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I confess, as a cat owner, that dogs are the superior animal. More loyal, more friendly, less likely to destroy the local environment or carry parasites back into your home from killing rodents. They're cute and encourage owners to take up healthy habits through daily walking.


They smell really bad, 1 billion points to the cats. Cats win.
i just feel like a dog is a lot of fucking work if you want to do it right. Cats are smart enough to have some basic affection without being smart enough to need constant socialization. I can leave a cat alone for 3 days with some extra food and water out and not feel bad. A dog is a pack animal and abandoning it like that just seems cruel.
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I love the way my dog smells
gandalf said calmly
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The first console war post I have laughed at in a while. 1 billion keks OP.
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...avada catdavra.
>posts cat semitic origin greentext
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fuck off nerds. lord of the rings is gay.

we only watch the good shit like fooly cooly
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>fooly cooly
>not dead leaves
you flangelets baka
That's a female not a flangelet you double orangutard
That just means >>4846166 was depicting themselves as a woman, and frankly, you bitch like one too. It was just a small jab anon.
Imagine the kind of mental illness required to post shit like this every day of your life. Psychiatrists would have to create new diagnoses.
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Miss me with that gay shit.
Real men watch Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.
Dogs are stinky but it's a good stink.
If you can't hang just wash them
dogs smell fucking great

>mmmmm cedar
>mmmmm violets
>mmmmm cornchips
Comparing them is quite stupid, they're very different animals. Why not compare a dog to a fish? Or a rodent? A reptile? End this 10 year old cats vs dog bullshit. I think they're both great pets.
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Musky cookie
Yesterday after I posted this I got home and discovered my dog decided to find a dead toad and then smeared dead rotten toad guts all over her body

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