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I'm thinking of volunteering because I want to spend more time around animals. I can't afford a pet and my apartment doesn't allow anything beyond a cat or dog.

I'm scared they'll just make me do menial tasks and I won't actually get to interact with any animals. I'm not afraid of work but I imagine everyone wants to be a cat socializer and work directly with the animals. Shelters don't even let you see the animals anymore, apparently most are by appointment only.

Is this a good way for me to spend more time with animals or should I try something else. Also since I'm asking on 4chan it should be obvious that I have no friends with pets I can visit.
oh you poor soul, of course if you volunteer they'll make you clean up shit for 8 hours a day, still i think that's a pretty useful thing to have on your resume, and it might help you with actually finding a work that'll let you work with animals for a living
No volunteer operation worth it's salt would allow untrained and unvetted volunteers work with animals straight away. Can you imagine how dangerous that would be? No, >>4847527 is right, you'll be doing menial tasks first, like shoveling poop and maybe assisting the employees. After a few months they might trust you to do more important jobs.
But >>4847527 is also correct in that it could lead to further employment. A friend of mine has been volunteering with a wildlife rescue for literally years with 0 prior education and they recently offered him a paid position. It can happen.
As long as your cool being a cleaner for awhile, sure. I started volunteering at 18, and it's always what the newbies do. Keep at it. You can eventually work your way up. People don't tend to last real long. It can be heartbreaking shit, but knowing you're doing what YOU can feels pretty awesome. Lots of people say they want to help, but most don't know the bad side of it (or at least aren't thinking about it when they sign on).

Give it try. You'll help some critters. You'll cry some. But it's good.
Volunteered at a shelter for a bit and all I did was clean cat shit for hours and it's heart breaking when you can't pet or play with the cats, just put them back in their cages. Risk of getting mauled by some retarded shitbull is super risky now that they clog up every shelter too. Stick with the kitties you'll live longer but you will clean a lot of cat shit...

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