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for precious cats.

My Maine Coons have fleas and it doesn't seem to bother them much; they don't scratch that much and you wouldn't ever guess they had any. But you dig around in their fur, they're there.

I have read some pretty grim reviews of flea treatments, it seems like that shit nearly kills the fucking cat each time you dose them.

Currently I'm minded to just leave them as they are - it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. But if there was a Safe and Effective treatment option I would consider it.

What do you guys do about fleas on your cats? Have they had any bad reactions to it?
Use vet-approved treatments to get them off your cat. Once they're off your cat, fumigate your entire house to be sure you're rid of them. You will have to leave for a few days. Yes, it is worth it.
Then keep your cat inside.
>Use vet-approved treatments

A little vague there, sir

>fumigate your entire house

lmao, no thx
Whats with cats and fleas? I know the old world saying is "sleep with dogs wake with fleas" but i've never known a dog with fleas. On the other hand every other time I adopt a cat, they get fleas.
>vet-approved treatments
You what, I would have assumed this is a solved problem by now what meds do I need to get fleas off my cat.
Not OP but I have 3 cats that randomly got fleas. they are indoor cats though.
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I recently rescued a kitten that was totally ravaged by fleas. If you can bathe them, use Dawn dish soap—just the regular kind, not scented or anything else. First, make a ring around their neck with the water and soap so the fleas can’t crawl into their ears. Then, wash their whole body with it a couple of times. The chemicals in Dawn are harmless to adult cats and permeate the fleas’ exoskeletons, causing them to drown.

This kitten was born outside and has been out there since, and the fleas haven't returned.

Just don’t wash their faces with it because it can sting their noses/eyes
fleas are attracted to feces

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