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I dont care what anyone says and im not gonna try to spend time convincing you but our chihuahua mix is pregnant with our ginger cat. Theres no other possibility. We live in an apartment. We've already confirmed shes pregnant and the titties are growing. She seems ok. But this is abnormal and we need to know what to expect as well as what the babies will be like and do they have any chance of being normal or surviving. Can find very little information online about this. Anyone else whos been through anything remotely similar please comment. And before you say its not possible, look at all the testing thats been done on animals for decades and shit that's in our food and water. Its not impossible. Im not the only one that concluded she got pregnant by the ginger cat and we would regularly catch them kissing, snuggling, grooming and having sex.
Ever heard of false pregnancy in dogs? It happens.
Are shots like this really necessary
can i buy one of the catdogs
kill yourselves
that show had no right being as successful as it was
We already confirmed shes actually pregnant and when the babies push it reminds me of cats making the biscuits
How does cat dog shit? I assume out the opposite mouth. I always wondered about this.
In some official artbook they anatomically shit out their middle area.

She cries when the babies push and make biscuit motions. Im not sure if its gonna be dogs, cats, a mixture, hybrids or just fucked up looking dogs. She probably cries because the babies have cat nails.
meds please, cats and dogs can't mate
Unless the dog fairy impregnated her or a male dog climbed 8 stories up, unlocked the window and fucked her it was the cat
Or she got knocked up during a walk while you weren't looking. Or it's a rare fetus-in-fetu situation of birthing a twin she absorbed during gestation.
you're going to take pictures after a couple days right? or if you don't, should we take that as you realizing you are a colossal retard that doesn't want to admit that they're puppies and not catdogs?
OP could also start posting pics of their pregnant dog.
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It wasn't. It was an unpopular show while it aired, no one wanted to work on it, and the only reason why it had so many episodes was because an exec took one look and order 100 episodes on the spot over SPONGEBOB, THAT ONLY GOT 6 SIX! , thinking it would be the greatest thing of all time, but was such a slog they could only be bothered to finish 68. There was even a uproar amongst the Nickelodeon creators at the time regarding this.

>pic related
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I hate toy story 4
hehehe so many cumbly bumblies in your puppy's tummy ahaha and then all the little pupplies come out of the mamma and it's be the happy cat dog family again hehehe
That bunni gets my fluffied desu
haha naughty girl
they are vital
core part
>Beaver - Beaver
It was extremely mean spirited as well. Every character was a stupid asshat.
and it came out right when pokemon was taking over the world, never had a chance
I like mean spirited cartoons, you're a pussy if you get offended
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I'm not offended, I just don't want to immerse myself in a world where EVERYONE is a self-centered, retarded asshole, I get enough of that IRL.
Rocko's Modern Life was like that too, but somehow the creators of that show went on to make Spongebob.
Yeah but Rocko had way more dirty jokes.
Hello Mr. Enter
That picture messes with me a little bit.
>orange cartoon cat
>orange means orange
>orange cartoon dog
>orange means brown
>where does he go from orange to brown!?!?
Inb4 pitbull mix babies
Based schizo
What the fuck are you on about?
It's the coming of the messiah that will end all cat v. dog console wars.
The savior /an/ has been waiting for
How do you prevent it from eating the babies tho i heard thats common with chihuahua mommas

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