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why are they deleting random on-topic threads?
who knows
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the oons
mods = spastics
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what do they have against the little masked bandits?
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Uhhhhh guysss????
>mod/dev teams does an oopsie
>blame the unpaid, volunteer janitors
That raccoon is sus. I saw it vent.
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you saw nothing shhh
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wonderful raccys
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The bottom exists to shield the top. That's what they're there for.
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I love these sweet little critters so much /an/ons..

big critter energy
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Fuckin' jannies deleted my chicken thread despite being 100% on-topic.
Now the Raccs too?
Everyone knows what must be done.
this was one of the first threads posted after the board got accidently wiped this week.
the post was in response to that.

I really hate how people call raccoons "Raccs" now instead of "Coons" to avoid upsetting the 13/50s
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I call them coons too! my 2000 image folder is called "coons"
I say racc to avoid upsetting the raccoons
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I get wot u mean but I see saying coon as taking the word bacc for da raccs!
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such a sweet critter
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wonderful cooners
kill jannies behead jannies roundhouse kick a janny into the concrete
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had to move to college, I miss my little critters.
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>page 10
time for a racc attac
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raiding the fridge
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I think that all dumpsters should be open and have tiny ladders to let the critters in and out easily
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>30 raccoons added to a small town
>30 Haitian migrants added to a small town

raccs contribute far more to society
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"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

-Thomas Jefferson
I've found a den of them in my backyard. I set up a solar motion light to go off every time they come out, I have a Ring camera back there that I set the alarm off on randomly and I spread vinegar and rancid water with rotten hot peppers in it all around their den and my yard.
Fuck coons. I don't want them on my property. They can live but they need to fuck off and go somewhere else.
If they don't leave I'll probably just trap them.
how exactly do they harm you? I wish I had a den of coons.
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they can carry rabies
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>but muh rabies
only one person has EVER died from raccoon rabies.
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Not her, but for me and my wife, we can't stand the noise at night. I wouldn't mind them if they were quiet like the opossums or made a constant drone like the frogs and crickets. They can't get into our trash do I have no idea why they insist on being here. They're super cute, tho
did he eat the entire thing in one sitting? legend,
Kyle you used to be better than cartman
And he was racced with guilt about it after.
Cute pic, but why not put down a towel or something? They'll get pizza grease on the sofa.
>only one person has EVER died from raccoon rabies.
He was the only one that wasn't afraid of rabies
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>racced with guilt
do haitians eat raccoons?
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they better not
I wish raccoons would eat haitians
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we can dream
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call him a squingus.

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