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Mammals are the best group of animals since they live in all environments.
>no bugs in the ocean
>no crustaceans that can fly
>no birds live fully aquatic lives
>no fish live fully terrestrial lives
>no flying reptiles
Face it, mammals are the best.
>no crustaceans that can fly
should we tell her, bros?
>no flying reptiles
not only do we have these
they’re literally dinosaurs
>no fish live fully terrestrial lives
There’s some cool catfish that permanently live in wet dirt and dead leaves on the forest floor. They’re found in south america and I think india too.
Whales have hair and 4 limbs?
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They have hair in the fetal development iirc, and they have stubs of leg bones.
So, sort of?
flying lizards also exist
Baleen which many (maybe most even but not sure) whale species have is also a type of hair, fun fact
Mammals are fags. Fuck the age of rats.
Reptilecucks seething in the threads
>no bugs in the ocean
Why did this never happen anyways? Was it just a case of the niches already being packed? Weird how one of Earth's most successful groups that even has aquatic versions in many different ways just has no presence in the ocean
>no bugs in the ocean
Hemiptera? No. And it's impossible. Their larva lost gills ages ago. Skittery arthropods? Yes, tons.
>No crustaceans that can fly
All insects are crustaceans, but not all crustaceans are insects.
>No birds live fully aquatic lives
>No fish live fully terrestial lives
t. lobe finned fish
>no flying reptiles
Flying reptiles are one of the most common vertebrates on earth.
Dinosaurs were most likely more diverse than mammals, owing to the much longer span of time they dominated the earth. The prolifilation of their fossil remains certainly suggest so.
There are actually sea water striders ; which insect actually lives a fully aquatic life ? All "Water bugs" i know of actually need to breath air in their imago stage and are actually amphibious.
>>no crustaceans that can fly
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there are fully aquatic spiders, though they're only in fresh water. Fascinating creatures though.

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