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snake ID please

in Florida.

don't want to kill him if I don't have to but I have a small dog this fucker took a pretty bitey stance
baby ratsnake. harmless.
brown recluse
yes but that grows into adult rattlesnake.. I can't have that around my yard waiting to nip my dog.
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It won't rip it up
I'm so sad anons...I had to kill it to protect my animals. At least I did it quick. Lord forgive me.
you're going to hell where you'll be bit by thousands of rattlesnakes daily with extremely painful venom
You think the snake was just going to hang out in your yard for years? Are you retarded?
You're right I should have just rolled the dice and waited for it maybe kill my fucking dog, my elderly mother, or 6-year-old niece...

It was under my recycling bin and it tried to fucking nip me. It had to go.
You could've just called animal control or moved it, you know
>rat snake becomes rattlesnake
Is this pokemon?
it wasn't a rat snake, it shook its tail and tried to nip me half a dozen times

they would have dispatched it. it was in the middle of a residential neighborhood with kids and dogs, I don't live anywhere near the sticks

I saved my dog's life as far as I am concerned.
Rat snakes shake their tail in leaves to mimic rattlesnakes.
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Because people killing animals for the stupidest reasons is not only easy to do, but also entirely believable and with no consequence. Most people treat animal life as worthless.
this snake would have killed me and my entire family given the chance.

I regret nothing.
Try to bite it back, if it shouts out loud it's a girl
Snake? Snaaaaake!
>it shook its tail and tried to nip me half a dozen times
yes, other snakes have been known to imitate rattlesnakes. doesn't mean it's venomous. regardless, killing snakes is fine. they are all beasts of Satan.
Thanks for making this easy and admitting to trolling with >>4847735, will now hide thread <3
Masterful bait
>faggot self-bumping his lame bait thread
fuck your dog bitch
OP here, I also decided to kill my dog and get an objectively superior cat, and now that the snake is gone I can let him roam outside.
I dont care if it's a teacup chihuahua puppy with a bone disorder, your dog would ANNIHILATE a ratsnake without even intending to, and the ratsnake wouldnt be able to do a thing to it. Stop being a faggot.
>known to imitate rattlesnakes
the tail shake actually predates the evolution of the rattle, it serves as a distraction/lure when something a foot to the left of the snake suddenly moves through the leaves
Please, PLEASE be bait
OP here again. I have seen the errors of my ways, and to atone for my sins I will become a devout vegan.

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