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My cat won't stop pissing on the couch. I've spayed her, deep-cleaned the couch multiple times and have tried all those odor removing enzymatic sprays and have enough litter boxes in the house that I clean everyday, but she just won't stop
Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give her away
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get a new cat
get a new cat that's the same color and give it the same name

no one can ever tell and in time not even you will know
plug her urethra
wrap your couch in plastic
Bleach your cat
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Can we get a photo of her with her masterpiece, for the collection?
Spay her again. Once clearly was not enough.
Go to the vet, she could be associating pain with the litter box and could have something wrong.
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>I don't want to give her away
What makes you think anyone would take in your shitty piss cat anyway?

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