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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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I’ve genuinely never been so angry in my fucking life. What kind of monstrous, capitalist rotted fuckfaced shithead do you have to be to allow this garbage to go to market. If I had the coordinates to their warehouses I would molotov them all until nothing remained
Calm down toxo you'll find another host
>needing to shit in a pile of dirt
Lmao skill issue

Yours, birdGODS
Dog bros this is a certified jek. First round of turds on me?
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>algorithm feeds the toxobrain his daily outrage bait and he immediately flies off the rocker
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>1 man 5 cats
China. Now they automatized cat torture.
China accident videos coming soon to a home near you. Can't make machines from your country anymore because of taxes. Have to buy the cheap worker cutting version from China now.

also, here is the link to the video you showed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xepC3-Ia9ho
whoever invented this is gigabased
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what a cat-astrophe!
I miss when /an/ cared about animals (2014)
>buy cheap unknown chinkware filled with motorized metal parts for pet
>pet dies
cat owners are so retarded
I was wondering if those things were all hype. Found a rolling litter box that functions basically the same way minus the automation. If you're too lazy a nigger to not use a much cheaper box that still saves almost as much labor you don't deserve your kitty
The chinese, who simply open a new company and switch names to hide who they are while selling the same shit
If it wasn't so sad I'd be impressed how they manages to export their liveleak industrial accidents to western households. Truly impressive, what an awful race of people.
/an/ never cared about cats
I care about nature, therefore I dislike cats.
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>buying a plastic guillotine
why are cat owners so retarded
I was promised aftermath pictures
Where are they?
It's in the OP
Get angry at Scamazon for allowing chinks to flood the market with cheap untested knockoffs. The product this is mimicking is designed so it can't harm the cat.
Seems useful if you want to make food out of your cat
Best post I've seen in weeks
you're missing the bigger problem here. a bunch of chinaman posing as americans to sell their dangerous products on amazon. amazon is not completely innocent here. they should thoroughly vet the products that are listed to their site.

you should see how many houses got burned down, people injured or killed because of these chinese products.
stop buying chinkshit?
how would you know what's chinks shit these days? these chinks have started using ai voices to disguise themselves as americans, Japanese or germans to sell their products.
buttsniffer falseflag thread. also bumps his thread for the first 6 posts. embarrassing. S&H
You're retarded.
How am I supposed to be able to tell that something made by OLIXVQORAM on Amazon is borderline scam chinkshit??? There's just simply know way to know.
they've upped their game. I recently bought a chinesium tools on a store name called "Mitch Tools" the product showcase was dubbed in with a very thick southern voice. they got a TTS now that's very convincing compared to TTS we commonly hear.
If you don't recognize the brand or see the brand referenced anywhere else on the entire fucking internet, it's Chinesium. Upgrade your brain. Literally just google.
>be lazy fag
>get mad when machine kills cat
stop being fucking lazy and clean your litter box it's literally so easy.
btw i love capitalism
Clearly this was an indoor cat if it's using a litterbox, buttsniffer anon.
Just about everything is made in China now.
It's hard to believe any cat would even go into one of these things to shit.
>dog owners pick up their animal's shit with a bag
>bird owners let their birds shit anywhere and don't clean it up
>somehow having cats shit in a box and scooping it with a shovel is a bad thing
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>have the box in their house
>touch the scoop bare-handed
have you heard of soap and warm water?
>>dog owners pick up their animal's shit with a bag
Not really, they usually just let them leave turds all over the place. Probably like 90% of dog owners are inconsiderate self-obsessed dickheads.
>You can wipe your ass with your bare hand and just wash it off but would you?
do you believe that cat owners pick up piss and shit with the handle end of the scoop?
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>googling "how many toxo deaths per year" and cherry picking a paper from 2001
hey look I can do that too
>thread about litter boxes
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>37 public hospitals were involved in the study
retard alert
>What kind of monstrous, capitalist rotted fuckfaced shithead do you have to be
just a little chinky, and they're communist btw :)
This is fake, retards
I don't think they're allowing it per say, it's just different companies rebranding so they can continue to sell it. They make knock-offs hard to track on purpose. This is why when it comes to important electronics, you should probably get them from a well-known brand and not Store_1945841904

I miss when /an/ was hard to troll because everyone was so sincere.
western companies import chinkshit then slap their western brand name and sell it and the buyer has no idea that it's a chinese cheap death trap
kill yourself commie
Blame the run up to the 2016 election herding a huge flood of third worlders to 4chan
This product is Chinese. Amoral communist insectoids don't care about Scruffy they just want money
Seems legit, apparently the issue was an update
We still care about animals, that’s why we hate cats.
>What kind of monstrous, capitalist rotted fuckfaced shithead do you have to be to allow this garbage to go to market.
lazy cat owners.
You haven't done anything for any animal besides yourself.
Hm yes I will buy the cheapest chinkiest item for my pet with a door that automatically slides shut
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>leaves smaller fecal fragments and all the piss-soaked litter inside
Imagine the smell
you can clearly see the manufacturer and where it's delivered from on the amazon page. no matter what, you'll see chinese addresses on things like these
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>stay inside the house
>get decapitated
>go outside
>get eaten by haitians
>try to go into the woods
>mauled and devoured by wild dogs
catbros... dogCHADS are making fun of us....
Fippy bippy
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kill dropshippers. behead dropshippers. roundhouse kick a dropshipper into the concrete. slam dunk a shipper-blood into the trashcan. crucify filthy dropshippers. defecate in a dropshipper’s food. launch dropshippers into the sun. stir fry dropshippers in a wok. toss dropshippers into active volcanoes. urinate into a dropshipper’s gas tank. judo throw dropshippers into wood chippers. twist dropshippers’ heads off. report dropshippers to the wizards’ council. karate chop dropshippers in half. curb stomp dystopian non-human dropshippers. trap dropshippers in quicksand. crush dropshippers in the trash compactor. liquify dropshippers in a vat of acid. eat dropshippers. dissect dropshippers. exterminate dropshippers in the gas chamber. stomp dropshipper skulls with steel toed boots. cremate dropshippers in the oven. lobotomize dropshippers with 44 magnum. mandatory abortions for dropshippers. grind dropshipper fetuses in the garbage disposal. drown dropshippers in fried chicken grease. vaporize dropshippers with anti-matter.
I don't understand how are certain cats ok with shitting in an enclosed litterbox. It's a literal gas chamber for them, the smell of feces and piss permeating the plastic walls an assault to their heightened senses.
And yeah i speak for experience, my cat's litterbox is an old plastic tray used to develop negatives.
Chinese are capitalists with a red coat of paint you imbeciles. If anything, they represent pure, unshackled capitalism, where all is about profit, and safeties and regulations are thrown out the window to spare pocket change
Imagine your parietal lobe being so under developed you kill your own pets.

>The part of the brain primarily responsible for mental rotation of shapes is the parietal lobe, specifically the posterior parietal cortex (PPC). This region is involved in spatial processing and visual imagery, allowing us to mentally manipulate and rotate objects.
Most pet owners consider animals the way we used to, useful tools at best, nuisances at worst and exotic moving furniture on average. They care not abput their wellbeing and barely shed any tear when they inevitably die in some gut wrenching and completely avoidable way
for the last time schizo. the voices in your head are not several people.
>frequent urination
>multiple cat households
The Soviets weren't any different from the Chinese, we just didn't give them unlimited access to our markets.
I care and love animals also but I'm allowed to dislike cats and animals that should be put down

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