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Fox Paw Edition
Post and discuss foxes, but make sure to filter all tripcode users and report all potential fetish content. In any case, let’s give our all in making /fox/ a wholesome place.

Previous: >>4837854
>report all potential fetish content.
>OP image is a fetish
Is this how furfags roll now?
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Hope we can end this streak of garbage forced drama OPs with the next one
Put those claws away, you're going to hurt yourself
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Doubtful. It's pretty clear the higher-ups have no problem w/ having >>>/pol/ take over the entire chan. Maybe they always click all the ads or smth.
crops are looking fine
I haven't seen her in like 2 weeks. Too many skunks in the feeding area, they had babies now the babies are growing up and being little pigs eating everything. Come to me foxy.
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If a bit wilted.
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Would a fox look good in human skin?
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Nothing looks good in human skin
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is it true that everyone here is a furry?
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Imagine seeing a fox looking over its shoulder at you like its inviting you to follow it and you follow it into the forest but it keeps leading you further and further and you get lost and can never find your way out and your friends and family will act like you never existed and you can only leave after you've fully accepted your new life as a fox
You know, hypothetically
I wouldnt follow, hes black
Sounds like gross furfag tourist fetishism. I direct you to read the OP, then kill yourself.
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You're not subtle.
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imagine pawjob
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Schniff sniff where the bnuuy wabbits at
Let's go.
Can we get the webm of the young fox playing in the snow?
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It would be tempting. But I would have to had done a little more worse than I've done better to take that walk. Everyone I remember and don't would have to be gone. Maybe then I'd go.
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>not wanting to see zoophile erp is "/pol/"

This is an interesting tactic you're employing. Maybe this means something to someone somehow.
>the fox behind the sfaughter
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Could you identify the zoophile ERP for the court
No sir, I cannot, because it could be any fucking one of the following.
Enterprise Resource Planning

Event-Related Potential

Effective Radiated Power

Emergency Response Plan

Energy-Related Products

Environmental Research Program

Equal Rights Party

Electromagnetic Radiation Pulse

Error Reduction Program

Economic Recovery Program
so erm...what does the fox say?
Not sure which one would that be.

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