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post art that features animals
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>Usagi Yojimbo
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>It is well-documented that students at Royal Holloway believe the painting to be cursed or haunted A legend among students dating back to at least around the 1920s or 1930s, and still held in the 1960s, was that anyone sitting in front of the painting during an exam would fail it. A college tradition requires temporarily covering the painting with a Union Jack when student examinations are ongoing. This originated with an incident during the 1970s where an exam invigilator hurriedly covered the painting with the first thing they could find that would be large enough, as a student refused to sit their exam by the uncovered painting.

>The legend of bad luck later developed into an urban myth that a student taking exams had killed themselves after looking at the painting, writing "The polar bears made me do it" onto their exam paper. There is, however, no university record of a death in the picture gallery. The college's curator said in a 2014 interview that "I've heard it was a girl, I've heard it was a boy, I've heard about three [different] ways that they killed themselves."
>Is that... a p-polar bear?!?! AIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE
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Those victorian dog paintings man...
Does anybody know where the fuck I can find Louis Wain's art books and paintings in a resolution that's not made for ants?
I love the way he draws cats, but every time I try to get a hold of one of his books or collections it's always behind a paywall or stored in some library in bumfuck USA.
catland's a booru dedicated to his art. don't think they organize based on art books, but there's plenty of high quality scans from people's own collections
Sell all you have
Give it to the kittens
And pour the milk on Louis' grave
And Catland, sometimes called Pussydom
Opens for you, instantly.
I'm sure many people know but if not, this is the world's largest cat painting! I was fortunate to get to see this when it was on exhibit in my city.
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Yevgeny Charushin (1901-1965)
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