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My cat has been acting weird, should I put her on SSRIs?
You would be helping her to enjoy life.
even the housepets are on antidepressants
what a time to be alive
Post your doctors nose.
>falseflag dog fucker thread from reddit
why am i not surprised
The same drug for humans and animals?
But... muh horsepaste.
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>cats get flavor
>humans don't
>(YOU) vill eat the ssri and (YOU) vill be happy, pussy
This implies females are in the same category as pets, I can fap to this
All creatures on SCIENCES green earth WILL take the MEDS and they WILL be HAPPY
Starbucks frappuccino flavored SSRIs for female humans (pets) when?
When my cat needs a worm pill or whatever I just shove the pill down the throat of a sprat and hand it over.
A tiny dead fish puts up way less of a struggle than a feline princess who thinks she owns the whole house.

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