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Can anyone recommend me a good setup for wildlife photography, especially birds in motion? Budget around $2-3K.

I hear bridge cameras suck, is that true?
Why the fuck would you ask here? The internet is filled with amazing reviews and recommendations. Millions had the same question as you and the best have gathered to answer it.
How can you find honest reviews though, pretty much everything is affiliate link spam and "the top # cameras of $year"

IMO just buy something that was known to be good 5 years ago used on ebay, because technology hasn't changed that much.

Because just about every review has affiliate links to the reviewed products and therefore is not objective
Sounds like you failed to use google or mentally filter the results.
>buy something that was known to be good 5 years ago used
This gives the highest quality setup for that budget.
/p/ is legitimately a much better place to ask. It's not the most straightforward answer. Unfortunately I don't have the time at the moment to delve into it but if you're still lurking around here looking for answers later, I may be able to come back and give some suggestions.
Canon r8+rf 200-800mm

Do NOT let anyone talk you into micro four thirds. Those things suck donkey balls.
I'm not as hardcore or knowledgeable with the hobby as diehards, but I like the Sony mirrorless cameras. The A6000 can shoot burst at 11fps which is great for birds in flight, but it's not full frame. The A7 series is full frame but shoots a bit slower. I'm a poorfag so I like a cheaper body with a more expensive telephoto lens.

I had a snoy. It broke. On its own. Also, the colors were puke.

God tier: Nikon Z8+180-600
Poorfag tier: this >>4846841 or an RP instead of an R8
Boomer tier:
d750, d810, d850, 200-500, tamron 150-600
5diii/5div/5ds, 100-400 "L lense", sigma 150-600

Avoid at all costs: fuji, snoy, olympus/om-system, panasonic
My Soiny has worked perfectly after years of being treated like shit, colors are alright, must be a skill issue on your part.

You'll find there's a shit load of console wars when it comes to cameras, OP.
one sony has worked, might not be shit after all

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