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>the whole board dies after I make my "SNAKED AND SLAMMED" comment
It's prophetic. The next step for toadline is snakeline. They're going to get into genetic engineering and figure out how to do sperm-mediated gene transfer.
the archons know we're getting closer to breaking free.
We will play god and reap what we will have sown.
heh. i get it. good one fellow skeemer
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Daschund genes needed
Nah, snake genes. Steal the genes from snakes, insert it into toadline and boom! Snakeline. You can already imagine them advertising them as "PART RATTLESNAKE!"
There's a toad for every occasion
Unironically good theory on what we're looking at. Inbreeding just deletes genes, delete enough and the lizard starts showing through.
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could you please post that chart
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How about a SMASHED and SLAMMED sheep instead?
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I don't know how up to date this one is, the skeem is ever evolving
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Bape is going to be the next big. Even from this tiny ass photo you can tell that he mogs.
ahahaha what the hell
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they're so stanced up
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What other animals can be SMASHED and SLAMMED in service of the skeem
>smashed and lambed
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>/an/ wipe
Oh no, the prophecies are true! Kali AWOOOga is upon us, anons.
This sis currently the most up to date one, the anon making this hasn't posted in any of these threads in a long time sadly so we will never get a finished version of this unless a miracle happens
I love how you slowly scroll from the top and it's normal looking dogs for a few generations then SLAM smashed.
>Take alien cat
>Make it even weirder
How long until they get so inbred that their eyes pop out of their skulls?

I see you
So what's the current toadline website now?
We should be linking different toadline resources for future OP's
/r/ the character select and the post number name roulette.
there is none. the bullyverse is splintered. BullyDEX is one of the best sources of bullylore, and the online archive of toadline.com.
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So, are we just really going to ignore the fact that the most SMASHED and SLAMMED animals are obtainable at your local pet store? Why don't you have one yet and get in on the skeem?
Why do people do this?
And they say art is dead

True smashing and slamming is not of the body, but of the spirit. Fish lack the self awareness necessary to experience this all important existential dread.

wheres mr miagi?
It's funny
The law has not yet stopped their sinful hands.
mr miagi isnt a toadline. study your toadlore.
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As a human, how can I induce a mental and physical state that is comparable to the suffering these beasts constantly feel?
What a blessed family tree.
Fuck, I wasted all my live savings on toadline related investments, now I have nothing left.
will gift a 20 dollar or under game on steam to whoever makes this into a real game
hopefully my luck from stealing an octs get on /vp/ still applies here
>the bullyverse is splintered
Why is this so funny
gambino get
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its not fucking funny jackass. the archons are on to us. they know we're climbing the pyramid skeem to escape the torment of consciousness by undoing evolution and retvrning to basal synapsids. we're eventually going to be depriving the reptillians who control the moon monolith soul condenser of their nutrition by devolving ourselves beneath sentience. they know the world historical importance of the toadline and bullies in general. it's time to get initiated and start SMASHING and SLAMMING before the NWO/illuminati ban it.
Thanks to the buoyancy of water, if given enough space and the right environment, fancy goldfish can still thrive and live to an old age.
Toad bullies can't thrive in any environment. They're comparatively more morphologically fucked than fancy goldfish (except maybe something like a bubbleye).
its a skeem bro, a pyramid skeem
I just don't understand the appeal of a dog that can barely breathe. I understand the appeal of eugenics, trying to create the perfect dog, but this seems to be the exact opposite.
we're creating a new species faggot. At the rate of inbreeding and mutation we're going to get something that is not just morphologically but genetically incompatible with dogs soon. especially once they start using CRISPR to SLAM some transgenic DNA into them. Maybe also do that radiation shit they do with plants in hopes of getting neat random mutations even though 99% of the time it just kills the seed. Canis Bufo is just the beginning.
mutations would help the toadline to break out of incest depression.
that's not what we're looking for, we want the bullies to be smashed, slammed and incest depressed.
The appeal, to the intended customers, is literally just that they're "exotic".
They don't care as long as it's unique (and a Pitbull).
They're basically (mostly) living NFTs.
except nfts live longer than 3 years
I'd argue they don't, really, but there's a margin of error there I guess.
bully semen unironically retained value better than NFTs over the last 5 years lol.
When literal cum is worth more than your monkey pictures that's when you should know to throw the throw in the towel
Didn’t the NFT fad last less than two years?
kekking hard at all the names
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>just spent all my savings locking in 2 gallons of Haze semen
Where do you guys find this stuff? What's the actual name for this sort of thing?
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Meant this one, but I found it again myself.
>your monkey pictures
more like your hyperlink to a monkey picture which you do not necessarily even own the copyright on
look up "exotic bully", most of this content is shared on insta/facebook/twitter, normalfag social networks. There's also an entire subgenre of rap dedicated to them

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANKdZvixsjU - this one is fucking 15 years old, in the era where bullies still had legs under their bodies. I consider it genre defining and fundamental bully lore since some of those dogs are progenitors of SLAMMED exotic lines.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukULDaVbBUY - some in spanish too lol
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Search various social media for keywords like nanobullies, exoticbullies, designerbullies, microbullies and enter the toadhole from there
>even the Aussies are slamming now
skeem is older than NFT, NFT marked crashed after like half year?
Anyone know some good keyword for the new frenchie abominations? They've got merle frenchies, long haired frenchies, loose skin frenchies etc
A true product of the skeem, even the angel wings have been SLAMMED to grow out of its neck instead of its back
A pyo from an exotic bully, idk /an/'s rules on medical images but they allow WOMB TO TOMB vore so this can't be too bad. Mother dog survived, all of the puppies in the uterus were already dead

>3 years
holy FUCK
Wonder how many babies it sired
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And then he got the dog pregnant again a week later. The skeem must go on.
he must be glad it's over
what the fuck
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>I just don't understand the appeal of a dog that can barely breathe.
me neither, but you can ask >>4868724 why they enjoy such things
not quite my friend, he failed to achieve geriatric toad status.
Thank you.
>he thinks death is the end
toadlore check failed. if his master was a skeemer there is a freezer of bullyseed available. Thousands must live.
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This. The top tier skeemers will also just clone their most prized studs.
Look at this poor fucker, his feet are all fucked up,

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Death is never the end for toadline
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The fuck kind of garloid is that
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I wouldn't hold it like that, it might explode.
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those teats are so fucked up it looks like a bad AI image, jesus
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>life is imitating art
really though AI actually has a hard time doing toads. When you ask it to give you a dog it puts the legs under it like all of the time.
Everyday we stray further from God's SLAM.
lifespans reaching into the negatives now
God bless. Even AI can't comprehend the pure fuckery that is a SMASHED and SLAMMED toad SOVL.
I hate ghetto dwellers so much its unreal.
I hate
utterly vile, disgusting repulsive subhuman abomination. the dog is kind of fucked up too.
Fluoride stare
Names my next game character
Look at the cock on that thing.
Who came up with calling scheme skeem and has a toadline ever killed someone?
How did they hire the exact same people that do VW golf stancefag edits?
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the fuck am i looking at
what is “womb to tomb” vore
anon you replied to is heavily autistic and assumes everyone ITT is either a veterinarian or professional dog breeder like they are
After much googling, "pyo" is vet slang for a pyometra, or an infected and inflammed uterus. You're looking at the "dog's" uterus, filled with pus and fetuses.
>what is “womb to tomb” vore
if you can't figure this out idk what to tell you other than lurk moar
that video of the komodo dragon eating a fetal deer right out of his eviscerated mother's womb
double roll!
Wow it's just like mine!
Does anyone unironically fw these breeds on here?
ya brah i do
got a BIG up n comer thtll hit the market by thanksgiving
but i dont want to say 2mch
>in a dog thread
>never heard of pyo
Next you're going to tell me you don't know what GDV is
i want it smashed, slammed, topped, chunked/covered
needs proven pedigree of four generations back at least 3x/inbred and five pups of 1/yr+ to show he aint shooin blanks
can pay with Cash or google giftcards
>Next you're going to tell me you don't know what GDV is
Nope. Never heard of it. Never owned a dog. I'm just here to hate on cruel breeding practices.
Teaching ghetto dwellers and hillbillies about genetics was our education system's biggest mistake
This is blatant animal torture and you faggots shouldn’t support it just for niche memes on the internet, fucking psychos
How on earth do you interpret ruthless mockery as support?
SMASHED and SLAMMED memes breaking out into the mainstream is ultimately the only way this shit is going to get banned, regulated, or simply fall out of fashion. It's like canine accelerationism. Nothing the skeemers do is really any different than the retarded shit the AKC has been doing for many breeds for a century, only far more extreme. Instead of putting german shepherds backs at a 45 degree angle they're transforming dogs into brachycephalic basal synapsids.

COI should be regulated and dogs above 20% simply should not be allowed to exist. Breeding animals intended for sale in general should be regulated. Breeds that cannot naturally give birth or copulate should not be allowed to reproduce/continue either.
Fuck, it's a twisted sort of sense.
is this the key for time treavel?
become morbidly obese i guess
i noticed that is mostly black people doing this
this is fucking disturbing
The beast craves air.
Yet his masters let him no escape.
Why isn't life fair?
Just an slave to the ape.
He looks pissed at life itself
It’s wild how the worst atrocities against God and Nature are always committed by low iq rednecks or ghetto dwellers in their basements rather then by some evil scientist in a lab. Evil truly is trivial most of the times
perfection achieved
>smashed slammed scattered covered

its really incredible how its always people that have twisted the form God has given them themselves that warp the natural world into horrible mockeries of original creation
>always committed by low iq rednecks or ghetto dwellers in their basements rather then by some evil scientist in a lab
That's only because the government learned how to cover its tracks. After ticks escaped Plum Island, they moved all their biolabs underground. With $500 billion in annual discretionary spending, imagine how smashed and slammed the creatures down below must be.
That fetus is a twin fused at the chest, Too bad there's no audio. They are lamenting it's death and said that it would have figured out how to walk.
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>assumes everyone ITT is either a veterinarian or professional dog breeder like they are
Honestly tickled pink anon thinks I'm a veterinarian or professional breeder.

I don't get much in the terms of exotic bullies in vet clinics, because breeders are the last people you want finding out you posted about their sick animals online because they can sue. And most of these bully owners are also breeding.
>They are lamenting it's death and said that it would have figured out how to walk.

they were sad they couldn't force breed it and produce more "DOUBLETOAD/DUO-BULLY, SLAMMED, JAMMED & CRAMMED TWO-IN-ONE DEAL" abominations
How do they expect a slamwich to walk when regular toads barely manage?
Really just speedrunning what supposedly "upper class" kennel club faggots did to the English Bulldog (though to be fair even the most "original" bulldog was an intentional slamming of mastiffs to squash them down and give them an undershot bite)
>its really incredible how its always people that have twisted the form God has given them themselves that warp the natural world into horrible mockeries of original creation
Don't give posh purebred dog breeders a pass, man. They've been doing this shit for centuries. People decided they had some divine right to dominate nature. It's why you can go watch old shorts from the 50s with cheery strapping lads traipsing into the jungle to beat the local wildlife into a cage to take back to a zoo for people to gawk at.

It's not about ugliness or disgust, it's about entitlement. "God granted me the right to shape the world to my will". "The fact that I'm rich means I can do whatever the fuck I want to whatever the fuck I want".
i never meant to exclude repulsively inbred anglos from the mix there, anon
it's been 80 years and brits still eat like the germans are flying overhead
Need the fentanyl blood for narcotics
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Oh so they actually use the term “SLAMMED”
I thought it was just a meme here
>People decided they had some divine right to dominate nature
Observed that we have dominion over nature. We're scrawny hairless apes. We wouldn't have reign over every continent on earth if we weren't somehow entitled to it. Abbos mog every other animal and they're not even human. Nature should have evolved better if it didn't want to be our bitch.
I rarely ever visit /an/ so this thread is confusing the fuck out of me
fuck off
You make very good points. Perhaps we can agree that the sort of "people" who breed these monstrosities have demonstrated that they are incapable of responsibly wielding the power inherent in man, and that they need to be SMASHED and SLAMMED themselves before they corrupt the world any further.
Goddamn this is sad. Look at the expression on its face. It’s doing the best it can.
What’s girth and how does it relate to Toadlines?
be under 5'6" and have a 4" penis
Fucking hell he's trying to get up but he can't
Sometimes I can only hate the human race.
It's not even funny at this point, just cruelty for the sake of being retarded.
I can't believe I'm starting to feel guilty about something I take no part in.
He’s not trying to get up. He’s trying to breath.
It looks like the family wreath from that School Days visual novel series.
Midwestern junkie floor cow
What percentage of these dogs is dead? 50%+? They can't last long.
It has always been funny you fucking pussy
How do you feel about this guy's toadline videos?


I feel like they rely too much on "random = funny".
they're gems doe
Wait I thought it was only blacks and browns doing this shit, white people and asians are also part of this cult?
Anglos and the chinese invented it mayne. The native dogs of africa are signthounds and basenji. Shit. Nigga had better taste in dogs before this “civilized” shit.
It's one thing to breed selectively for positive traits, it's another thing entirely to do it in order to obtain the most miserable, dysgenic, tormented creatures imaginable.
Can you really compare a hunting hound with one of these abominations?
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there are people of all colors in on the skeem
however they are all niggers
really the skeem is the best example of multiracial niggertude i have ever seen
Every time I see this I admire the sheer autism that went into its creation
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Do you think the vets that have to deal with these things just go like this pic
Someone call Ellen Ripley, she will know what to do
Those vets are bankrolling from the skeem so I doubt they care much after the 3rd time the open one of those bellies to find 3 dead puppies and one that shouldn't be alive
>it's another thing entirely to do it in order to obtain the most miserable, dysgenic, tormented creatures imaginable.
The English invented the English bulldog.
Seeing animals suffer is never funny
It’s not so much the race but the class. Guarantee most of the white people in on this shit listen to Insane Clown Posse
just listen to this, lol
how do these people see nothing wrong with this
>white people
They're clearly american
3:40 - They can't breathe properly
The only people I have met IRL into this shit are hispanic or hispanic mix, and some of those hispanics can look extremely white.
this guy might be hispanic or half for example. All those hand pics could easily be spics.
This guy tho is just white.

My office HATES dealing with them, the owners are just the worst and the dogs are just hard to look at. It is awful seeing them suffer, and it's hell opening up that abdomen and it's just like tissue paper it's been opened so much. I've actually discussed it with a workplace lawyer, and they suggested we not deny service based on breed because it will highly appear like discrimination.
If we were in it for the money, we'd all be in human med.
He looks like a pedophile
>Ghetto behelit
Upon the eclipse a chosen king of skeems will usher in a thousand years of slammed genetics.
>>>4873182 #
>The only people I have met IRL into this shit are hispanic or hispanic mix, and some of those hispanics can look extremely white.
>>>4869893 #
>this guy might be hispanic or half for example. All those hand pics could easily be spics.
>>>4873250 #
>This guy tho is just white.
They're all niggers on the inside anon, and that's what matters.

>I've actually discussed it with a workplace lawyer, and they suggested we not deny service based on breed because it will highly appear like discrimination.
That's pretty fucked up that it's illegal to discriminate against dog breeds now. Lawyers go to hell with toad breeders.
I doubt it actually would be illegal but nobody wants to go to court. Just give them complimentary hysterectomies while you have them open to take puppies out.
> illegal
Likely not illegal, but would be a lengthy legal battle, and the media will absolutely spin it as discrimination.
Not only do we offer this, we highly recommend it for the health and life of the bitch and we will actually lower the price of the c-section, because a c-section is a lot easier when you don't need to leave the uterus intact.
But knocking off a few hundred off a bill vs the actual thousands those puppies make is just not worth it to them. Another reason they're a headache to deal with; when their mutant dogs fucking die young they tend to sue for malpractice, and it's kind of a big deal because some of these dogs pull in thousands upon thousands of dollars a year, which they could sue for 1)the price of the dog, 2) the price of any lost puppies, and 3) potential lost profits (like if that bitch breeds yearly).
>Another reason they're a headache to deal with; when their mutant dogs fucking die young they tend to sue for malpractice, and it's kind of a big deal because some of these dogs pull in thousands upon thousands of dollars a year, which they could sue for 1)the price of the dog, 2) the price of any lost puppies, and 3) potential lost profits (like if that bitch breeds yearly).
That seems like reasonable grounds to refuse service. Avoiding liability and whatnot.
Holy fuck are toadliniggers really this fucking pathetic
What’s so bad about Insane Clown Posse?
juggalos are objectively the niggerest humans on the planet. you could go to the fucking congo and show a juggalo to some pygmy tribesman and he would shake his head and mumble "fucking nigger" in his click clack language
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What’s a juggalo?
You're a zoomer you wouldn't get it.
I would if you explain it.
There was a rapping duo called ICP. Their whole gimmick was that they were white and wore clown makeup and acted psycho. They attracted a massive following of insanely stereotypical white trash fans who called themselves the Juggalos and styled themselves as clowns. The Juggalos mostly acted like obnoxious hooligans but in some states they were classed as gangs because when you give white trash a fandom where acting like a psychopath is part of the aesthetic you are going to see some grisly shit. In the early 2000s ICP and the Juggalos were ripe for memes and was part of the zeitgeist. ICP have largely died down however since the rappers became born again Christians (I am not joking).
“Nigs had better taste in dogs”=“bullies are better than pitbulls because bullies don’t hurt none”
cute guy
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I like to think it works like a Deadspace marker, or >>4874320
what are the craziest names you've come across?
i wonder if we have a hitler yet
I've heard of one called Hitla in this vid.
Big Hoss is showing potential, a few more generations of severe inbreeding and /an/'s very own line could compete in the skeem
I believe glowies just export cruelties to avoid notice, like how our health department gave 300k dollars to a Tunisian lab that was caging dog's heads in with lots of sand flies. They claim they didn't fund that one, but the test was ancilliary to the project they claimed they were funding.
Exist in the modern West as a Sensitive Young White Man with Chud beliefs
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it's a good thing his physiognomy directed him towards creating IRL FEV mutants instead of diddling kids
Blacks have literally never created a breed of dog. It was generally other races of people making the breeds while occupying Africa, or landrace dogs. Unless you consider Egyptians black, historically I believe they were middle eastern. To actually make a breed requires a lot of work; you have to make conscious decisions on which dogs to let fuck and which ones shouldn't, whether that's done by forced matings, culling, or starving.
Tuaregs, whom are mostly middle eastern and nomadic in Africa
Middle East
>Afghan Hound
It's in the name
South African, but bred by Europeans in S.A. at the time (that's what Boer stands for)
>Rhodesian Ridgeback
Created by a white guy living in South Africa
>Coton de Tuléar
French when occupying Madagascar
>pit bulls
Created by Europeans, blacks were actually forbidden from owning them for a time.
>American Bullys
Actually created by whites
>Exotic Bully
Origin technically unknown, my earliest findings are mexicans and wiggers
>Canis Panther
American black, their kennels have shut down before they could produce a consistent breed.
>deformed feet/claws/wtf
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>/an/'s very own line
excusez-moi? Did I miss something?
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See >>4872724
Anon got an exquisite smashimen from his brother, who bought it while drunk
thanks fauci
We should make /toadg/
exotic bully was created by the skeem
This is amazing please post or link more like this please
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Thanks. Lol.
Did 4chan come up with the phrase ‘skeem’? because I can’t find Toadline saying it themselves.
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Man, at least the NFT apes were just shitty jpegs and not living, deformed mutant apes born to suffer.
Bape is the kwisatz haderach of toads
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too late, i already sold the badly compressed jpg for two vials of 4x/inbred toadspunk
You could resell those as health potions for TCM and make bank. Skeem goes worldwide.
nft skeem lived shorter than single lifespan of toadline bully
>i keep screaming but God won't answer
In a way you could consider these the West's answer to the Damascus goat. Insanely inbred domesticated animals that are weirdly cute as babies, then grow into visually repulsive behemoths as adults in the eye of everyone, except for some money-obsessed men. Their ears being cut off is another thing they have in common.

I almost never visit /an/, but these threads never fail to disappoint. Rollin
SOLD, next thread shall be /skeem/, also you got nice digits which makes it double SOLD
I'm rolling
I am now a gun that causes people to become SMASHED and SLAMMED toadlines
>spot a sign irl at a liquor of someone selling these things
>Take a picture in awe of how ugly they are
>Enter the store to get some booze
>Clerk asks if I was interested in the puppies
>she then goes on an on about how cute the puppies the breeder had with him were

I've never felt more awkward in my life
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The Bully Campline, (Mr Miagi's Breeder) bragged about how he made it in life when he bought his first mansion... in Hesperia, California a town known for having days frequently exceeding 110F for breeding dogs that can't breath; and also has one of the highest crime rates in the entire state.

Also his website is left very unfinished.

Very funny.
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Kek these people are so fucking retarded
Can dogs that aren't an AKC breed be registered with the AKC?
Idk why but tombstone looks like he's fake like he was photoshopped or ai generated
image AIs can't grasp the SKEEM yet
oh no
where's pimpy/bape?
They’re secret unlocks. Also, Mr. Miagi does the typical “tough boss becomes weak” when you unlock him.
I have only had two encounters with toads irl

1. walking down near the local beach, a negroid had some badly deformed retarded bully. the thing was chuffing and sounded like it was dying by the time he left the parking lot. the guy dropped the leash and the dog just sat there next to a bench waiting to be picked up to walk back to the car as he kept walking with a friend. it wasn't even a hot day, like 75 or so lmao.

2. a group of some kind of brownoid, likely hispanic, doing a bully photoshoot at a local park. i have tried searching but have been unable to find their content online since i was just driving by and didnt get a chance to ask about their kennel.

i think toadlines are some sort of cryptid when you live in a middle class community. you have to be a poor retard or a rich retard to own these things.
Are all bulldogs just bundles of genetic health problems or can you get one that doesn't hurt to breathe when you look at it? Also pretty much every bulldog I've seen in person has been horribly obese.
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anyone else going? how will us 4ch/an/ners signal to each other at bully events?
maybe we could all wear a certain agreed upon clothing item with a specific color/pattern, and likely combine it with a secret handshake
of course i won’t attend because i have no idea where that is and i don’t have a car due to shit outside my control
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There are specific lineages but breathing problems are inheritant to brachycephalic dog breeds. Its like a big mac and saturated fats it cannot really be avoided. However. Pic rel is the olde english bulldogge which was bred to be as close to the original breed as possible and as a result they have far better breathing.
Lol. Thanks.
> due to shit outside my control
Go on.
this is a joke, right? surely they wouldn't have the most smashed up dogs represent autists, even we aren't that fucked up
what a poofter
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Yes, AKC now registers kennels for some reason and often doodle breeders will use it. It doesn't have anything to do with breed standard, it is more of saying that this kennel is up to some kind of care standard. Which is ironic, because AKC reg kennels is almost a red flag for puppy mill nowadays.
English bulldog without the
>excessive wrinkles
>wide chest/narrow hips combo
>excessively long spine relative to height
>brachycephalic head
>tight and upturned nares
>short corkscrew tail that causes spinal issues
Would just be a generic looking pit bull. You're basically looking at American Bulldog or Old English Bulldog.
>not going on a rant about how unethical the breed is on the spot to the dumb roastie
you don't belong here
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hahaha, who indeed
hey if a man's got a severe case of chronic explosive diarrhea i feel like there's no need to pressure him any further
>yuros were so jealous of American turkeys they bred fucked up pigeons to look like them
good to know they've always been obsessed with us
I really wish /an/ had IDs.
gas prices
which is a problem because it’s probably hosted in fucking narnia for what it’s worth
Damn, I didn't know that so many toadies were autistic
jfc how much further apart from each other can they breed the eyes. horrible.
holy fuck the raspy frog breathing sounds from all directions. poor fucking animals.
what for?
So he could legally buy you a beer.
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american post about
>nigger rod{}
>obsessed euros{X}
About that beer I owed you
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is this a smashoid? its pretty fucking smashesd but i cant tell if its smashed enough to be a real one. i saw it posted on craigslist
No, if anything the one on the left is almost actually just a healthy looking dog
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I know you think you're being some internet bad ass but thus is just embarrassing
>t. finds these affronts to life itself adorwable
so is there a picture of the ORIGINAL toad that started the toadline? theres toad 2 but what about toad 1?
There is no “true” toad 1. The toadline is so inbred that the second toad was recursively bred into existence by its owner sending its sperm back in time.
In an essence every toad is culmination of their entire broken breed. Toad prime died long ago but they are still with us today, as are all toads along the way.
It’s much more complex than this. When a new toad is added to the scheme, its sperm is sent to the point of origin- its offspring becomes the new toad prime. Our timeline is constantly rewritten with each temporal shift, SMASHING and SLAMMING the very fabric of space-time itself.
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left is a normal dog, right is like a byb merle english bulldog it appears. Pic related is one of the standards for Exotic Bullies. There is a very big emphasis on chest wideness, which almost requires the front legs to be placed at the sides instead of underneath the dog

Fun fact: Exotic Bully breeders had to actually make their own kennel club, because other clubs that recognize American Bully types refused to recognize Exotic bullies due to them being general monstrosities. Kennel clubs were able to do this just by simply disallowing any dog that had Mr. Miagi in their pedigree - because they are so fucking inbred, they all have ties to Mr. Miagi.
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Razors Edge Juan Gotty is the common ancestor, despite not being "smashed" proper.
can't win if ya don't play
We have these mofos in the wild here though.
Where do I go for some fresh SLAMS
Do we have a photo of the esteemed Mr. Miagi?
Gemmy, I've been trying to get 'teens to learn about the skeem
Toad 1 is Mr. Toad
Is this the first Toadline thread?
If not, when was the first?
Toadline threads have been appearing for a good couple of years from what I've seen, recently though these threads have become more frequent
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Here he is, the progenitor himself.
Rolling for my skeemer alias.
obviously he meant the one on the right fucking retard
>calling somebody else retarded
>after missing the joke this hard
>Exotic Smashslammed Roadkill
Extremely based
Still down...
Break it to me bros, is this really the end?
No reason not to.
Someone shoop a hammerhead shark bully and call it the Slammerhead.
It isn't the end, as long as there's ghetto types out there in the world the skeem will live on
The *people that did this deserve to suffer
oldest dedicated thread I can find
oldest dedicated meme thread I can find
oldest mention I can find
I'm pretty sure they first appeared in a breeding abomination thread, and then the breeding threads sort of shifted into mostly being exotic bullies
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How long until toadline breeders find out about myostatin?
already discovered, Chinese research paper came out a few months ago concerning CRISPRing this into other breeds. MYOSTAMAXXED GIGASLAMMED MUSCLEBEASTS are inevitable. They'll have to strengthen the skeleton to handle that much muscle though.
>They'll have to strengthen the skeleton to handle that much muscle though.
Heretic! You dare to question the power of BONE GIRTH?
>They'll have to strengthen the skeleton to handle that much muscle though.
lol, lmao even
It almost sounds like you think the creatures doing this are humans.
i'm not talking about animal welfare but a toad has to survive at an absolute minimum 6 months in order to reproduce, realistically more like 10-12 months. Otherwise the best you can do is clone the puppy but clonetoads are a dead end with no progression unless you crispr new genes in and hope they get the clonetoad over the line.

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