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The owls of yore may not stand with us no longer, but that does not mean we do not remember their purpose.
Come gather once more, so that the owls may be gazed upon still.

Mods are faggots
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Saw this fella in a tree while on a walk 5 years ago and took a shitty photo
How can I get rid of owls from my property without killing or hurting them which could carry heavy fines in this country?
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Have you tried making a birdhouse and trapping them there?
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I love Yoll, That is all.
I removed all the trees from my property and this year drained my pool and hot tub. Didn't work they still scratch around on the roof and scream all night. I don't know what else I can do, other than maybe put up a bunch of that anti-pigeon wire stuff all over the roof.
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I know most raptors wouldn't go after a cat unless they were really hungry since cats can be so dangerous, but I guess owls must have the drop on them with the silent wings and the night vision.
Aw shucks, the cat schizo is here.
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god i wish i were anyone in this video
>schizo post is still up
good job mods
thanks for killing the board btw
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>pair of great horned owls have laid claim to some woodland near my house
>said woodland is being cleared for some shitty apartments
Fuck. They'll probably find somewhere else to nest, but it sucks.
It's more important that people have homes than for some useless owls to honk and scream and lay eggs in some dirty plot of woods. Get your perspective straight.
I don't know what's more endearing, the owls, or the expression in that guy's face every time he sends away one of the lil fellas.
definitely the owls
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you sure those arent cats
The owls.
Did she think it was her kitten?
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Probably not, just raised alongside it.
Pets tend to get along well as long as they're introduced to one another at an early age.
>It's more important that people have homes than for some useless owls to honk and scream and lay eggs in some dirty plot of woods. Get your perspective straight.
yeah. 'people' shut the fuck up
At some point we absolutely have to stop building in general, let alone rent traps. I'd rather not live on a completely paved over earth subsisting on corn meal must with 300B other people.
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why are their eyes so big?
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I wish I had a Barn Owl, they are so cute and soft.
just likes licking owls
to SEE
For the love of god /an/ please help me Google is a shoddy AI-infested crap heap that can't answer basic questions anymore.

I just want to know when exactly owls go to sleep. (I know different species are different, I just want a general answer). I assume owls are awake during PART of the day like humans are awake for part of the night. So do owls fall asleep immediately at dawn and are then awake for a few hours before sunset, or are they awake for several hours after the dawn and wake up when dusk arrives.
>According to Hyginus, her father Epopeus desired her and raped her. Out of shame or guilt, she fled to the forest and refused to show her face in daylight.[7] Taking pity on her, the goddess Athena transformed her into the nocturnal owl which, in time, became a widespread symbol of the goddess.[8][9] In Ovid's Metamorphoses, the transformation was a punishment for "desecrating her father's bed" (patrium temerasse cubile), which insinuates that she had sexual intercourse with her own father, but no further explanation is given of whether she was raped, seduced or herself the seducer.[10] In the Metamorphoses, Nyctimene's story is narrated by Corone (the crow), who also complains that her place as Minerva's sacred bird is now being usurped by Nyctimene, who is so ashamed of herself that she will not be seen by daylight.[10]
what the fuck greek mythology. I never knew athenas owl was a rape victim changed into a furry (feathery) out of pity. thats pretty fucked
wrong pic
I need to organize my athena folder
people like you will suffer the worst of fates in hell. like being raped by owls or something
>barn owls are cute
>have to deal with *SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* at odd hours in the night/day
I don't know how Brits and Japs do it.
I mean, it's the greeks we are talking about here. The same guys that wrote stories about their most prominent god sleeping with random women just for the fun of it.
Same way people get used to parrots screaming. You just phase it out after a while. My eagle owl makes hooting noises at night and they’re pretty pleasant but loud… I don’t even notice anymore
the greatest bird in the world

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