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This beautiful specimen shall be the champion of TFD
I support your cause wholy but I'm unsure if TFD is more important or TMD is
Total Flying Insect Death is the only way to go I suppose
the other day i was taking my daily walk and a huge fucking horsefly kept harassing me and trying to land on me. he'd try to land on me then fuck off for a few minutes. i got tired of his bullshit and started walking with my pocket knife in hand. when the little fuckwit finally came back i swiped my knife and cut the fucker in half right down the middle. pic related is how i felt.
Just put nets in your windows and keep your apartment tidy.
you fucking cut a fly in half in midflight?
yep. it was one of these big bitey fuckers. he was hovering in place trying to land on me, and i fruit ninja'd his ass.
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>When the insect lands on an animal, it grips the surface with its clawed feet, the labium is retracted, the head is thrust downwards and the stylets slice into the flesh. Some of these have sawing edges and muscles can move them from side-to-side to enlarge the wound.
>Unlike many biting insects such as mosquitoes, whose biting mechanism and saliva allow a bite not noticed by the host at the time, bites from tabanids are immediately irritating to the victim
>Bites can be painful for a day or more; fly saliva may provoke allergic reactions such as hives and difficulty with breathing.

>Jelous flyboy?
horsefly you better evolve into something different motherfucker or else
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that is awesome
i should try this with my portable boxcutter some day whenever I need to swat a couple of bothersome flies
You got some lucky quads, hopefully you succeed
I became pretty skilled at clapping deer flies over the summers in my youth. They are relentless little niggers, they wont give up no matter how many types you slap them away. You gotta crush them.
I like mosquitoes. They breed in my koi pond and I don't even have to buy fish food because the larva and algae are good enough. I haven't fed them in two years.
I wish to procreate with this creature

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