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It's the legendary Secretary Bird
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You will never recapture the original thread OP
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it was my thread
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>intrusive thoughts about breaking their legs
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What happened to the other thread?
Sassy drag queen energy
Multiple boards got wiped including /an/, all threads gone
Mods got tired of me reporting everyone typing the n word
go be a nagger somewhere else
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like a dang ol candle in the wind man, tell you what
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Why is it called a secretary bird?
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My honest reaction:
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Why not?
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Wtf is that
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I wow, they're ugly.
>I wow
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nice tongue
Wtf? I didn't write that?
I didn't write onions either wtf
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Too small. Duck tongues are better.
How do they know this bird is a secretary?
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Same vibes
What do they sound like anyway?
like sassy fags
Perfect height for cock sucking
Keep your zoophile fag fantasies to yourself.


Still would.
I don't get it
Get niggeraids and die
I see it now
As far as we know, all the birds posted in this thread might be male.
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Whats the point of this thread?
is meme
u think it can float with a cat and a pig in the same boat?
I need more context. I don't get this meme. This might be one of the shittiest threads on /an/right now.
I don't..I don't believe you!
>I need more context.
it's a zoophile thread. that's the entire context.
Nahh. I don't believe it. It's just an ugly bird. Who likes this shit.
There might be like one anon posting secretary bird pictures without context for the sake of keeping this thread alive.
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Hello, brother
>zoophile thread
What meme
I love birds so much, funny little dinosaurs...
>There might be like one anon posting secretary bird pictures without context for the sake of keeping this thread alive.
yes, it's the OP as he admitted up above. he's a zoophile that's just spamming the bird he wants to fuck. that's the entire point of this thread.
This is a zoohealthy zone. Anti-zoo extremists, please go.
le femboy bird
>the bird he wants to fuck
Like something bad.
while OP might be a zoophilefaggot I like this bird, so as long as he contains his farmer impulses we can get along
Does she..? You know...
It's the official drag queen bird of /an/. It's a she.
given how birds work, i'd say he (secretary bird) needs to be 4-5 inches higher.
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>this thread
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i got one of these one time but it took awful notes
>Pic rel
It doesn't make sense.
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Fucked up bird
>expecting sense from brown people memes
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Zoophiles think they are awesome because literally everyone hates them. It’s that simple.
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sexretary bird
Birds were the dinosaurs that said "You wouldn't kill me, I'm just a little guy, you wouldn't extinct a silly little guy, would you? you wouldn't kill a little guy on his birthday would you?" to the meteor and it worked
It's the secretary part that's supposed to be sexy. Not the bird part. You people are so fucked in the head.

Secretary sexbird
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Most interesting thing in the entire thread
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what's the original thread?
She Reminds me of my ex with all that makeup
>millions of years of evolution leads to sex bird that instinctively stomp sneks (and your balls)
It was OP comparing the bird to crossdresers or some shit like that
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mental how birb throads are basically just skin and everything important is next to the spine
They eat food whole, as a side effect it gives them a giant resonating chamber that lets them be incredibly loud for their size.
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What's the opposite of majestic?
I don't get it. Is OP a drag queen?
I think he's a crossdresser. Different thing.
Elaborate on that
Drag Queen is a performance, maybe a hobby or career.
People that dress as another gender for their own delight, not performatively, would be a crossdresser - but the term has largely fallen out of favor by those that refuse to accept sex determines gender.
Obviously, a lot of people that are Drag Queens, that "do drag" are crossdressers, or trans.
Trans would be actually thinking you are a different gender, so a man who thinks that way wouldnt be a "crossdresser" by wearing a skirt, because that is the gender they think they are.
So a drag queen is a type of crossdreser?
What the fuck is wrong with this thread?
Zesty bird
Why is zoophilia not a bannable offence yet?
Stop thinking about what my penis gets hard to.
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no one is making you feel this way about birds but yourself
You will never be able to fuck this bird
every time
Flights to Africa are cheap.
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these things are smaller than they should be
someone should crossbreed them with ostriches so make them the correct size
Crossbreed them with me to achieve desired size
that would make them smaller tho
Are you female?
Funnily enough, this bird is cosidered to be a drag queen icon among Floptropicans and pop fags.
Text says:
"I used to think this bird was draggified by you guys but no, this is how it really is"
zesty motherfuckers
thank god we have the ambassador of the drag queen community here to let us know
Apparently the females basically look the same anyway
Are you OP?
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Secretary Bird, sunning.
Slut bird
faggots need to stay away from birds
>t. seething zoophile
Imagine the smell
I have been around two Secretary Birds.
There is hardly any scent at all. And what trace they have, is not unpleasant at all. And would not be, even in a rather high concentration.
All birds after sunbath get their bird smell intensified 1000% times. Still, you'd need to plunge your head into the feathers to smell it. And I bet it smells good.
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How intelligent are they, would you estimate?
Shut up, OP
OP is the gay zoophile. You replied to a board tourist.

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