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You deserve the best.
You deserve Fancy Feast
why do like 99% of all cat foods have gravy? Even otherwise good brands have flavors ruined by that pointless filler.
Gravy is cheap and bulks out the weight. Its like watering down beer, filling gold bars with sand or mixing coke with baby powder.
I give my cat fried turkey and red wine. She is in her early 20's and still hunts rats.
I can’t imagine feeding your pet, whether it’s a dog or cat, this kind of canned slop. Kibble is similarly full of garbage since there’s zero standards to be met, they’re probably mixing in ground plastic and industrial by-products. Fitting that “dog food” is purchased mostly by fat retards who don’t even care what they put in their own bodies, never mind those of their pets. Learn how to feed your pets properly.
Mine mostly gets chopped up whole raw sardines that I buy frozen but I do sometimes mix in some actual catfood when money is tight.
I thought grapes were poison to cats. Does the fermentation change this?
Too much fish isn't good for them, feed them plain chicken it's the healthiest for them

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