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My favorite animal, the bobber
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o kurwa
It's little hops at the end is so cute bros
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wait a muinute i dont think thats right
Why do they insist on building dams?
Is it true platys are poisonous?
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i just had this conversation with a friend on a long ass drive, and the conclusion we came to is "the beaver dams when a beaver dams".
if you're asking a real question about their behavior in the wild, it's step one to building a lodge. the dam blocks water, the water floods and becomes a deep pond. in the newly formed pond, they build what's called a lodge, which is very, very effective at keeping them safe. looking at this cross-section, you don't need to be a tactical genius to understand how as a coyote or a hawk, breaking in might be difficult.
in the webm >>4870632 there's a chance this is just the beaver playing the way beavers know how to play. they are intelligent, and as such, are susceptible to getting bored.
If I were a hawk I’d dive bomb that air vent on top of the lodge with my large talons then get in there and fuck them up.
hawks tend to prefer easier prey. if they REALLY want a beaver, they often wait until beavers come out for food, fell trees or whatever else they do when they're living dangerously. breaking into a lodge is often not worth it. even the gap is lightly fortified, and can be dangerous to try to bust through. you could break some fragile bird bones or get cut up, maybe get an infection. dont underestimate cellulose.
Bird bones are light, it'd easily break all its bones
Go find a beaver dam and try and dismantle it with your bare hands. Now imagine you don't have opposable thumbs, human level intelligence, and a musculature designed for pulling on things.
*venomous and yeah, the males have venomous barbs on their legs. Looking at fossils of older mammals and proto-mammals it’s actually likely that venomous spines/barbs like that are an ancestral mammalian trait that most surviving mammals just lost for some reason.
Interesting. I just played that game E.V.O. on snes. It was really fun, my creature was super op when it had spines and horns and huge jaws but then I eventually evolved it into a human and it got kinda weak until he evolved to be able to use a hatchet.
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They're my favorite animal too
Where do you guys think they're going?
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Here's some OC
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These pics aren't the best since I have to keep them under the 4MB file size limit
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holy shit y r they so cuteeee
perry da platypussss
Beaver moment
>biting off brakes
if you put a speaker playing a recording of rushing water by a beaver they'll cover it with sticks and mud. very based animal to just think "i must build" and they're really good for biodiversity
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fucking legends holy shit
Nice beaver!
It's like our urge to build pillow forts.

Use the force, Luke
Beavers are so cool I'd rather live with Beavers than have a girlfriend
bro is moving like a submarine
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I like it when they slap their tail on the water when diving
My father is Polish and they are his favorite animal, what is the cause of Polish people’s fascination with bober?
Fur. Used to be able to make it big in the fur trade trapping beaver.
popscience told me that beavers can't stand the sound of running water
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Guys a beaver from the local family that I follow just passed away :(
Went to pick him/her up yesterday from a family member who found it dead in their pond and today the government came to pick it up for research
Picrel is its tail

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