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The zoi says be the change you want to see.
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PULLED and STRETCHED exotic SNAKELINE Borzois! Meet RASPUTIN from the same litter SLENDERMAN, NUMBUH 3 and LUPIN III.
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You want fries with that?
You know what they say: the longer the nose, the longer the hose.
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wrong, the physique just morphed over thousands of years according to circumstances
If you find a breeder near you you might be able to come meet one if you say you're looking to buy a dog and want to meet different breeds.
>meet lonely borzois in your area
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the actually funny part about this is that the artist has never heard of borzois and their reality
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Legendary pic. I think some anon drew it on /an/
No, it's from Twitter.
If there's anything good on that site it's the 'zoi drawings and pics.
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>call dog for walkies
>first a nose appears
>minutes go by
>hours go by
>it's turning dark outside
>finally the entire dog has arrived
>ok lets go
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they look like a complete meme from every angle but then they growl once and it suddenly looks like you're gonna be made into the inciting incident of an xfiles episode
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>Sweet, finally my parcel has arriv-
I'd be ecstatic if that was my parcel
Is this a healthy breed?
yes, relatively healthy. they are work dogs.
good lapdog
The really long noses make them sound pretty silly.
Added another for you >>>/wsg/5678135
I saw a Silken for the first time earlier this week and it was really cute. I hope I can meet a real zoi someday.
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Why is their snout so long?
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If you want the serious answer:
>correlation exists between skull length and retinal ganglion distribution in dogs
>dogs with shorter snouts tend to be more focused onto the center of their vision, much like ourselves
>by my own speculation, this would help them recognize human faces and expressions, which would be a big help in companionship and guarding
>in dogs with longer snouts, they instead tend to be arranged in a broader horizontal streak across the retina, similar to wolves
>again, my own speculation: for sighthounds that are bred to pursue stuff, this would help them not lose track of whatever they're chasing if it makes a sudden turn (as usually done by hares and similar critters when chased)
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haha look at this normal looking normal dog
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>As I was about to turn right, I saw a borzoi. This has happened a lot recently.
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Luv me sum 'go 'zoi.
H-he's fast
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Can a Zoi take a pitbull? They used to take wolves, right?
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Can we be honourary Zois? We're white, slender and Russian.
I find it scary whenever they do the "relaxed gallop" which is already fucking fast for normal dog standards but then switch to higher gear
what are those? look really cute
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Just don't look like a wolf and you'll be fine
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Tfw you're too squashed and smashed.
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Ty. They're huskies. The boy is 100% Siberian, the girl is half & half Siberian and Alaskan.
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Posting a bundle of snoots, so I'm not just huskjacking the thread.
based bach body pillow
Nice schnoz. You should snoot it and boop it.
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Should I rescue Fiona? She is almost 3 soon. Her "issues" seems to be that she is a dog. Such as not wanting to sit around when camping. Or chasing animals.

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>POV of a shitbull going for the jugular
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Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
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Yes, they have already killed some iirc
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The Princess
The Witch King
Why do crowns and tiaras look so natural on Borzois wtf
Look at all those zois!
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Oseroff superiority.
Its pretty horrific to think about. Another race of creatures essentially capturing and mutating your race into monsterous versions that exist to hunt you down.
I'm more of a Gejeroff kinda guy
Its Teschelischtscheff, or nothing
Need to get the PULLED and STRETCHED Borzoi skeem to become a reality
For me, it's Sumarokoff
I've never ever seen a Gejeroff in any photo. I don't think they actually exist.
Oh fuck OFF.
And people make fun of Polish spelling?!
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Yes! One Perchino, extra Roman please!
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top kek, I want in on this skeem
it is "polish" spelling
unlike poos larping as evropanese, rooskies made their own letters for all their weird slav rustling noises, and it doesnt always translate well
>it is "polish" spelling
Nah, too many consonants in a row. Polish spelling would be something like Teszeliszczew. It's impossible to pronounce for non-Poles, but more efficient than Americanized spelling of ruskirunes.
theyre aryan
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but there russians, by definition not aryan let alone nordic
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is this real
Black borzoi - If you really wanna creep out your neighbors at dusk
I guess that's kinda what orcs are in fantasy.
is the other thing some golden rottweiler mix?
Literally a Bloodeborn character
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borzois are aryan hyperboreans from agartha however
no thats the Bernese.
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May the line of Zoi grow stroing
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Post more good zois!
>Dragon Ball Zoi
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Cha-la, head cha-la...
they are faustian and nietzschean and hitlerian albeit
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do you have more doggy race realism lore?
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Imagine grabbing the muzzle and booping the snoot.
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It must feel weird to have a dog just stand up and look you in the eyes.
Look down on you even...
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ominous zoi
Those squirrels can climb but the zois can stretch.
>english arriving in india
this is clearly a germanized/anglicized transliteration of cyrillic, it looks nothing like polish spelling.
Would. And if you say you wouldn't, you're a liar.

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