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The italian city of pavia has a huge and stable population of feral parakeets that live and nest in the city centre. They're not indigenous, they're the result of repeated, accidental and cumulative escapes of exotic pets from their owners. The fact that not only they survived but thrived is a fascinating testament to their endurance and resourcefulness
I wonder what his favourite cereal is?
Still better than pigeons. They're nicer looking and more intelligent than those flying rats
I prefer pigeons.
We have them in Naples, too. We also have marsupilamis (genets) and, where my family's summer house is in Calabria, some weird, Asian squirrel for some reason.
They are very noisy compared to pigeons. Also, I don't know what they eat, atleast with pigeons you can see them bobbing around.
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smart birds are not good. they don't think like mammals. they're filthy, destructive, and psychopathic.

i'd rather have 9001 cats than 9001 feral budgies.
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Sparrows are so plentiful in the US that most people don't realize they're an invasive species that fucks up other songbirds.

I feel like birds and humans are the two most versatile species on the planet in the sense that you can just drop them anywhere and they'll probably adapt and possibly thrive. Tropical penguins are the most baffling ones to me.
House sparrow haters disgust me

They've been here forever. They're naturalized. Not their fault they outcompete other birds when you set up free food, which sparrowchads are better at eating than native cuckbirds. That's actually your fault.
>facilitate house sparrow populations by providing birdfeeds and birdhouses for them
>We also have marsupilamis (genets)
In Naples? Where? This is the first I've heard of it
small to medium sized omnivores are like that.Pigs and rats are the same
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I saw a lot of them in Rome and surrounding areas. There's also a sizeable population in one of Brussels's parks. Here's a picture I took of their nests last year.
that parakeet looks different than mine

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