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Ape thread got wiped, time for a new one
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Gotta stay hydrated
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National Geographic released the first film that was about mountain gorilla (from 1973)

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Swimming, the best exercise. Works every muscle group.
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is it true that the gombe chimpazee war cause a lot of eco hippies seethe?
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If i popped that would he die?
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I wonder what fermented palm sap tastes like.
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I’d still like to know who, or what, killed Fossey.
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These apes and their termites.
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There's something interesting about the way they used apes in the pre-conservationist era.
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Something I noticed about apes is that they never peel bananas, they just eat it as is.
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I can't imagine that paper is nutritious.
It's full of knowledge and information
Hey fellow anons, I gotta share something that’s been weighing on my mind. So picture this: I’m chilling in my room, scrolling through some Planet of the Apes clips, and I can’t help but notice just how jaw-droppingly attractive Caesar and Noa are. Like seriously, their strength, intelligence, and those soulful eyes? It’s like they were designed to steal my heart!

Every time I see Caesar leading his tribe, I just think about how passionate and fierce he is, and let me tell you, I have some feelings, okay! I mean, who wouldn’t want a partner who could literally lift you up with one hand while discussing the philosophical implications of human evolution?! And then there's Noa—that perfect blend of wisdom and ruggedness. If I could just take a trip to their world, I'd have my own "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" moment.

I envision us swinging through the trees, hearts racing, sharing tender moments while the world melts away. Forget conventional dating; imagine cozying up with a chimpanzee who's not just intelligent but has the physique of a Greek god. I’d take my chances with big, furry arms wrapped around me while we plot our uprising against societal norms.

But hey, I know what you’re thinking, “What about the boundaries of interspecies romance?” To that, I say love knows no bounds, especially when it comes to the irresistible charm of apes like Caesar and Noa! Their charisma is off the charts, and honestly, I’d trade a hundred human dates just for one evening with them in their jungle palace.

So here I am, a hopeless romantic totally captivated by the allure of chimpanzees, dreaming of a world where I can be with my furry loves. Who’s with me? Let’s embrace our passion for these majestic creatures and celebrate the unbreakable bond between man and ape!
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Yo, I caught the waterlilies
Fucking KEK stealing this
good pasta
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Yep, it completely ruined Goodall's fragile worldview. But it was pure kino.
>For several years I struggled to come to terms with this new knowledge. Often when I woke in the night, horrific pictures sprang unbidden to my mind—Satan [one of the apes], cupping his hand below Sniff's chin to drink the blood that welled from a great wound on his face; old Rodolf, usually so benign, standing upright to hurl a four-pound rock at Godi's prostrate body; Jomeo tearing a strip of skin from Dé's thigh; Figan, charging and hitting, again and again, the stricken, quivering body of Goliath, one of his childhood heroes.
Goliath: "Et tu, Figan?"
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makes me sad too :(
i wish they were nice to each other
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I wonder why Gibbons are the only monogamous, mates for life Ape species.
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What if apes were real?
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You best start believing in them, because you’re living on the planet of the apes.
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Sometimes cooperating to hunt and stalk their prey, they also kill young antelope, bushpigs, and monkeys
Why such poofy hair?
Aren't they also more solitary? It'd make sense to stick together if there's no social groups to mingle with
>name monkey "Satan"
>genuinely surprised when "Satan" acts mean
why are hippies like this?
How does it feel to know gorillas, chimps and gibbons will be dead in wild during your lifetime? Humans truly are the worst invasive species of all time.
Does anyone have that image depicting the heights of all the great apes?
Found it
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I don't even want to think about that. I at least hope they'll be cloneable in the future.
Probably doesn't even actually golf and is just trolling for clubhouse milfs
Fucking poser ass monkey
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Charles golfs every Saturday in the spring and summer, and he’s a happily married man.
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There's quite a few albino apes out there
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I love gibbons so much bros
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They are magnificent, aren't they?
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They seem they would be total bros like Pongos
A lot more hyper active. I feel they would irritate you sometimes but still bros nonetheless
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