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What are the differences in "character" between bears and canines? They seem really similar psychologically
Bears are more similar to felines than anything OP. They even have compareble cognitive compacity
File: Caniformia_2021_Montage.jpg (690 KB, 1920x1185)
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they're caniforms so year
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Literally the first result.
Toxoplasmosis fags btfo!
They're most related to weasels in both their solitary pump and dump lifestyle and genetics. Which is somewhat cat-like.
I think what Anom meant is that bears are much more cat-like mentally due to similar social structures (or lack thereof). OP's question wasn't about pure genetic relation, but about behavioral similarity.
I'll compare 2 in my area, black bears vs coyotes

- bears are more solitary, coyotes travel in packs
- bears are opportunistic omnivores and forage berries, garbage, etc. coyotes mostly hunt.
- bears don't make a sound except occasional grunting and moaning, coyotes often howl and yip.

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