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Studies have shown cat owners to be more intelligent than dog owners

google it
You both cower before the average salt water aquarium enthusiast.
I'm not gonna but cats are mainly urbanite pet, while dogs are kept as guard animals in rural places, so it does sound plausable. The intelligence is not in any way related to the ownership though.
The indoor chicken farmer has those two beat
heavy autism does NOT equal high intelligence
case in point: all the failed normalfags on this site
now here is a gentleman of refined tastes
>heavy autism does NOT equal high intelligence
I didn't say this or think it's relevant.
>I didn't say this
no but it was heavily implied
>or think it's relevant.
proving my point instantly, thanks

and before you ask, being a fish fetishist is for autists only
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I googled it and the "study" was a survey of a couple hundred college students in dorms. It did not show anything.

I concur that it is "likely" that only an actual idiot would try owning a dog as a full time student (although not conclusively proven). However, logically, no correlation can make merely being a "cat owner" increase your intelligence.

In fact, trying to turn this into a means of evaluating people is a total waste of time, as you haven't established IQ distributions either. Clearly, many intelligent people have owned dogs as have many lower class idiots who habitually abuse them. What if the cat distribution were simply much narrower? What if correlation did not equal causation? Have you tried controlling for breed, reason for owning a pet, and considered disqualifying people who don't keep cats indoors since they don't really own pets?

See OP, this is called CRITICAL THOUGHT and it is something that doesn't typically accompany an ego unless you can manage about 130 on that chart
samuel clemens and erwin schrodinger also liked and owned dogs
It was one survey, at one university, distributed among 600 students. Imagine that, a university, with housing that is dog-prohibitive, housing more cat people who are more likely to have higher education because... they're in a university.

That'd be like going to a Navajo reserve, asking a bunch of random people there what languages they speak, then declaring that the second most popular language in the world is Diné bizaad.
Studies have shown that people who attempt to use random correlations to prove that they are more intelligent than some other people in lieu of intellectual achievements are not actually intelligent and lack the cognitive ability to have such achievements
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>"so you are telling me, that after anons point out how shit OPs factoid is regarding cat owner IQ that those same high IQ cat owners post so|yjacks?"
>"well...that's surprising"
105 iq midwits who hide their lacking intelligence behind reading pop sci rags prefer cats

dog ownership is constant from "people" who are dumber to gorillas to einstein
>he thinks the studyjack was directed at one person in particular
how low iq of you
I do not know, but fence sitters are just as retarded. Especially fence sitters who go into a console war thread, post a studyjack after one side talks about how OPs studies are shit and then is shocked when anons assumed it was a counter to support OPs side. Learn contextual reasoning faggot.
>contextual reasoning
>cant into context of making fun of muh studies in a muh studies thread
how low iq of you
Jesus, I don't even want to know how stupid dog owners are if they're dumber than the white trash lady across my street shouting each evening for her cat to come home.
I diagnose you with terminal midwititis if you actually took OPs post seriously
It's not implied. You are mentally ill if you see meanings and context that is not there.
OP here

That was not the study I meant
4kike's jewish tranny child rapist mods are the cancer killing 4chan.
it's meaningless regardless if you apply basic critical thought which if you did you would not have made this shit thread and got dunked on by your dog loving superiors

catfag iq distribution = iq 100-110
doggod iq distriution = iq 5-200
deal w/ it

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