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I look like that and say that
Stupid-ass birds.
hello beautiful
Other than owning an albino giraffe, I can't think of a more "fuck you I'm a noble" move than owning a bunch of albino peacocks.
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They are so pretty bros.
I once saw one escape its enclosure at the zoo
alles erdereich ist oesterreich untertan
>albino peacocks
The ones you posted are leucistic, anon, leucistic. Albino peacocks are very rare and have red eyes and pink legs.
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Imagine having a peacock enclosure and not just letting them meander around freely as an intentional part of the zoo design.

t. Cape May Zoo enjoyer.
We used to do that in my city but then a bunch of them casually followed people out the front gate and ended up on the highway
There was an extremely low speed police chase and two died :(
-1 Charisma
+2 natural armor
killer tofu
john madden!
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I-E-A-I-A-I-O, why
As we light up the sky

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