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what do you do with a bunch of street pups after their mother dies in a third world situation where these are in abundance and most people don't want them
Hard to say. Most anons here are westerners with western attitudes and perspectives pertaining to animals so they will instinctual consider saving them. I guess the question is the cost and availability of vaccines in the country in question. If you can provide medical treatment, I would take them on.
>If you can provide medical treatment, I would take them on.
what does that mean
yeah vaccines are cheap af not hard to get
ultimately you want to sterilize them tho so they can go down in numbers but wouldn't matter because the dogs everywhere else could be breeding like rabbits
mostly it's the day to day and the fact that dogs don't really suit the kind of urban sprawl tiny house living situation here and nobody really wants street mutts because dogs are status projection accessory and they only want foreign ones
only rural people take them and yes one of the litter was adopted but two others got run over
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Put a rubber band around the males balls, the testicles will fall off from circulation loss. Make sure to get the rubber band around them tight. Drown the females. Drop the males off by a colony of strays.

When drowning the females use warm water so the shock of the cold won't panic them early. If you can sedate them with anything ahead of the time as well it will help. A milk crate is good because you can stand on it to keep it underwater.
Any sedition is better than none. Drugs, herbal, melatonin in high amount.
It will make them fall asleep but it wont make them heavy sleepers. They can still be easily woken up. If you need to put down a dog I would instead reccomend actually making them unconcious with something like a gasoline soaked rag or having a bit in your mouth and spraying it out right into their face and nostrills. Knocks them out cold everytime.

Honestly I would just have them as guard dogs instead of just killing them. Have them maul a thief or two if you live somewhere particulary shitty.
This poster longs to live in a third world country. You can tell by his low iq that would turn his home into one

Drowning is the worst way to die

Sell them to white missionaries with the whole sob story and then steal their stuff when they arent looking. Sell it and escape to a second world country.
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set up street dog fights and train them on this >>4869475 guy
what the fuck
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He is literally regurgitating old school dog breeder 101 for unwanted/deformed litters. A lot of breeders adjacent to agriculture will openely admit it, even in the US or Europe. They are extra mouths to feed after all, and I understand why anon is applying it to this thread as he is following kill shelter ethics with stray dogs but with poorfag methods for a brutal third world.

Its fucked, but in that killing calfs for milk sort of way. It is not cruelty for the sake of cruelty.
"old school dog breeders" are notoriously low IQ subhumans. as in, if you spoke to one, you would need the loosest definition of human to not view them as a talking animal.

organized agriculture is our society's garbage bin. once it was a survival skill, now it's a garbage bin, more similar to trash sorter or burger flipper. they're people who aren't actually good enough even for factory and service work because they're often too antisocial to be within 10 feet of another worker and have to follow rules for 8 hours straight. they are only fit to be taught a few procedures for a few animals and crops and then follow them for life. even when they are dated and proven to be objectively bad they will follow them for life. like an old dog that can't be retrained.

if they grow up torturing animals they literally can't imagine why it would be wrong. it's incomprehensible gobbledygook. they grew up doing it. it's what must be, so there must be something wrong with you.

when i say garbage i mean garbage. a regression. a decay. they make native american savages look like hippies.
Drowning is cruelty for the sake of cruelty.

The funny part is they're typically strongly religious but never get that the bible expressly forbids animal cruelty and even warns that cruel people will misrepresent their cruelty as mercy. Apparently at some point, the church found a way to spin the way passages hundreds of years and different source langauges apart were worded to decide that humans and animals don't both have souls, even though genesis in hebrew spelled it out: animals and adam were given exactly the same kind of soul. Ironically eve was never described as receiving any soul so a by the book religious man needs to treat animals slightly better than women.
>"old school dog breeders" are notoriously low IQ subhumans.
Anyone who saw the dogs they produced could tell.

More than 2/3s of the dog species should be neutered or euthanized due to genetic disorders.
Drowning takes the mistakes away from a kill. You don't miss the brain because it's your first time, you don't fail because you hesitate. You don't stop halfway through, because if you try to stop the drowning it will end up with a brain damaged animal. Or secondary drowning later the same day.
i just let nature run its course
Genuinely kill them. Death ain't so bad anon.

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