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File: cat.jpg (51 KB, 600x600)
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Cats belong outside. If you can't stand the idea of your cat killing small animals or getting hit by a car then you shouldn't have a cat.
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I let my cats play and hunt outside with my supervision so nothing happens to them
How? Do you have a really tightly fenced back yard?
>keep cat outside
>she's a lazy fuck that stays in the backyard and doesn't hunt anything
>refuses to eat anything that isn't bologna
Same goes for children. My four year old ate several red squirrels before being struck by a heavy truck.
Nope, we go hiking in a forest. They love it
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all cats deserve a warm home to sleep in
as long as you don't mind it coming back home spayed and declawed :)
Cute, make sure you watch them close out there. Yotes can be sneaky bastards.
Don't declaw cats. It makes them more aggressive.
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Cats belong inside. If you can't stand the idea of looking after your cat or having to play with it then you shouldn't have a cat.
Don't worry, I'm always strapped

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