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If I took every single ant on the planet - all 20 quadrillion of them - and dumped them in the middle of the pacific ocean, would any of them survive?
no, theyll get picked apart by everything
which ocean?
Still, if birds start flocking to eat all the ants some of them will become attached to the bird and escape to land. Other ants can fly (though probably not thousands of kilometres).
The question is whether enough queens will survive to restart the population.
the answer is still no, its the PACIFIC ocean, it just gets torn apart by fish, crabs, weather, whales
I give them one nightly vertical migration of the parade of a several trillion whatever the fucks coming up from the deep for their midnight snack before they’re gone. That’s not even counting what the day shift planktonivore feeding frenzy does to them.
Yes, all of them. They all survived and are very mad. They know where you are OP, you cannot stop the consequences to come. You stand no chance
>If I took every single ant on the planet - all 20 quadrillion of them - and dumped them in the middle of the pacific ocean, would any of them survive?
But that's so unrealistic. You could never take all 20 quadrillion ants on the planet and place them in the middle of the pacific ocean. It's just not possible. You couldn't do that.
Theoretically it's possible
But that would never happen!
some would probably make it to land on floating logs. maybe even some pregnant queens, given the enormous initial quantity

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