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That little glimpse we got at her broken leg was painful to watch
Interesting that archived threads didnt get deleted >>4843798
Is a broken leg that bad to heal for an ostrich that you need to euthanize it? I guess it was if he decided to do it but I thought one of the points of an animal sanctuary was to take care of such injuries, like how when he showed All Things Wild you could see birds with missing wings or beaks.
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Rip to a real one
Broken leg outcomes are very dependent on animal temperament. I’m guessing that no one thought she could be trusted to not fight a splint for 3-4 weeks.

Amputation of non-load bearing body parts is small potatoes by comparison.
more surprised Kevin’s stupid ass hasn’t gotten himself killed. Not that I want it, but that bird is nothing but blind stupid rage.
wtf is that real
The pure homicidal retardation in his eyes as he writhes and jerks his head around while attacking the light wire is a special thing.
Ben may find him fried and smoking by the fence one day though.
Kevin is so fucking based but I’m surprised what happened with Homelander hasn’t happened with Kevin or worse.
Now that Homelander has died, who is the biggest animal in the ranch? i think it actually may be Ben himself
I stopped watching his channel maybe a month ago because of how much disgusting stuff he puts in now. I get that it's a fact of his way of life, but maybe he could leave it to another channel, or maybe censor it, or maybe just warn us ahead of time?
Its really hard to watch his videos and eat when every other clip is an animal taking a shit or a zooms in on a pile of shit
There's that one snake in the reptile room
Honestly thought it was just me. I think it’s his way of making sure people don’t romanticize animal rehab work as this “funny time with animals” thing. Since Ben is so popular now I’m sure alot of stupid people have tried to rescue animals and only made things worst. Reminds me of Finding Nemo causing kids to want to get clownfish and it turned out clownfish are not a kid beginner friendly fish and alot of them were being mistreated and died. Then when Finding Dory came out, pet stores had to put out warning signs saying whatever fish Dory was are not kid friendly and need special tanks
That snake is the stupidest thing he owns and I don’t know why he keeps it. It is worthless. He also just has it outside of its enclosure because it broke out and it just hides in a dark corner.
It seems he's split off the more serious topics onto a 2nd channel. Interesting to see the shift to really hammering in the realities of rehabbing to what is a largely clueless audience.
>maybe he could leave it to another channel, or maybe censor it, or maybe just warn us ahead of time?
he quite literally does all of these things you retarded pussy
this, it was a really bad break too
“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”
First Paul Harrell and now Homelander. This is turning out to be the worst week ever.
the octopus in that picture
Are the two horses he had gone?
Shit's fucked, anon.
The left a few months ago. Arthur was pretty much just a test to see if Uncle Ben could rehab a horse and the other one was just there to help that process.
From what I remember it was snapped and twisted like the same way the end of a tootsie roll is. A splint wouldn’t have done shit.
I’ve also seen that clip where the ostrich pops it’s own head off after getting stuck in some railing in some chink indoor factory enclosure.
It’s brutal to see but ostriches are one of the dumbest fucking animals alive. Lucky Ben getting to enjoy some exotic drumsticks.
>trips one(1) time
>fucking dies
how did these things survive for millions of years?
Big big fan of the vulture bros lads, they came back :)
There's no fence in the wild
Plenty of rocks to trip on
somehow the calmest birds on the property
I haven't watched in a while, how did the broken leg happen?
She got excited when he was feeding her, ran around like she often did, clipped a fence and went straight over it snapping the leg badly in the proccess
Ah bloody hell.
I miss Vinny even she never did much
Yea I watched one of his most recent vids where he rescued an otter and had to turn it off because he was constantly zooming in on a bunch of freshly shit covered towels and rags they had in the room with the otter.
He keeps things to keep them alive period. Kevin for example would have been put down years ago at virtually any other rehab/shelter.
He now has a frog or toad named pepe
I know wild animals doing wild animal things but I legit want to know what in Kevin’s retarded ass head causes him to constantly attack everything. You’d figure that stupid bird would mellow out after awhile but no he just constantly attacks every fucking thing

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