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The further a dog is from the shiba, samoyed etc phenotype (look at the face), the more of an abomination they are.
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Spitz supremacy
I agree with OP. Deviations in phenotypes are grotesque across the board. We must return to the old caucasus ethnic makeup and remove the north/south american, asian, sub-saharan and west/northern european influence from the human geome.

Lets first start with OP.
>we shouldn't breed dogs to be walking skin infections that leak drool and stink like fat faggots due to all the folds and droops
>/pol/tard: yes, and kill humans who look 5% different from boris!
Fuck off
>we shouldn't breed dogs to be walking skin infections that leak drool and stink like fat faggots due to all the folds and droops
Nice argument you made up. My point was purity testing dogs to as close to a phenotype is retarded. We should have healthy dog breeds but sperging on about how everything should be spitz or shibas (which are too deviations) for the 1000th time is just pure stupidity.
>Autist sees a general statement as hyper-specific
Folded and floppy ears are objectively less healthy
Drooping and drool leaking lips are objectively less healty
Wrinkly skin

The canine design was perfected by God. Man can not improve it. See: bloodhounds
>negro-rigging dog breeders: the bloodhounds ears are actually funneling scents into their nose.
>actual scentwork dogs: malinois, terrier, and spitz mixes with perky ears, turns out scenting ability is all training and temperament, 0% ears
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>The canine design was perfected by God. Man can not improve it.
I dont know about that. Ovcharkas and lurchers are pretty damn good. The latter are super healthy and streamlined to kill small game at high speeds and the former share the stubborn as well as independant attitude of dogs like shibas but in a more powerful frame.
>here is your spitz bro
But these are objectively pretty and clean, the best of the lapdog breeds
Shibas also have a cat like personality, I prefer cats but these are the best dog breeds
The truth is that shibafags are just closeted catfags.
>the healthiest dog breed
>the longest lived dog breed
>the most independant dog breed
>the kindest dog breed once socialised
Step aside german cotton ball
On a serious note though I hate the fact that poms do not look like this anymore. We have really fucked up the breed.
They're adorable, I wonder why they felt the need to change them?
They're more aggressive than pitbulls
Thoughts on keeshounds?
They're great. Like with Samoyeds, they were bred to be pleasant company and you can tell from their appearance.
>the kindest dog breed once socialised

If you buy one with terrier in its lineage that is where you will run into problems too.
Idk but that is a nice cat
only because retards think
>small dog = dont have to train or socialize
so its just a problem of the owner in this case (unlike breeds like pitbulls). which could be said about probably 95% of dog owners since theyre all mostly retarded, and in turn make their dogs neurotic and retarded similarly.
Also 99% of chihuahuas are owned by females who just treat them like forever babies
These are the weakest spitz link and gives them all a bad name
>uhhh if you train a pitbull it won't bite probably!!!
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I disagree
ehh, I prefer beagles.
>on an exif stripping board, so assuming mods can see his original exif
This guy knows the cops are looking for him
Yeah, some redditor made a wanted poster of Anya. Surfingsputnik says it was Leo's owner.
Why are they harassing this anon, Anya is well cared for and seems happy
Shitbull is not compareble retard.
You know why, anon.
Dogs enjoy sex and she's an adult
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