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>He followed me into my yard and is now inside my home. I tried asking neighbors if it belongs to anyone and so far nothing
Should I call animal control?
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Wow, you have a free basset hound. The spiritual forces have bestowed a gift upon you.
But yeah, somebody is missing that boy badly. Make a post on your community’s Facebook. Bassets are extremely attached to their families.
You should check to see if it's chipped.
I almost forgot I chipped my girl a long time ago. Just reassured me a little more.
If you have a "next door" app you can use that too. Any vet, firestation or pound should be able to check for a chip. Please require proof of ownership( pictures/paperwork) that says the dog is theirs. There are unfortunately a lot of nasty people out there. Thanks for letting home hang out with you.
He might have smelled something an followed his nose from quite a ways. Saw a basset once that had been missing for two weeks. When he was found, every spare spot on both his ears had been taken over by engorged ticks. Probably 100 or 200.
Fuck all these nerds, you just got a free beagle. Good lookin' one too. Keep him.
Is it blind in the right eye?
Aw, he's an old feller too. Be nice to him OP please.
Like other anons said, check nextdoor or even facebook if you're trying to find the owner. You could probably make a non-emergency call to the local police station to ask too. Ring their front desk and not 911
Yeah do this if you want the cops to come to your house and shoot the dog.
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He looks well taken care of so do your best to get him back home
>t. just put down my good boy of 14 years
That is one old ass dog.
Seems that way. Had to carry him when i took him out for a walk.
Faggot thread
>seething because he has not got a free basset

Waiting on responses, some folk I'm glad I'm taking care of him,but no actual leads on the actual owners. Had to calm the old boy down due to a local flash flood in the area riling him up to howl. My own shih tzu has never howled yet/before. I'll try to get him checked for a chip as soon as I can, hopefully tomorrow.

Is it common for run aways/strays to not have their collar on them?

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