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File: retard fish.jpg (1.85 MB, 2612x2280)
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I just had to rescue my retarded yoyo loaches out of this tube. One swam in pic rel and the other one swam in from the other side. They where properly stuck. I had to break the tube apart with pliers. Do your fish do retarded shit anons?
>gets in hole
>gets stuck

Sounds like a cat to me.
My freshwater fish, all the time. Saltwater, not so much.
I eventually just threw my tubes out because a vampire shrimp kept getting fully stuck in it. Fully natural aquascapes >>>>>>>>>>> everything else
I had a big fat pleco, about 4-5 inches long, who I almost never saw because he spent his 17 year life entirely inside this tiny little decorative castle prop I bought for the tank. Even after he went blind he could tell when the lights were out and would only come out then, and he was convinced no one was in the room. I'd go years without seeing a glimpse of him, wondering if he was still alive. When I saw him swimming around in full light a year ago I knew the end must be near, and sure enough he was belly up the next day.

RIP to the dragon in the castle.

I know of step one and two, though I've never encountered step three. In my experience cats are very good at judging what they can get through unless they're morbidly obese.

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