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Anons, help, first time I have a cat, and I'm scared. She was adopted after we found her in the streets, already a little bit old, if I had to guess she must've been one month. I try to keep her outside as most as possible but house is big and parents are constantly forgetting doors and windows open, she leaves at the first opportunity. Now she got home at close to 0am, and she looks very scared.
>very alert, looks around her, up and down
>restless, trembling so much she misses her steps once in a while, can't find a position she feels comfortable for more than a few minutes
>constantly licking herself
>walks around as if she were hunting for something
As far as I noticed, it's only these
>pupils are ok
>heart seems ok
>not hurt
>lets me pick her up
My friend told me she probably got into a fight with another cat and got scared shitless, but I'm afraid of something else because of the shaking. I'm avoiding making loud sounds and put her at her favorite place with her favorite blanket. It seems to have worked but she keeps looking around and uncomfy. Closest 24h vet is 1h40 away and is 10x the price of the closest vet which only opens at 8am.

Please help this shitty first timer cat owner, I'm scared and don't know what to do. Webm unrelated.
>I try to keep her outside
Your friend is probably right, something happened that gave her a real adrenaline jolt that isn't wearing off. That in of itself is not a health concern. I am going to wager by now she is back to normal, or near.
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I did what my friend told me and stayed with her, made her a little comfy spot and watched her. She got calmer, but is still restless and something is definitely up with her balance. When I opened the door of my room this morning she jumped off the bed and hid herself under the table she usually hides to spook us. I'm worried but it's almost time the vet will open, I'll be watching her and make sure she is alright. I truly hope it's nothing serious, just lost my dog at the end of last year. Thank you for the input anon, I'll post the results when I get home
Sorry to hear about your dog. There's a couple of things that can disrupt a cat's balance, and I'd be more worried about that than the fear. Taking her to the 8am vet is reasonable. For treating your anxiety; extreme fear responses in cats is not a sign of physical illness in a young cat. Keeping yourself calm might also help her to relax, which will help making the check-up go smoothly.
It's alright, thank you. Yeah about the balance thing, I didn't worry as much about it in the beginning because I thought it was just because of how nervous she was but after a couple of hours being calm I'm very worried about it now. Yeah, I need to work on staying calm for real, it's my first time with a cat, I have no idea what to do, I think I didn't help much cause I was constantly looking at her and stuff...
You acting panicked, both in behaviour and the multitude of smells coming off of you, will make her think there is something to worry about. Though I am no vet I can at least say that a little bit of imbalance is not an immediate issue, it might be an underlying health issue which can be quite serious, but if so has nothing to do with last night's events. I do not think you need to worry, and kitty is not mortally injured. While you wait for the vet to open you could look up some common illness\injury signs online, and try to familiarise yourself with them. Every cat is different, but it can help narrow down issues when they do arise, and more importantly give you the confidence to determine if something is an immediate issue or not.
cute cat
cat status?
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>You acting panicked, both in behaviour and the multitude of smells coming off of you, will make her think there is something to worry about.
Makes sense, I'll try to control myself better kek
>Though I am no vet I can at least say that a little bit of imbalance is not an immediate issue, it might be an underlying health issue which can be quite serious, but if so has nothing to do with last night's events.
Apparently, just a broken nail I hadn't noticed... Plus the nervousness ofc
>While you wait for the vet to open you could look up some common illness\injury signs online, and try to familiarise yourself with them
Doing it right now, my blood pressure went high and I was almost dying here out of worry.
>cat status?
Apparently safe! They said she was just scared and had a broken nail, I asked them to do a full checkup just in case. Thank you very much anons

>cute cat
Very! A bit of a dumbass (like the owner) but cute nonetheless
Good to hear kitty is alright. But now comes the most important part of this experience, and that is to make her comfy, pet her, and give her treats until she's fully calm again.

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