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I visited London. The lack of bugs was frightening. Barely even any flies or mosquitos. Wtf man.
the pod people ate them
>id rather have mosquitoes than niggers and pakis
Its mostly east asians and metropolitan pod people who have have been everywhere that is a major capital city. The outskirts of london is where the enriched people dwell.
Nah the rest of England is a lot more fucked. I was surprised when I went there not long ago at how white/yellow it all was. Only when I went on the underground to the south or east of london did skin tone shift. Go to any other city in england and there is an equal spread.
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Guys I know London is an enriched™ shithole but the lack of insects was alarming to me.
Stop whining.
The UK is already an ecological deadzone and London is the largest city in the UK. Are you surprised? Just take the tube into the Chilterns.
stealth /pol/troon screeching thread
North and East are the worst
>The UK is already an ecological deadzone
It is compareble to most of western europe to be fair. Still plenty of nice wildlife as long as you are not one of those faggots who whine about muh wolves or big cats somehow being a determining factor of whether a country's ecosystem is shit or not.
They whacked all of their dangerous animals. It's weird. At least there are still grizzly bears, wolves, and bison in burger land.
There are some boars, but most are not indigenous
I want a world without mosquitos.
If bongs would take the boots of authority out of their asshole and throats, maybe I would like to live in the UK one day. But their police are fucking totalitarian gangsters. Only country with worse police is Australia.
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>But their police are fucking totalitarian gangsters. Only country with worse police is Australia.
I have considered leaving multiple times. I hate the goverment and the slow death towns and even small cities are going through. Everything is shit. But I still love the country side and the history of the kingdoms. I have actual, traceble ancestral roots and feel a connection I would never be able to feel anywhere else. I often fantasise about going to somewhere like Appalachia or somewhere less fucked in Europe. But I know no matter what I will miss my "homeland" and my family who are so entrenched in this quagmire of a civilised world. Not even the borderlands (wales) are safe and Ireland is being taken behind a shed kicking and screaming before the inevitable happens to them too...then again who cares fuck the Irish.
Appalachia is a good temporary refuge. Winter and early spring would remind you of home.
But I think the last place anyone can live freely is in the backwoods of the Balkans, or some further eastern Slavic state. Maybe SEA.
4 year old me when my dad dosen't bring a toy
ireland just set fire to a bunch of ipa planned areas, theyre getting very tired of britain again
appalachia is being flooded with hippy libtards and bongs already. don't do it. stay in your shithole and fix it. don't become the invasive next dune coon.
>talking about slow death of towns
>wants to go to Appalachia, the poorest area in the country ravaged by companies leaving and rampant drug use
lmao buddy stop romanticizing shit you know nothing about.
kill yourself kike
A sign of proper waste and stillwater management, with maybe a slight dash of pollution, because insecticides don't work on these cunts anymore in Western Europe.
It's a highly artificialized first world megalopolis, What else did you expect ? Teeming biodiversity and high biomass ?
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>Barely even any flies or mosquitos
i wonder why...

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