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> An Australian climate scientist has told a conference it's likely Australia's Great Barrier Reef has already been dealt its death blow.
>Leading climate scientist Joëlle Gergis of the University of Melbourne told the Climate Change and Business Conference in Auckland that 80 per cent of the reef was bleached in April, the first time damage had extended so far along the reef.
>"Scientists know... it's likely that the extensive reef wide bleaching of this year has dealt the largest living structure on this planet its death blow," she said.
>iphoneposter climate debate screenshot thread
It's a shame, I remember being fascinated by the GBR as a kid but never made the trip to see it when it was healthier. Kind of similar to how many people treat familial relationships lol. Go see biological wonders while you can. Regardless of whatever ideologies you hold everything changes, nothing sticks around forever.
Surly there are ways to conserve the reef and help it recover in some ways.
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>fundraising event
>ask people whose jobs depend on things being bad if things are bad
>"yes, we need more money"
It's like cancer charities or food banks or doctors without borders.
Except those sometimes report that they've made a difference
Yes, that doctors without borders arms smuggle stopped the sufferings of many far better than any vaccine.
But they need things to be bad so how can you even tell?
>climate "scientist"
As if they can't make a great barrier reef in a lab
They're so proud they can make lab grown cows so some sponges and stuff couldn't be any harder
Even if this were true it wouldn't make any difference until conditions improve in the water.
And then what, put it in an aquarium?
If the original one died it's because the sea is getting less and less suitable for life.
It is less suitable.
pH dropping like a bitch. Used to be 8.5, norm is 8.1. That's a fuck-tonne of solvent to buffer but we did it.
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I hear you, entropy is a bitch, but wouldn't it be nice if humans weren't passively, and sometimes actively destroying these natural wonders?
>>"yes, we need more money"
who are you quoting? what is it with rightoids making up scenarios to seethe at?
It would be nice, but I've given up on such large-scale cooperation from our species. I think our social structures operate best in communities of 200-300 people, and maybe 10 cooperatively linked communities (numbers pulled directly from my ass).
Anything beyond that and things become too impersonal and the authority becomes more susceptible to corruption and admin abuse.
In the case of the GBR there's really little Australia can do alone to protect it, the variables are too global.
>making up
Two more weeks
behavior and personality are genetic. people from certain ethnicities hate nature because this behavior never prevented them from reproducing. not because they live in large communities
Hatred for nature is cultural. People from the 50s hated nature more than modern people, and people whose parents taught them about animals and biology as kids will respect nature more than someone who received no education.
I feel like I've heard this like 40 times now
>climate ideologist makes bombastic doomsday claim based on nothing but extrapolations and feelings
Who is still being fooled by this?

we don't hate nature we hate lies systematically trying to shift responsibility from the international elite hoarder class to individual atomized working-class people in a tiny minority of Western nations for... bathing too often, owning too many t-shirts, watching netflix...
No, people who only see wildlife as either a nuisance or a food source (depending on species) and wish to live in a fully anthropized world are more common than you think.
The "atomized working-class people" should force said elites to take responsibility instead of defending them
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2 more weeks
Dude, only about a hundred companies are responsible for over 70% of all the pollution in the world. Nobody's asking proles to take a substantial cut to their standard of living except for capitalists, it's common knowledge among the left that pollution has always been the fault of the borgeoisie.
And communists

China has even and odd car days and socialist euros straight up tell people “buy new car or no drive”. This is called central planning. A communist owns nothing. It is borrowed from the bourg… “state”.

But sure its THE CAPITALISM. Remember what communism does to waterways.
the CCP is communist in name only. china is a hyper-capitalist society ruled by a quasi-fascist party.
which genes appearing in the last 100 years led to white Americans preserving natural landscapes but not white Britons?
Every time. Communism is always fascist at any level above small town level.
>it's common knowledge among the left that pollution has always been the fault of the borgeoisie.
first off every single measure at trying to get this "bourgeoisie" to pay for the damage corporations do is passed off immediately to the middle class
second off the "bourgeoisie" the left wants to target almost invariably includes the middle class and the upper middle classes who do not actually own the means of production.
No one earning a million dollars a year are actually doing any sort of damage to society or causing actual damaging levels of pollution, yet climate/pollution schemes invariably target these individuals as well.
The Left just hates the middle class and wants to destroy them and bring them down to the poverty of the lower classes out of spite and anger that they can't actually be contributing members of society
who are you quoting? no one outside of low IQ rightoids that see everything in a simplistic black-and-white dichotomy think china is a "communist" country.

do you look at north korea and think it's a republic according to its dictionary defintion too?
Well, that is exactly the problem, anon. Once it hits a certain point of collapse, the entire thing can die and be ground into sand by wave action. Some small fragments might remain, but 90% or 99% might just die and vanish.

And then, there will be no "barrier" part of the story to control shoreline erosion. Humans have really fucked this gay Earth hard and there are some lines that can be crossed where recovery might need to be measured in dozens of millions of years after a reset. And some scenarios indicate a "reset" may just be a lifeless Hell like Venus.

People need to stop fucking around and get serious about maintaining and caring for our home.
lol, lmao even
I don't think you understand how stupid you are which makes sense because surely you'd be embarrassed and would choose to never speak again.
>brings up yankeenigger directionpolitics out of nowhere
So you have no argument outside of feelings? Typical rightoid golem.
you didnt make an argument, so i dont have to
i can just point and laugh at you
Because there is no argument to make. China isn't a communist country, by definition, just like how the Nazi's weren't socialist and NK isn't a Democratic Republic. Words have real meanings regardless of what countries & parties want to call themselves.
Would you argue with the town retard? When you make such a clear statement of mental illness is there a point to take you seriously? Were I to make valid arguments to a clearly unwell individual would that not bring me down to his level?

basically, you're fucking stupid.
yeah, because you didnt make one, so i continue you laugh at you
concession accepted
I've noticed this a lot with conservatives online. They say you're wrong but never give any evidence as to how/why. Only thing I can think of is that someone says something that conflicts with their headcanon (read: their feelings), they get upset but also know they have no logical retort of any kind so they just repeat the same thing over and over to "win" the argument.

In other words, they're woman-brained. In which case they're probably doing you a favor by not engaging because women are exhausting to argue with.
Would you explain breathing to someone? When they get angry and say why won't you argument why this "breathing" is something important, would you take them seriously? How can I explain your retardation when you're incapable of seeing it and determined that I am only insulting you rather than telling you you are basically an automaton? Think what you must, breathing should not have be explained.
Like I said: they repeat the same thing over and over and over. Just like a woman.
>Nobody's asking proles to take a substantial cut to their standard of living
You mean like the EU making private jets and yachts exempt fro carbon taxes?

>using "capitalist" in the same context /pol/ uses "jew"
Oh wait, you are actually retarded.
>implying capitalist elites and jews are different groups
"Yeah, fuck healing the sick and feeding the poor."
- Anon
It's easy to grow an organ (reef) in the lab but it's hard to make the patient's body (the ocean floor) let it take root and grow. Stop being intentionally stupid.
>implying rightoids didn't just take class consciousness and left-wing aesthetics to get support from the working class while replacing every criticism of the bourgeoisie with criticism of all Jews rich or otherwise
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Reminder these predictions are always wrong.
He is quoting you ya stupid fag
>People from the 50s hated nature more than modern people

Bullshit. Their generation had fishing in ponds, outdoor picnics, parks, hiking, camping, boy scouts, outdoor games, wood widdling hobbies and more
You don't know shit son
Stop deflecting. He brought up all the deception by the establishment you worship. Either defend those claims, or concede people shouldn't trust nor care about this hyperbolic headline
Maybe they should stop bleaching it eh?
This used to be the left. The left no longer cares about labor.
They only care about foreign invaders and undead faggos.
Glaciers will all be gone in 2020... so sad.
What do people like you actually believe? Or do you simply believe nothing, and instead revel in the masturbatory feeling of being the smartest man in the room for "questioning everything" (and never accepting any answer, as that's not the important part)?
Well, it only makes sense, seeing how they've demonized the act of proving things (See: the "SOURCE? SOURCE?" meme). They've rendered themselves unable to provide proof.
See, but, I can explain why breathing is important. It's possible to do so. If you wanted me to, I could explain it. It doesn't matter if I think it's annoying to do so; all that matters is that I can prove such a thing.
You know what happened at the end of the Boy Who Cried Wolf? A wolf actually came.
You're conflating "love of doing things outside" with "love of nature". Said generation also used some of the most horrible pesticides known to man and wreaked havoc upon local ecologies.
A lot of studies are genuinely junk is why. Science is about replication and the whole damn civilization proving facts. Not about a sample size of 150 and a correlation the researcher wanted to find by doctoring the results at the sample level before the study even began.

Let's not even get started on china trying to pretend they're a hotbed of human evolution by trying to name every denisovan-sapiens hybrid skull fragment an epic new species
how dare you? your attitude could theoretically murder billions of people in the most horrible way.
lmao. what's next, a facebook screenshot?
Cool. We can keep dumping plastic into the ocean then, since nothing bad will ever come from it. Retard.
so why are they bleaching it? whats that good for? and why dont they stop?
I think it's time we stop lumping ourselves together with the third world subhumans who actually dump their garbage in the ocean because they're too fucking retarded to understand or care about the consequences of their actions.
You realize that is still your plastic being dumped into the ocean because you people are lazy greedy assholes who'd rather just ship everything to some poorfag country in Asia and forget about it. Out of sight out of mind.
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Everything goes away in the end.
/pol/ and ancap here
No, 'destroying natural wonders' is neccessary to ensure our resources will never run out and we can turn that into profit.
Please stay in line with vegans and other climate ideologists and go to hell. Your Greta virgin is waiting for you.
Capitalism did this btw
>inb4 commie
2 more weeks
of course you conveniently ignore that western nations ship all their "recyclable" plastics to the third world so they don't have to think about it.
>pay third worlders to do something besides sit on their asses all day waiting for the next shipment of gibs
>they just dump all that garbage wherever instead of doing their fucking job
>this is somehow our fault
And where exactly can they do their job when in the middle of the fucking jungle there is no high quality recycling waste management like in the first world?
Should've thought of that before accepting all our trash. Stop acting like third worlders are these naive wittle babies we're taking advantage of, they knew exactly what they were doing when they accepted all that garbage.
You make the bed you lie in.
>still conveniently ignoring how much of the garbage got there in the first place
If you are offering to do it, you are at fault too, shitskin
Hitmen go to prison alongside whoever paid them
Lack of foresight and greed is how that garbage got there.
See >>4879700
You make the bed you lie in.
Some good news, published yesterday
Basically, some simulated heat/acidification of some Hawaiian corals showed that the extra acidification didn't seem to significantly hamper post-bleaching recovery, nor the coral's ability to withstand the next bleaching event. Heat seems the more critical aspect here, so it's good to know at least that the acidification isn't making it as bad as it could be (though IIRC it still partially dissolves the coral structures, making them grow more slowly overall). Of course, this is specific to their coral types, so it's possible that other corals in the world are more strongly affected by acidification.
Self awanress must have been eradicated by communism too
Lmao that shoreline erosion is baby game compared to all the weather weaponry unleashed every day on the enemies of usdollar. This entire year all bricsfags were sinking including the empty dry sand deserts of Saudis. Natural charities should just all shut up. One corpo hand is drawing doom graphics for bleeding hearts and another seeds the clouds to destroy their entire neighborhood. While my auntie gathers one by one her cucumber shrink wraps for recycling. Clown world.
What a shit thread. Mods will delete toady funposting but not this garbage.
>/pol/ and ancap here
>has the mentality of an edgy 12 year old
color me surprised
>posts go from 3 days ago to few minutes
someone wanted to bump this dead thread
I fucking hate being alive
The soviet union drained an entire inland ocean to serve their industry. It's a general trait (so far, I think maybe there's some slight hope still) of human beings in particular and life in general to overconsume. Don't be retarded.
>send trash to country
>they don't recycle it
>do it again
Hmm I wonder how we can stop this
Not my problem, do the job you were paid to do, you third worlder bitch.
Wait. There was another ocean next to atlantic, pacific and indic? Within their own country?
>pay some guys to repair the roof on my house
>they don't do it
>not my job, not my problem
A proper analogy would be
>pay some guys to take my garbage to the dump
>they throw it in their front lawn
>not my job, not my problem
Oh wait, it's not an analogy if it's exactly what they're doing, haha.
But they're still not doing it and you're still sending the trash
You can't play victim when you continue letting the bad thing happen
It's not even a matter of effort, just stop sending it and it doesn't happen anymore
So if they continue to send it then guess what? They don't care if it happens either
If a black tyrone dumps his trash can on your property and two others tell you to recycle you wouldn't do that job either.
Basically stop all pollution and outlaw non-reef safe sunscreen
So that classic mineral sunscreen that makes you look white
Fortunately there are people in the fish trade that grow and raise coral so there is no such thing as permanent damages when we can fight back by breeding and bringing more hardy coral
The world just needs stabilize the ocean and unfortunately we might have to cause a mass extinction event before it starts to matter to the public. Not everybody thinks about the reef

Global warming issues have taught me that its a slow process that will always be reversible until it isn't and we have to reintroduce life to its habitat and fix plenty of the issues the ocean has today
>only about a hundred companies are responsible for over 70% of all the pollution in the world
This study is a complete fucking scam designed to make people keep buying crap they don't need.
You know what those "100 companies" are? Energy companies, including state owned ones. For instance, it lists the entire coal production of the country of China as a "company". Furthermore, all use of these companies' products is counted as pollution by these companies. If I buy petrol from Exxon, whatever pollution I cause by using that petrol is counted as pollution caused by Exxon in the study.
In short, all the study really says is that most of our pollution comes from fossil fuels. Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
real communism has never been tried
do i have a business agreement with tyrone? no, i do not you stupid bitch
I think the issue is doing math with outdated technology and knowledge of the subject.
If food growing methods stayed the same then maybe we wouldn't have enough food but everything keeps becoming more efficient
There is indoor vertical farming being done right now with water that has exact nutrients for the food it is growing and 0 need for pesticides as bugs can't get in and a see through room along with some supplementary lighting makes it as cheap and efficient as someone laying out hundreds of acres of seeds
With the right set up you could grow all the food you need in the same space you'd have a decent sized garden in.

just a theory
I would but it's too despressing

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