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Just remaking this thread after the jannies wiped the board. This is where you can keep up with Jefrey as he grows up!
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Mid July
i hope that nigga grows into his ayy lmao eyes because goddamn he's an ugly kitten
Thanks, this little Goblin is good.
His name is PEANUT, OP. Defer to your better half on this one.
Watching this thread.

So is that his name now? Did you actually convince your wife to stop calling him Peanut?
Jefrey the Peanut.
Bump, based Jefrey
Take care of him please, don't let him go out unsupervised (crying emoji)
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It's a tug-o'-war between me and my wife. I refuse to call him Peanut because it's not original. To me, he's Jefrey (with one F).

Also, ball
I was genuinely depressed the board got nuked because of the loss of this thread, thank you for rebaking
>it's Jeffrey...but with a letter taken out! i am le smart
yours isn't much better
Very cute, I love the soft orange coat and that eye color
You just don't get it. And that's fine. I'm not mad.
he's clearly peanut
i mean it works, yeah.
I hereby rename this cat Fucktard.
he looks like he's seen some stuff
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very glad you made a bespoke thread for the lil gremlin cat. Feels good
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He looks content with life
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Can someone explain to me how cat fur patterns change like this as they grow, he didn't have stripes before
How do men get white stripes on their beards as they get older anon or babies lose blonde hair? Hair pigmentation just changes like that as the body matures. Cats originally had stripes or spotted patterns which is baked into a lot of domestic cats despite being bred to be single or simple two tone color nowadays which results in patterns like this.
he's happy,,, lifemaxxing,,, catpilled. we should all be like jeftey
>>4866117 look at this lil bitch
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Play fetch with him. Cats that fetch are few and far between, and very fun.
He likes to play a hybrid of soccer and fetch with that little red ball
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suck em, janny
>babies lose blonde hair?
I was just talking about this with my neighbour the other day. I'm part chino but was born with blonde hair and blue eyes. My white mother hoped I would turn out red and hazel like her and my older brother but I darkened to black and brown with time.
My missus is Indocaribbean/Black mixed so of course my son was brown black and brown but my supposedly 100% white neighbour said her daughter was born brown and brown and she'd never heard of babies being born blond.
Maybe the phenomenon isn't as common as you and I think.
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I gotta say that he’s shaping up to be pretty smart. He knows what “capybara” means (his favorite stuffed animal), and unlike the other two cats, he’s careful not to let his toy ball get knocked under the sink. When it gets close he dives for it, grabs it with his mouth, brings it across the room, then resumes playing with it. Quite impressed so far by him.

Needless to say he’s also never taken a shit or a piss outside the litter box either.
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2 minutes ago
That's pretty cool :v

How can you tell that he knows "Capybara" ?
Does he react to the word by itself, even when there is no accompanying visual stimulus ? (like brandishing the aforementioned south American rodent)

Does he purr ? Does he have a fully fledged Meow, or does he still have a cutesy little chirp ?
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Every time I look at your cat this is all I see
>"You're posting my pictures WHERE?"
nah he cute
I think she's just retarded Anon a good third of euros are born blond
Because he gets excited and starts looking around when I say it.

He purrs constantly, he mostly does trills but also some meows, usually before getting fed.
boy jef is back <3
was so cute to see the progress of him. thanks for sharing this snipets of his life!
same, also bump
he has very nice looking fur, I like his stripes
wow peanut looks good here
wtf did her regress??
He realized growing up sucks and brings nothing but misery so he went back again
>she's just retarded
Oh, yeah, definitely. She thinks you can drive to England from Maine, that China and Egypt are in Europe and was surprised to learn that Italy not only "had the 80s" but also has buildings.
Another neighbour and I once spent a half hour explaining what a window is to this woman.
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He definitely is a smart cookie, that's a pro gamer move right there.
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When will this little dude calm down? 90% of the time he’s running around, pouncing on the other cats, at my feet, at my hands, anything. It’s cute but I hope he relaxes soon.

He attacks my phone if he sees a video playing on it, my laptop monitor if theres a YouTube video, he goes bananas. If I show him an animal video he seems to know what it is and starts pawing at it. It shows intelligence I think, but man he can be a pain in the ass.
Sounds like normal kitten behavior. Give it a few months. Even though it can be a bit much, do try to enjoy and make the most of it. Before you know it he'll be old and sleep all day.
I will call him, Peafrey, or Peafnut (with one F). You will learn to do the same, in time.
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Watching Space Ghost
Come on. It’s a great show. Classic.
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I prefer the sequel
lmao he hates it
little triangle monkey
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He likes watching COPS more than Space Ghost
I like his doritos ears
somebody crack a window!
Try showing him some X-Files next.
this desu senpai
I have 2 cats because I had one dumped on me when my ex refused to take him to the vet but I was not home for long hours (right before covid) so I got a second friend for him. First attempt and getting him a younger kitten but the kitten was afraid of him so I returned the kitten (sadly bc i love her to this day but she's better off in a home she's not scared) and it worked second time I got another boy closer to his age and also looks like him and also stretched out the meeting to 2 weeks with a door separating them and they'd eventually play with each other through the door with toys.

I hope you leave sounds of birds or his favorite shows when you go out to work. I also know people will be so happy watching this guy grow.

Jefery looks so cute when he carries the ball in his gums.
Show him some cats/dogs 101 videos.
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I WFH so I’m there most of the day. He’s a good boy aside from the trouble he makes.

I will try sometime tomorrow
he has a lovely look about him
I like to keep up with his progress in life bump
status report
Radiant, purehearted love, may God bless you and your home abundantly.
peanus come back
what the lil fella up to
He’s at my wife’s office til tonight so I have nothing new to report guys, but will do so when I see him
>wife office
So he is going to watch and hear how tyrone blast your wife pussai
Your mind has been BLACKED, anon
You need to lay off the pornography son, and the estradiol.
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see he loves the backpack
curious little peafnus
nobody cares

he seems to have grown into his eyes which is good
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It looks like a goblin
I care, more Peanut.
Shut up Dave.
begone from peanffrey's thread foul namefig
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Laying on my dirty underwear
I'm actually curious how his meow sounds like
What’s the easiest way to do that? vocaroo?
But, why?
Not again Dave!
pantsu fetish cat

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