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It doesn’t matter that domestic cats indiscriminately wipe out lesser species. Cats are second to man in the pecking order. Cats have sub-dominion.
No, not really. My dog's eaten like, 8 cats.
Dogs are lower on the hierarchy than rabbits. If your dog so much as bothers my cat it’s getting buckshot through its dumb little skull.
Instead of fantasizing about violent revenge fantasies you could just, yknow, keep your domesticated mesopredator indoors. When I say "you won't do shit" i mean you could not do shit or even know who to do shit to.

You're basically a stewing little pot of hatred because you're unable to accept the way the world is and eventually you will subconsciously arrange a situation where you get shot or go to prison for a very long time.
>catfag becomes unreasonably violent when confronted with reality
sure and you’ll blow up the car that ran over mittens too

people like you are why we’re banning guns before 2030
I'm letting my cat out and there's nothing you can do about it. Better to live free than die a house cuck. What he does outside is not my problem.
What breed do you have? My Rottweiler has chewed approximately 6 cats and 5 kittens in the last 7 months.
Yeah there is actually

Your cat's getting neutered and made into an indoor-only pet. I don't like it when people set their pets up to die painfully and then justify it by fantasizing about violent acts they can't carry out. It's sad and pathetic. Cats deserve better than catfags.

You can go samefag up a storm in another thread now, go on, shoo
The coyotes thank you
>they deserve to be locked up in my studio apartment from birth to death because it makes me feel good
Do a flip faggot
>stupid dogfag thinks everyone else is a rentoid cuck like him that has neighbors 15 feet away
Why do they project so much?
Does not follow

Learn to communicate logically cat lady
>Does not follow
Sorry simple conversations are too difficult for you. I'm not really a fan of conversing with people that handle their animal's shit on a daily basis like a slave anyway.
Living arrangements do not follow from trapping your abandoned pets.

Now, would you like to explain why you are obsessed with dominance dynamics like some sort of insecure narcissist, sugartits? And, do you just come here because you relish in people acknowledging your mental invalidity? Is that why you made this thread? No such thing as bad attention for a narcy marcy?
I said samefag up a storm in: another thread. Thanks.

Don't expect cat "people" to behave rationally. A large contingent of cat owners are only drawn to the poor animals by their cultural association with mental illness and see them as a way to become esoteric and superior by association with people only a genuine idiot would look up to - a desperate genuine idiot who has moron'd their way out of having any options for fitting in.

Sort of like becoming a furry, but they abuse animals by condemning them to untold suffering and early deaths (abandoning their pets).
ye its like cats needed their own retards to balance out all the animal-beating bro-tards that got a malinois/pitbull/corso to look tough

both are probably narcissists. very insecure, vulnerable, testy narcissists. the only real difference is the cat ones post mass shooting fantasies on 4chan and the dog ones get into bar fights.
because you weren't subhuman enough
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I just saved a random t shirt design lmao
>Dogs are lower on the hierarchy than rabbits
Which hierarchy is that ma'am?
nta but my irish seter female killed all free roaming cats (except mine) within a kilometer radius when she was young
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>dogfags roleplaying having a cat-killer murder breed and trapping peoples' cats
>cat fags roleplaying shooting dogs in the head and living in the country
you guys are huge fucking faggots, this shits embarrassing
Dogs eat cats all the time. Get a husky/gsp/greyhound and just wait.

I doubt catfags are tracking down and killing dogs tho. That would require they knew where their “pets” were.
My cat would literally heem your dog.
if it was driven hunting/defence dog your cat would at most achive some deep scratches before being killed
theres big difference between some opportunistically aggressive mutt and dog that has been bred specifically for hunting/defence
they have this unbreakable drive to grab the fluffy thing and shred it to pieces
someone post that webm of the cat BTFOing the shitpull attacking the toddler
I've lost track with how many threads the dogfag is doing overtime samefagging. It's at least 4 including this one. Posting on /an/ must be the highlight of his day.
I think I know the webm you're talking about and it wasnt even shitbull just some smaller dog, maybe some terrier
believe me I've seen my calm friendly irish seter turn into dog terminator any time she seen stranger cat
I barely had time to react before it was over
it was a chow-pit mix

the difference is, aggression and predation. aggression terminates when risk gets too high. aggressive dogs would rather run than fight a cat. predatory dogs, however, are intelligent and agile hunters that are willing to take a scratch. hence german shitperds get clawed once and run from cats later, and huskies and greyhounds that are friendly and non-aggressive wave dash, teleport behind mittens and go for the neck bite and kill shake even if they get clawed or bit in the process.

this is why shitbulls are so dangerous to us. they aren’t aggressive. their brains are broken and they see humans and dogs as prey, so they keep fighting for the kill.
>the dogfag
You mean everyone you bait with these shit threads? This is a dog website, of course your bait threads get crowded.

Why do you literally beg and whine for dogchads to bully you, cat lady? Why?
Aggression is beta, predation is alpha. Aggressive things are threatened, predatory things know their worth - and that they are the threat.

This is why the borzoi is the CHAD of dogs.
>This is a dog website
Check the URL buddy, this ain’t Reddit
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It's 4chan, which is a dog website (specifically, a caniform website), correct.

Why do you think we had caturday? What's a more typical canid-person pastime, than making a meme about how dumb cats are?
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fox website, ackshually
but dogs can stay as long as they don't drool, and have pointy ears, long snouts, and bushy tails.
dogs are the biggest pieces of shits. my cat loves to hang out on my patio, and every dog that sees him goes apeshit like some pavement ape. my cat never cares, since he knows they're all chicken shits. those dogs probably takes after its owner
you're anthropomorphizing

the dogs are excited and want to pursue their lunch, nothing more. same way cats act around prey they can't get to, with all the chittering and babbling, just scaled up. it's not that your cat doesn't care it's demonstrating freezing behavior and hoping they think its dead.
you're coping like a pavement ape. dogs getting their "hunting instincts" is them going apeshit because they see something different. they bred to be prejudice and spiteful creatures.

btw my cat doesn't react and continues to nap about, when they freeze they tense up to stop all movement.
why are catredditors always this unhinged and obsessed with blacks?

the dogs want to eat your cat. your cat is pretending not to see them because reacting = getting chased. that’s all. apex predators are boisterous. mesopredators are shy. also see: humans. alpha males are loud, fit, and intelligent. beta males are introverted midwits.
No, not coping. Trying to educate a redditor.

The dogs are trying to entice the cat to panic. The cat's survival strategy is to pretend it can't see anything and hope they move on. I walk my dog past its natural prey all the time and it's just how dogs hunt. They make noise and go straight at it to entice it to panic, fuck up the escape, and get caught. It's just a passing predator/prey interaction and you're more or less trying to fault dogs for acting like their spot on the food chain. The only socially loaded part of it is this:

The dog mocking your cat was a major part of your day and a memory you STILL seethe over like a traumatized lil' bitch.
To the dog and its owner, it was just another 10lbs of meat that the dog didn't get to catch and they forgot it 10 minutes later. That cat didn't panic, but there's always another.

Maybe you keep bringing up "pavement ape" because they act like that towards you, seeing you as prey and trying to make you uncomfortable so you panic and fuck up. It's very similar to how humans hunted before we had guns. We'd try and induce panic in animals instead of stalking them.
Cats aren’t part of the food chain, you dolt. Cats, like humans, are dominionists. The cat has dominion over that territory, the dog is simply a loud intruder. The cat isn’t “freezing” in a fear response to your dog’s foolish antics, the cat is passively observing the foolishness, thinking to itself “hmm… fascinating behavior,” in Jane Goodall’s voice.

It’s very much like how when you, an African American, enter an otherwise peaceful area and start hootin’ and hollerin’ like a baboon, you might notice the white folks giving you a blank and expressionless stare. It’s not because they’re afraid of you, even knowing how violent and impulsive your kind is… it’s simply that they’re puzzled at your behavior.
>cats arent part of the food chain
They are. They are prey. Food. Fast breeding, numerous snack animals. Like a rabbit.

The rest of your post is invalidated geek rambling. Go back to playing DnD with a chatbot or whatever midwits with USI do for fun.
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>Cats aren't part of the food chain
Toxofaggots never cease to be retarded. Didn't read you're cope btw.
I don’t take insults from black people, sorry
Why is one green
the kind of coping toxobrains need to engage in
>everyone who disagrees with me is black!
the great irony is that cats and those who like them are traditionally both african. cats are strongly associated with both anti-christian and anti-nordic people.

and of course
they are part of the food chain and happen to be food for everything bigger than them, so keep them supervised when they are not indoors. that means on your property or leashed.
I'm white that's why I only keep aryan pets like dogs, quail, horses, and pigeons

Look on the bright side. Since you're probably arab, you can have a pet camel.
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That’s some next-level “NO U”’ing
>itoddler AIslop
ye fail
It’s two carets, Jamal. Two carets to quote. That’s the little sideways pointy symbol that you probably think is a vagina.
Are toxobrains just addicted to losing arguments? Why even make these threads to get btfo?

Is it a falseflagging birdfag? The rat cabal? The guinea pig cartel?
You can start the “btfo”’ing any day now… we’re waiting Jamal
Keep digging that hole. Maybe you’ll find a fossil!

Yours truly, Nick Longrich

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