxo and all other injuries and ailments, cats primarily kill rodents that are operating under 100% capability. This keeps the rodent population healthy and free of low quality and diseased individuals, but doesn't eradicate or even halt rodent population growth, so the cat has a steady supply of food and the rodents maintain good enough health for the growing population to spread out and colonize new areas.
All can be prevented with a bell collar that alerts prey to a cat's presence...
Toxo'd rodents don't care. They literally walk up to the cat. Sick, injured, and disabled rodents are too slow or dumb to do anything about it. It just so happens these are the only rodents that spend enough time in the open and react slowly enough to be nabbed by cats.

The bell gets even less effective: cats don't like the noise either, so they learn to hold still more often and move sparingly.

I used to own cats. A jingle often preceded a dead field mouse in the evening.
great lot of good that's doing them

reminder toxoplasmosis mortality is extremely underdiagnosed because it's indistinguishable from random fetal death 99% of the time.
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Toxo doesn't exist. Its for third worlders. My kot will continue to roam unaffected by predators.
>Toxo doesn't exist
It does. You're like those indians who don't know rabies exists.
>It's for third worlders
And the british.
>My kot
*cat. We speak FREEDOM here, pootin.
>will continue to roam unaffected by predators.
It's not a question of if, but when, something will attack your cat unless you live in a total ecological deadzone where every dog is a toadline.

What's wrong with your cat going outside, but staying confined to your property again?
Kots are not just lowly dogs confined to a yard; they are highly intelligent and know where their true resources are. All kots return home when they get lost. Mine always returns home by sunset to rest and stay safe. They evolved to live alongside human populations like raccoons.
>They are highly intelligent
They are dumb as hell and unable to break from their instinctive territorial routines. Ants always return home. Genius animal? Parrots often fly away and find a new home. Dumb animal?

Dogs are a naturally wide ranging apex predator with an ever-moving territory since they evolved to keep up with herds of prey instead of mooching off local clusters of rodent nests and young sparrows.

This is why dog owners are morally obligated to go on frequent walks, to new places, and travel with their dog often, and cats do perfectly fine indoors as long as they have enough to do and another cat for company.

You simply anthropomorphize too much.
Not him but I see you have never heard of a gated community or high end suburb that's unreachable to regular travelers. They're usually hidden by some long winding one way road and have low speed limits that make the chances of running a cat over very low.
>cats don't obey me therefore they are dumb!
Cats are predators, and like many predators they're pretty bright! I would hesitate to anthropomorphize them - they don't really "understand" in the same way that we do, but they can learn very quickly what gets them things that they want. Scratching at a door to get you to open it, waking you up in the morning to get fed a little earlier, nudging your hand to get pet - they learn stuff you might not even notice that you are teaching them.

As far as training them - yep, totally doable. The more food-motivated your cat is, the easier it is to train them. When I first tried to get my cat to sit still on the scale while I weighed her, I used treats. Now she's extremely excited when she sees the scale and jumps up on it instantly - because, of course, she knows getting on that scale gets her a treat. But some cats may seem dumb because they simply decline to learn things, or they just don't feel like performing on command if the "reward" isn't something they want at that moment. They're just far more stubborn than buttsniffers, who will obey your commands pretty consistently once it's ingrained.
dogs have practically infinite territory with fluid boundaries and a need to actually explore. they are also more adaptable when the environment changes.
cats have a preset territory defined by simple dopamine responses (the cat program is "stay by dopamine"). their territorial program is so inflexible that shutting off a single room in the home can cause a yowling feline meltdown.

a dog's territory is always larger than you want it to be but the dog will come to an agreement with you regarding it
a cat's territory is exactly as big as you let it be but you have no control after that point
Ok, I didn't ask for an AI generated essay about bullsit. I just told you a simple fact.

Cats are dumb as hell and have a static, limited territory. That satisfies them and they hate it changing. Dogs and wolves are notorious for moving and changing their territory over time instead of having a permanent home because they are significantly more intelligent.

Also, chilesaurus is real and Bob Bakker and Xu Xing are some of the best paleontologists to ever exist.
>toxo: actually, i trained by cat to sit in a spot
you can do this with MICE. simple command obedience doesn't require much intelligence.

meanwhile dogs are working in the police, military, and medical fields, have been proven to actually understand language and generalize words, and pass basic causality tests that cats can't. as expected of an animal with 2-4x more neurons in their cerebral cortex and a proportionally more developed frontal lobe.
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Chilesaurus had feathers
>cat territories are rigid
Only true for solitary cats like tigers who have no problem finding adequate resources to feed themselves in a rigid territory. Expansion is unique to social predators and lions have similar territory habits as wolves because they live in prides. Simply put, cats are more effective predators and require less territory to achieve the same resources as wolves.
Chilesaurus’ reconstructions are entirely nonsensical and any novice paleontologist can identify this by looking at its inverse pelvis.
Cats mooch off the plentiful sick and injured from pest nests they lack the intelligence to rout.

The more intelligent a predator gets, the more likely they are to destroy or rout a local prey population rather than allow those resources to sit unused and constrain their population growth. Hence wolves, lions, and humans default to nomadic behavior in the wild.
idk wat you're talking about mayne but thanks for confirming this thread has "a" paleoschizo in it at the same time as a cat fangirling, dog hating newfag that says "buttsniffers"
Wolves hunt exclusively injured and sick, it is the smart way to hunt. Do you actually think wolf packs are fighting healthy Moose bucks? Kek.
Most predators are actually really dim. Encephalization quotients, neuron counting, guessing at the implications of brain structure, and observed behavior all support this. The average predator is actually less intelligent than its prey.

People only believe otherwise because the more charismatic predators (wolves, hyenas, lions, dolphins, orcas, humans) are cooperative animals and break from the pattern set forth by more solitary animals, but these aren't the majority of predators. Predator brain development is actually held back by prey availability and the majority of predators spend the majority of their time sitting in one spot and starving while herbivores are enjoying a practically limitless food supply.

Ergo, the most intelligent animals in africa are all either purely herbivorous or omnivores that mostly eat plants.
Wolves wipe out entire herds, including the healthy animals. Herding dogs actually inherit the behavior wolves use to manage target herds (over the course of weeks) and trap them for a total slaughter.

This is actually a problem for conservation. If the remaining ecology can't support large enough herds and give them enough room to disperse and escape, wolves can cause extinctions, as they have done with caribou and have almost done with elk. They are highly intelligent and highly effective predators that mirror human behavior in so many ways it's a small wonder we don't team up with th-oh wait.

This is also why wolf population targets are so low compared to historic numbers. They are extremely good at killing, but the land we have left isn't extremely good at keeping up with it anymore.
And you will never be a man, hole
>"hole" popping up as an insult (incelt)
yep he's here
I don't put any bells on my cats and no cat owners I know do either, it damages cat's hearing and makes them a target for predators
no you're meant to accomplish absolutely nothing while making your cat more likely to die because what if they killed a finch?

or just, get this, keep your animals confined to your property. countless cats live happier, longer lives than your cats ever had in penthouse apartments and retards think a suburban backyard isn't enough for these animals. they are not huskies or malinois. they do not have to walk 5 miles to check out a new part of the neighborhood every day.

the cat's mind is simple: where it's been, it must be again.
>>implying coons eat anything other than trash
Stop believing old wives tales, rabbits don't have a fraction of cat's natural high IQ, agility, quick thinking and machiavellianism
I shoot any outdoor cat on my property. They really are pests. They shit in my plant pots and fight so loudly with the eachother.
Raccoons mog the fuck out of cats

>natural high IQ, agility
Cats are dumb, but good at sports. Don't forget which part of the world they come from.
>quick thinking
All flow, no thought. A true athlete.
Don't attribute to malice what follows from ignorance.
Nomadic animals are lower life forms than ones who can settle and achieve a higher quality of life using limited space rather than constantly moving because they are too dumb to establish a stable food source. Cats resemble pastoral humans and cultivators, dogs resemble nomadic humans and cavemen (dumb humans).
The weak should fear the strong
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>the weak should fear t-ACK
Cats most resemble a reptile actually. They spend most of their time sunbathing, are passive hunters that wait for prey to come near, and really, really dumb. They have no input in the environment. They're just there.

>nomadic humans and cavemen (dumb humans)
Agricultural populations have smaller brains on average and agricultural society actively selects for lower intelligence. All the dumb, malnourished farmers exist solely to provide the remaining nomad/hunter type humans with leisure time. Royalty hunts, peasantry farms. Facts of life. hunter gatherers of indo-iranian descent had significantly larger brains on average, even for some time after the dawn of agriculture, and modern grain-nerfed humans are still trying to figure out how they were so good at moving rocks and carving acoustically perfect underground temples.

>Make dog sleep outside without the safety of its pack
>A cat, acting in reptilian fashion, tries to attack it
The dog lived btw

If anything this should remind you of what can happen to outdoor cats as well
Might is right, midget Incas are no longer here to tell the story just as dogs will soon be from inbreeding. All while cats and humans thrive.
>dogbros: post pics of raccoons hugging cats as a joke
lmao, why are redditors such edgy tryhards
When you have to bring up an entirely different population of humans than the one mentioned and start spouting nonsensical fantasies about dogs going extinct, you're left the realm of rational discussion and are starting your period.
They're not like the other girls. The hearts are coal, and their hobbies are death, blood, and vampire romance.
Because they're girls
>>believes modern woke "historians"
Backyards aren't enough for most curious cats. I like to go on walks with my cats in the forest, it's great cause I get exercise and they get to play and hunt. They never really go that far from me and I can keep an eye on them just in case, I think more cat owners should do this
Is that meant to be cleopatra, lady? You know her era was when puppy and kitten milling to provide sacrifices to bastet/anubis cults reached its peak, right? Egyptian pagans were brutal savages and deserve nothing but contempt.
>egyptians: no hurt kitties or doggies!
>egyptians: unless its for the gods then lets start breaking necks
They killed so many that other retards ground up thousands of cat mummies to see if they could create rat-proof soil.

The history of humans relationship with cats is fraught with absolute stupidity, usually to the cats detriment. They haven’t ever had it as good as they have it now in the USA.

A backyard is enough. It’s all about how you use it. Just remember that once a cat goes somewhere they have to return, its instinct.
Doesn't work, they learn how to not make sound with the bell, and worse of all you put your cat at risk because if they get chased by a predator, they can't shake them.
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She enjoys being outside with me.
daring of you to expect a crazy cat lady to actually know history beyond “cats werr gods i reddit on facebook”

there’s a reason sane dog men leave the anubis issue alone.
>cat supervised in backyard instead of roaming in the alley
A responsible pet owner, on /an/ - my cat is almost dead and i will never go to the vet wat do? Impossibru!
Apparently they can go pretty far, something like 400m/0.25 miles from home.
Although personally I've never had any do that, my old cat would generally stick to the yard of nearby houses (usually that was the territory of another cat because he mogged every cats in the neighborhood), and my current cat doesn't go beyond the sidewalk.
Is this low quality postbait? Cats love being outside, it’s a wild animal for a reason.
Cats are domesticated

Just keep them to your backyard or an arrangement with a neighbor involving a cat sized hole in the fence. If your cat is scaling fences you fucked up. Coyote rollers or indoor time.
I know but those were cats specifically bred for sacrifice and were usually smaller than those that were kept as pets, so they would be easier to mummify in large numbers. Dosen't change that they worshiped cat deities
I wasn't disputing that claim, just the one about egypt being ran by niggas
Egypt WAS ran by niggas (cushites). They caused its collapse lol. And cats are still an african/semitic animal regardless.

They also worshiped dogs. No one cares because dog people already found out it was an awful kind of satanic worship and left it in the past and on the correct side of the world for that shit.

You know who worshiped dogs and was actually nice to them? Literal aryans and germanic hunter gatherers
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did you know that in japan 99.9% of cats are outdoor cats? now you can't hate outdoors cats because japan has them, I bet you feel pretty stupid right now :)
japan has no animal abuse laws and bestiality is fully legal there. bet you feel dumb for reporting horse dick and animal cruelty webms now huh, newfag?
Still doesn't change that greeks ruled ancient egypt for literal centuries, which was also the zenith of it's power and relevancy. Dog people need everything to be sanitized and feel good, obviously ancient people aren't going to have the same morality as us, their motives were still to serve feline gods
The people you speak of also worshiped a dog god, who was essential to the afterlife. They also sacrificed dogs. In fact, the dog god predates the cat god in every reconstruction of a supposed PIE belief system.

They were savages with incorrect beliefs. You are reading too much into the behavior of less than fully developed human societies. Cats are just silly pets.
>pagan schizo shit
>”otherwordly oracle dot com”
woman confirmed. fuck off and take your healing crystals with you.
anubis also eclipses all the cat dogs in relevance. he was closer to a major angel while the cat gods were cottage daemons.

still doesnt change that all pagans burn in hell and what they thought was only of relevance to the morbidly curious.
Truly this poster >>4845895 was ahead of the curve
>crazy cat women don't be crazy challenge: complete and graded with an F- for excessive satanism
It's not hard to be. Crazy cat people haven't changed one bit over the past few centuries. They've only decreased in number. This animals unfortunate association with mystic bullshit attracts a lot of retards who post awful gothcel drivel like this >>4845940

A shame because cats are actually good pets if you know what the fuck you're doing. They deserve association with these retards like dogs deserve all the k9/shitbull dudebros that abuse animals to make them meaner. That is, not at all, and only an actual retard totally lacking any capacity for rational thought would think otherwise.
>Coyotes are quite active during the day.
lived in coyote country my whole life and that's a damn lie
if you see one during the day they're usually hiding in the brush somewhere
they come out at dusk to hunt
coyote country goes far enough north that daytime coyotes are 100% real
well we don't play like that down here in the southwest
I left my old cat outside regularly, she lived for almost 20 years and hunted a few birds throughout her life
A majority of toxo cases that result in illness are from food borne illness not associated with rodent > cat > human. It’s why pregnant women and young children aren’t supposed to eat shellfish, sushi, or rare meats.
anon, toxoplasma gondii can not even reproduce without the gut of a cat. the cat is required for it to even get into the food in an infectious stage.

100% of toxo cases involve a feline mucking around on agricultural lands. it's why infection rates are higher in england than the US.
>It’s why pregnant women and young children aren’t supposed to eat shellfish, sushi, or rare meats.
No, it's not, you fucking retard. Listeria is the primary concern, followed by Salmonella.
Egyptians didn’t deify cats, they worshipped all animals and cats weren’t of particular importance.
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he only needs to be btfo so many times man
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Egyptians also worshiped a man in a bedsheet who shot lasers from his eyes and breathed fire

This is not a joke.
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>cat women and dog men
>not to mention, kek
i'm seeing a theme here

are we resurrected egyptians? all that pyramid building, so we could revive in the 90s and shitpost on 4chan?
egyptians were based :)
Yea I really think we are, I feel a deep connection with ancient Egypt
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Asians don't have souls
>that anon hard pushing for collars with a bell
There's literally a bagillion example of cats adapting to it and making it irrelevant while hunting. I'm starting to think this anon does not have a cat.
keeping them inside is alao cruel, there's no winning
cat love laying in the grass
cat love climbing the tree
cat love sitting on the rooftop
that's the cat for me
lmao there are coyotes and pumas in the US and Canada.
There is. Just remove cats from pet trades, make them illegal.
It is not. Cats don't give a fuck as long as they have something to do.

They're not dogs. They're not super smart or social with a genuine need for real exploration and socialization. They don't need more than an apartment and you+1 more cat.
Then harness train your fucking cat retard.
are you psychopathic or just ignorant?
people who try to walk cats on leashes are complete freaks
this trend is fucking insane and retarded
stop being part of this mind virus by telling people to do dumb shit and just shut the fuck up
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How could I deprive my cat of the joys of a beer outside?

Britbong btw
It's called being realistic.

A dog doesn't give a fuck if it's a pet instead of "truly free" because they are dumb as fuck. A cat is dumber than fuck and doesn't even need everything a dog does. All that world and life does not fit in their tiny brain. By the time you're down to rats, they can live in a cage and not care.

Animals aren't people.
>there are no studies to back any of this nonsense up
Are you really so lacking in common sense that you need a "study" for something like this? It's common knowledge that all animals live longer in captivity than in the wild. An indoor cat has no risk of getting hit by a car, killed by a dog, eating any of a very wide variety of poisons it could encounter, being killed by sadistic humans, etc etc.

And this is not considering the extremely well documented effect of cats on wildlife. Cats of all sizes are one of the nastiest apex predators ever created and they can and will kill pretty much anything they can find...and they're extremely good at finding just about anything. Even if you're on some retarded contrarian redneck shit about how cats need to be running around outside to be happy, there are considerations outside that:
>We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. Our findings suggest that free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for US birds and mammals.
>apex predator
>killed and eaten by a dog

Notice they're calling it
>anthropogenic mortality
That's because it only happens like this because people are pumping shitloads of cats into the US wilds non-stop. The cats might last 2 years in this situation, but they're behaving like an invasive species on welfare.
Apex predators don't get eaten by coyotes.
>lions aren't apex predators
>That's because it only happens like this because people are pumping shitloads of cats into the US wilds non-stop
It's because cats were introduced by humans, you retard. Feral cat populations are entirely self-sustaining, which is why they're such a problem.
Big cats are about as relevant to housecats as grizzly bears are to your poodle.

Not exactly phylogenetically, but it's an apt comparison.
African Wild Dogs and Wolves are chief among the apex predators.
>resorting to this level of petty semantics so that you don't have to admit you were wrong
How embarrassing for you. You don't have to use the term "apex predator" if you triggers you so hard but poodles aren't killing tens of billions of wild animals every year >>4847562.

Ignoring the central point of an argument to focus on irrelevant details is a great way to let everyone know that you don't have a rebuttal. Cats are extremely efficient killing machines and letting your cat outdoors has a huge negative effect on your local wildlife.
you are evil
>It's common knowledge that all animals live longer in captivity than in the wild.
pet cats who are allowed to roam outside aren't living in the wild you nutcase
Roaming dogs are actually currently threatening over 100 species of large animals in thirdie shitholes.

Dogs are also extremely efficient killing machines. The only difference is our culture encourages keeping dogs controlled and tempering their natural hunting instincts, and permits the habitual neglect of cats.
>You don't think animals are people? You acknowledge that its ok to have a pet because they're so dumb they can't care? Evil.
Silence, vegan.

Verification not required.
You sound high strung. Caniform > Feliform in terms of power scaling. See: bears.

What other metrics did you want to measure?
the fuck are you talking about psycho
cats are not people/children/babies and I'm not a vegan
you're a freak
Animals are too stupid to be bothered by captivity.
The dumber they get, the more captive they can be without being bothered. it sounds harsh but it's also the truth. And it only sounds harsh because you can't separate the fact that something does have a mind and emotions from the fact that it's also lesser than you. Which is kind of strange, really. For most of human history people had no problems admitting that they were vastly superior to animals.
Are you pretending to be retarded or am I dealing with the real thing? Captive animals live longer than wild animals because they're safe from the very many dangers they're exposed to in the wild and yes, your pet cat living outside is indeed "living in the wild". Where the fuck else would it be living? Do you think that feeding it occasionally protects it from being hit by cars? Does petting it protect it from parasites?

Typical midwit 4chan coward picking and choosing what part of posts he responds to so he can avoid engaging with points he can't refute. Pathetic.
>An indoor cat has no risk of getting hit by a car, killed by a dog, eating any of a very wide variety of poisons it could encounter, being killed by sadistic humans, etc etc.

Are you really so desperate to avoid the fact that your cat has a much greater likelihood of a long life if it lives indoors? If you're so uncomfortable with the fact that you're almost certainly shortening its lifespan by letting it "roam outside" then either keep it inside or deal with the facts honestly. Lying to yourself isn't going to help.
shut up dumbass
you think a cat who goes out into a suburban neighborhood to roam around for a few hours a day is living in the wild?
I suppose I must be being trollled
Can you refute this or can you just angrily screech at it?
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>you think a cat who goes out into a suburban neighborhood to roam around for a few hours a day is living in the wild?
[eats your cat 5 houses down so you never know it's them]
How do you respond without sounding mad?
doubling down? ok stupid butt
A little too easily
>Fantasizes about poisoning random dogs every time a cat goes missing
Catredditors are a funny bunch

They do something stupid, and then when it doesn't turn out, they fly into a murderous rage. Do you also fantasize about going on a john wick styled mass shooting whenever your cat gets booted or towed? Why not just keep your pet confined to your property? Because what you fantasize about *IS* justification for violence, directed at you, in the form of law enforcement.
>Outdoor cat owner attitude, car edition:
>*parks across 3 spaces*
>*gets car keyed*
>what the fuck i was just parking for 10 minutes its a free country *cocks gun* WHO THE FUCK TOUCHED MY FUCKING C*shot*
Did you not read your own post?
>without sounding mad?
Is cattards response always “kill”? They want to poison dogs, shoot wildlife… they’re worse than their shitty pets.
It's so funny how "dogredditor" has triggered this guy so much he's trying to reclaim it like some leftist retard lmao
No wonder "dog" is an insult in every language.
After all 4 Chan is a cat website and Reddit is a dog website.
4chan is an anime website
Reddit is a copying 4chan poorly website

>but caturday!
No, 2020 schizo. Funny cat pictures don’t mean we have to love cats and hate dogs. 4chan had more loli than cats, and /l/ predated /an/, so, CP website? Obviously not, even though loli is pretty close to anime
child is an insult in every language

dog is not
>nooooo dont steal my revisionist meme from 4 years ago noooooo
Dogs = aryan
Cats = semitic
Dog website. Go back.
Dogs aren’t Aryan by any sense of the word, they’re at the descendants of highly inbred Slavic pagans or Mongolians.
>CP website
More accurate than anything dogfuckers or catretards will shout in their console war bullshit.
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If you're cat doesn't bring home wild rabits and moles you didn't raise her right.
The keeping of dogs in cities, the use of leashes and collars, and holding dogs up as a protected animal all originate in the indo-iranian (aka aryan) region where the first human cities were erected by a class of blue eyed god kings from asia. They brought their dogs with them.
My point is none of them are accurate. “Dog website” is just to piss off paleoschizo because he gets suggestible during his brief and limited psychosis and its fun to mess with him.

The only technically true statement is “animal board” meaning you can’t hate either nor hold untrue beliefs that would lead to or justify human actions that harm them. Such as “prong collars are good training tools” or “cats should roam the neighborhood”.
Post more idiocy like this so I can add it to my copypasta .txt folder
It’s not idiocy. It’s very well documented history.

The first human city was also the first one where people walked their dogs. They also had cats, but it wasnt possible to keep them indoors. Too smelly. At the time this was ok because they were in their native range.
>If you're cat
EU savages killed their ecosystems long ago
Ok woman, link your only fans so I can help pay some of that tuition.
You can find me on OF as nicky longrich
Fuck you
>This thread's also full of effeminate hipster faggots who type in all lowercase. You're all cancer.
Holy shit you're right
So far not a single argument has been presented against letting cats roam outside in the UK
It's a non native predator that will kill for fun and has a high breeding capacity.
Domestic Cats are closer to wild Cats than dogs are to wolves
90% of cats in the UK are neutered
with the scottish wildcat it was just a pure downgrade because the domestic cat is a desert variant and the offspring suffer outbreeding depression. cat DNA is less flexible and they adapt slower so it's been harsh on what was once a population of larger, fluffier, superior cats. it wouldn't be so bad for their survival if the domestic cats were already like the scottish wildcat, ie: maine coon but they're mostly smaller, sleeker, and retarded.

it's like if shiba inu fucked canadian timberwolves isntead of a bunch of working huskies, mastiffs and malamutes that still produce really competent offspring
so are humans you fag
>you think a cat who goes out into a suburban neighborhood to roam around for a few hours a day is living in the wild?
To the extent that it is exposed to all of the dangers that result in lower lifespans for animals living in the wild then yes, for those few hours it effectively is. Is this really that hard for you to understand? Outside is more dangerous than inside and there are no degrees to being outside. If you're freely roaming outside then you're freely roaming outside and putting a time limit on it does not magically keep your cat safe from the many dangers it can encounter.

I notice you keep ignoring my mentions of those dangers. Is that because you know it's true and have no rebuttal or...?
Any discussion on this website is just bad faith circling the drain. Everyone is a dogfucker that wants to hang cats or a cat rapist that wants to poison dogs. You are both retarded, nitpicking and biased I win goodbye.
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Protip: true lilies are extremely toxic to cats, to the point that even just nibbling on the leaves or sniffing up some pollen will probably kill them. This is cruel, however, as it kills them through renal failure and is agonizing.

>inb4 dogfag
I destroy all of the feral and invasive animals (cats, dogs, pigs, carp, brown trout, starlings, rock doves, goats, etc.) I can when I get the chance. I don't enjoy killing animals that should have been pets or livestock but I would rather have more songbirds and mustelids and native trout than starving cats and mangy dogs and destroyed grasslands. I also advocate for the abolishment of both public-land grazing and the commercial harvest of virgin timber, severe restrictions on all distribution of potentially invasive flora and fauna, mandatory and complete rehabilitation of resource exploitation areas and the re-establishment of a proper fire regime in western North America. The native flora and fauna of North America of this continent constitute a precious common heritage and their continued existence and health should be a national policy priority.
I think it's hard for you to understand actually
you're a brainwashed simpleton
Builds character.
Cats don't stand a chance in the US.
>nothing left but limp dicked insults
I think we're done here. Thanks for trying; I accept your concession. Now that you understand, stop letting your cat outside.
>i like animals
The worship of an ecosystem as it was before man is a form of pagan gaia worship and is perpetuated by satan himself

Torture and murder is not justifies because you want to look at different lifeforms you NARCISSISTC CUNT
I know right

I have to provide shelter and food specifically for house sparrows because of all the retarded psychopaths that think them being technically invasive (they were, like, 100 years ago) gives them an excuse to kill them.

All of these animals are naturalized and here to stay. They will always live where humans do. If you want "muh pristine nature", stop destroying it to build parking lots, and you can admire all the sensitive overspecialized snowflakes that live in it. You are killing shit for no reason.
>I kill peoples escaped pets because muh untouched nature
If I caught you shooting one of my pets, I'd blast you, from the front, and claim you were aiming at me and screaming schizo shit calling me a mossad agent
>If I caught you shooting one of my pets
You won't, but fantasize about it if it makes you feel better. If your dog/cat gets shot then it's because it was roaming on my property rather than being kept safe on yours. You will never know what happened - your "pet" just won't come home one day.
When my pets get out I run after them. They don't leave my sight.

To you, I'd just be walking down the street.
And then I'd be the end of you.

Good riddance to fake environmentalist fucktards using the invasive species meme to justify killing random animals. Also, I've talked to a few of you in person and you're invariably anti-gun liberals so I think you're more of the type to have burning bottles of vodka land on his roof after his neighbors 5th cat disappears.
>All of these animals are naturalized and here to stay. They will always live where humans do.
Unfortunately this is probably the case.

>If you want "muh pristine nature", stop destroying it to build parking lots, and you can admire all the sensitive overspecialized snowflakes that live in it.
What have I said that could possibly make you think that I am in favor of more parking lots?

>You are killing shit for no reason.
I'm doing what I can how I can and in some cases it absolutely makes a difference. Furthermore most of my efforts are constructive and not destructive. I put up bat boxes and raptor posts, I plant native flora (especially trees) that I get from local ag extensions, I clear what non-native species, I can, etc.

>>I kill peoples escaped pets because muh untouched nature
>If I caught you shooting one of my pets, I'd blast you, from the front, and claim you were aiming at me and screaming schizo shit calling me a mossad agent
Obviously I don't kill pets; I'm not some psychopath getting his jollies . Owned and cared for domestic animals and livestock are not feral by any stretch of the imagination no matter where they are and likewise it would be require the imagination to be stretched past the breaking point to imagine that the collarless, half-starved, mangy, tick-covered pibble mix that I shot could possibly belong to someone - especially since it had been coming around for a week before I managed to pick it off.
Cats are social
>This animal deserves to live because it was here before humans
>This animal deserves a painful death because it was here after humans
Congratulations, you're a psychopath looking for excuses to kill things.

Ecosystems change. Your murder fetish won't stop it. Life is life, you are destroying life because you refuse to allow it to change. You see bloodlines instead of lives, but bloodlines aren't alive. They're an abstract concept that doesn't matter. Life is life. If species A dies out and species B lives, there is still life, it doesn't matter. You are losing an evil war, and when you die, you will burn in hell for it, and the mortal authorities will catch up with you too.

Cats are weakly "social" in that they stay in a prolonged confused kitten like state where they're simultaneously treating everything they don't overtly hate or fear like both a kitten and their parent. This is an artefact of domestication, not what's usually meant by "social animal". It's not a natural behavior with any function and without humans cats revert back to being solitary after several generations if they can survive in the wild (ie: australia).
>To you, I'd just be walking down the street.
There is no "street" near my home and if you keep your pets indoors and retrieve them if they get out then clearly I'm not addressing my comments toward you.

>Also, I've talked to a few of you in person and you're invariably anti-gun liberals
Ah yes, not at all like the guys who spend their time fantasizing about shooting people to protect their cats.
I changed my mind. I wouldn't even wait for you to shoot my cat.

Once I caught wind of what you were doing near me I'd destroy everything you owned, you'd disappear, and nature would reclaim its land from a hostile invasive ape. Environmentalism!
>Ecosystems change.
And humans are by far the single most significant cause of that in the last few centuries.

>Your murder fetish won't stop it.
Correct. A few million people who share my views might make a pretty significant dent though.

>Life is life, you are destroying life because you refuse to allow it to change. You see bloodlines instead of lives, but bloodlines aren't alive. They're an abstract concept that doesn't matter. Life is life. If species A dies out and species B lives, there is still life, it doesn't matter. You are losing an evil war, and when you die, you will burn in hell for it, and the mortal authorities will catch up with you too.
Nihilistic garbage.
This is your brain on Abrahamism.
>It's nihilism to respect life
Nihilism wouldn't care about your murder fetish

I care about life. Individuals in nature compete with each other constantly. I don't care if the animal killing bird A is another copy of bird A or a new bird B. It's just life. Let nature be and evolve on its own.
>Nihilism wouldn't care about your murder fetish
The teenage buddhist-tier equivalencies are what I was referring to.

>I care about life. Individuals in nature compete with each other constantly. I don't care if the animal killing bird A is another copy of bird A or a new bird B. It's just life. Let nature be and evolve on its own.
By that logic you should have no objection to my position or actions.
I do, because you're a genetic dead end, and those "bad" animals aren't.
I don't have a cat, because I live in an apartment
I would never keep a cat in an apartment in the middle of a city where they can't roam freely, people who do are sick, selfish, ignorant, and borderline evil
Cats don't care about roaming freely. Every indoor cat I've known has been extremely happy and well socialized. Indoor/outdoors and outdoor-onlies always act like PTSD victims towards strangers (gee i wonder).
They might care about dying horribly
indoor/outdoor cats do not act like ptsd victims
happiest cats I've ever met
you brainwashed delusional freak

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