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dark oxygen finna go crazy on Earth
This I'd incredible because hydrothermal vents were supposed to still rely wholly on solar derived oxygen, unlike what popsci made out, but this could prove that oxygen generation could occur in the deep sea too
wow I can't believe there was oxygen present in an ocean of H2O

truly mind blowing
It's incredibly depressing because the "batteries in rocks" that globohomo wants to mine to keep selling consoomers disposable EVs are absolutely required for deep sea ecology to exist.

The rocks are producing oxygen by electrolysis. The great EV scam (because actual alternative power sources wouldn't force the goyim to buy at least half a new car every 5 years) is going to kill the oceans.
Yeah what did you think the O stood for dumass
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i forgor this wuz the boomer board. Sorry gramps
Genuinely curious, what do you propose as an alternative? As far as I know, we don't have any technology that is truly environmentally friendly.
Energy production/storage technology*
Hydrogen cells and more investment into public transit and interstate high speed rail powered by nuclear.

EVs are not ready and we could save more of the environment by simply stop being capitalist for a bit. We're already essentially socialist so free enterprise doesn't matter. Shutter most of the car industry. FORCE people to stop driving. Put the "lost jobs" to work on public works projects and make up for the funding with more toll roads. Ezpz.

But no, that's against freedom so instead they'll just ban gas cars in city centers and force people to lose even more of their money by giving it to the auto and mining companies that lobbied for this bullshit.
>fuck your job, go dig the fucking trench faggot, it's for the environment, and ride the AIDS-infested bus for 3 hours to get to the trench
Oh boy.
>EVs are not ready
neither are hydrogen cells. they are also much much more volatile. you thought a lithium battery fire was extravagant? wait until you see hydrogen cells ignite
NTA but we're not getting out of this shit by jumping on bandwagons for quarter assed solutions only propped up by their marketing budget.

That anon is a shit that wants to take my cars but we don't need to be making ICE'd shitboxes forever, current population center planning in america is a bunch of shit, it's fucked, globalization means something makes about 10 trips around the world before something gets consumeed enough to be disposed, then it makes another couple of trips,

We got shit to figure out, and it needed to be figured out 5 minutes ago.

I don't want the future to be exactly like today but 10x worse.
Nice digits and we have the means to do biodiesel but it has its own ecological impact. The most limited-impact would just be to add a pantograph to all the roads, but that's limited by the practicality of retrofitting all the cars and roadways for overhead wire.
Return to monke
Wait until you learn there's more water being made from solar winds pushing hydrogen into the planet where it mixes with the solid oxygen core to create water
meds now
damn dude forbidden knowledge really offends you that much huh
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