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Could these things survive in the wilderness anywhere in the US? I'm based in East Tennessee. If I were to release a bunch of these little guys into the woods, could they survive and reproduce? What about European ones?
Nigger don't try and fuck up your local ecology out of your love for some fucking pet animal. The fuck is wrong with you?
they gon get eaten
difficult to eat. predators around here leave them alone.
>difficult to eat.
and? you say that like it means something. predators here will eat porcupines, these are infinitely easier to eat since theyre not covered in detachable, barbed, quills
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i'm pretty sure you'd get a knock on your door if it were successful
I'm OP, and my family unintentionally introduced bamboo to the local forest. We originally just planted some in our backyard, but the woods is behind our backyard. There are now whole swaths of the local forest that are completely covered in bamboo. There's a nearby walkway through the woods, and there's a solid three miles of bamboo along that walkway. That bamboo was originally planted in the late 1980s.
Try raising them in outdoor enclosures first. That will answer whether or not they can adjust to your climate and it will keep your breeding population safe from predators.
wtf stop bamboozling your environment
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Bamboo's only natural enemy is asians, we eat tender bamboo shoots. in spice oil Seriously OP you need to stack hacking at the bamboos before it takes over. Asian houses don't have basements...and in Japan it's often raised off the ground. In the west, the bamboo roots would f up the foundation.
>Seriously OP you need to stack hacking at the bamboos before it takes over.
The bamboo was planted in the late 1980s. It's already taken over large swaths of the local forest, going miles out. The house doesn't have a basement, but it has a small crawl space.
not for me
i will personally eat any hedgehog i see in the wild
In case it wasn't obvious, op is lying about the bamboo.
I'm telling the fucking truth. You could see this for yourself if you ever get the idea to plant it on your own property. That shit spreads like it's nobody's business. Also, this happened so long ago, I figure it's way past the statute of limitations if it even was a crime.
There aren't predators in Europe. Coyotes would figure them out
Badgers, wolves, foxes, martens, and owls all prey on hedgehogs.
> Badgers, foxes, and owls
> I know you don’t have wolves anywhere in populated Europe
> “Predators” lmao
> laughs in American
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True, northern Germany-coastal Poland-Baltic Countries is easily the largest national park in the world.
no need for predators, we have cars and pesticides instead
I have known people to plant bamboo in their neighbors gardens to irreversibly ruin them and to force them to dig deep trenches in order to place long thick wooden barriers to prevent the bamboo from spreading to underneath the foundations of a house or decking. Bamboo does not fuck around when it takes hold.
I remember you mentioning hedgehogs in class. Might just doxx you if you do.
That might not be me. I got them when I was 18, so this would've been second semester university, but I didn't really socialize with anyone. I dropped out mid semester.
>a few thousand wolves over those massive stretches of land
That is incredibly sad.
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It's better than in North America where they only live in regions with a population density of 10 people per square mile. There are objectively more wolves near population centers in Europe than in NA.
Number of wolves is what matters, not how close people are to wolves. There are 50000 to 70000 wolves in Canada, but only 17000 wolves in all of Europe. The wolf population in North America is objectively healthier than the wolf population in Europe. The fact that the wolves in Europe live closer to people does not make up for their small population size. That's inane.
>Number of wolves is what matters, not how close people are to wolves.
You're a retarded faggot. No one was arguing about which population of wolves is larger or healthier, we were talking about which one is closer to population centers
> I know you don’t have wolves anywhere in populated Europe
And obviously wolves are closer to populations in Europe because they have no where else to go, Europe is crowded compared to Canada. Dumbass
>we were talking about which one is closer to population centers
No retard. You responded to me saying it was sad that only a few thousand wolves live in Europe. The fact that those wolves live close to people DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY LESS SAD YOU ABSOLUTE GORILLA RETARD
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comedicley missing the point
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Your family is shit
The bamboo is actually really comfy on that walkway. You feel like you're running in Northeast Asia.
You deserve lynching
> t. anon who's garden was enriched with bamboo
He loves that Big Bamboo Cane
Why does the US allow anyone to own literally any animal as a pet? Are they to retarded to see how this negatively affects animal welfare and ecology?
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Why is /an/ so full of delusional retards like you? Other nature-based communities I visit don't have morons trying to introduce species where they don't belong.

>difficult to eat
The US has strict laws about what animals can be owned or imported, but by the time those laws were applied a lot of damage had already been done. Seems like the US has an even bigger invasive species problem than Europe.
>yes daddy government please step on me and tell me what I can't do
Let me guess, you're from some shithole like the Netherlands where you're only allowed to own dogs, cats, and maybe a hamster.
>America is literally a third world country
>People are leaving in droves for better places to live
>Ackchyuyally the Netherlands is a shithole because you can't own monkeys there!!!!!!
Do Amerisharts really believe this?
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We don't, although I think hedgehogs specifically are legal. It's illegal to own 99% of native wildlife iirc and you need a special permit for a lot.
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This, I would love a tanuki but they're VERY illegal.
Outdoor cat owners do that shit all the time though

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