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Found this bite on my leg and don’t know if it’s from a spider or a bat. My wife thinks it’s a spider bite but I want to see if anyone recognizes it.
That's a bat bite bro go get a rabbies shot unless you enjoy your brain melting
Looks like a spider bite to me. Bats rarely get that clean of a puncture.
All I know is that the reason why I found it was because it was itching like a motherfucker and bleeding
No one here is gonna be of any use, try Reddit instead.
What country are you from?
Eastern Canada to be exact. Next to Maine near Quebec.
>clean two small holes
They're also 4mm apart from one another
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Not as reassuring as you may think. Bats bites can be super small.
NTA but 4 millimeters is a bit too much for the species that live around Quebec. OP probably got bit by a spider or something which is why he complained about itchiness.
So what is it?
OP here. Guess it was a bag with rabies guys, I'm dying.
Show it to a professional but in my opinion it is clearly a bat bite.
How can you tell? To me it just looks like OP has two little red dots on him.
The gay, I'm sorry anon, you'll die in 24 hours from severe homosexuality.
Genuinely just looks like a scrape. The holes don't match in size.
Probably a hematophagic insect or just a scrape. Maybe you brushed against a nettle or something. Spiders don't just randomly bite you without you even knowing they're there and vampire bats aren't anywhere near Canada.
>vampire bats aren't anywhere near Canada.
Deadly stupid
Bro if it was a bat you would've heard and felt that fucker. It's not like a mosquito that's a god damn mammal, guy. I vote spider bite.
Zooming in it doesn't look deep at all. And the holes aren't uniform in size. So it was probably an insect bite that you scratched the shit out of.
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Good news! I don't its a bat bite! I keep waking up with similar bites all over me. So unless a bat does this or I just have a really bad insect problem.
Why are you do pale?
You've got bedbugs.
You got chiggers, little shits will bite you a couple times before figuring out you're not deer
You sure those are from the same thing?
Well I don't know does it look like it?
You a vampire yet?
No. Sadly. Although I guess I’ll have to wait a year to see if it really was a bat bite. I never recalled seeing any bats or anything so it was probably nothing but I’ll make posts going through dying of rabies if it ends up killing me for any anons interested.
I'd rather get bitten by a bat than bedbugs. i was suspecting you got bitten by bedbugs from the start
Brown recluse bite

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