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Have you ever had to break up a dog fight?

why do retards get to have their smashed and slammed child destruction machine but im denied my exotic cat? its not fair.
exotic cats don't belong in your shitty studio apartment.
what about big dogs? theyre the same size, but youre not complaining about them. you can walk cats all the same, especially considering how intellegent big cats are compared to the housecat
>what about big dogs? theyre the same size, but youre not complaining about them
au contraire nigga
If any pitbull started mauling my dog like that I'd stick it with my stickin' knife. These absolutely helpless urbanite cattle people are tragic.
i was talking about keeping dogs in a shitty studio apartment
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A fight is one thing, fights are usually pretty harmless, but that is a full on attack with intent to maul and kill

When a pitbull gets like that the only ways to get it to stop are to either incapacitate or kill, any amount of pain will only make it bite harder

I get it's not a common skill but it was painful watching all these idiots flail helplessly as that poor dog got its leg chewed off (holy shit at that dude grabbing the dog's balls)

What I'd try here and this works best with a thinner soft collar (that most dogs have) but get behind the dog and dig your whole hand under that collar, do a half twist or more like a tourniquet, and pull hard as you can, while behind the dog and bracing against its neck (knee works well). Don't let go. This will choke the dog out and he will release once he loses consciousness

If that doesn't work I'd pull my gun and ask the owner for permission euthanize the dog
If some fuckos dog is eating my dogs leg, im blowing its brains out and the owners next if he so much as gives me a stinkeye over it
If it's my dog absolutely, not about to jeopardize my career over someone else's dog though
>Leave nanny to me!
A few months ago, some retard let his shitbull get into a barking match with an old man's dog when both were walking their dogs on opposite sides of the road near my house. I had to drive my car between the dogs to get them to knock it off.
The best way to stop a shitbull from mauling something is to use what's known as a "break stick" to pry its jaws open. This is what they use in "bite training" and in dogfighting circles as a way to remove the dog without hurting it. A plastic tent stake or anything about that size with a wedge shape will work. It's probably good to carry one around with you when you're out walking your own dog in case a shitbull attacks.
Just know you gonna get john wicked
Never fuck with someone elses dog...
Jsyk, break sticks are illegal in some states since they’re classified as dogfighting paraphernalia
LMAO this isn't a movie, numbnuts. You think the owner of that pit has any sort of skill to do anything? That retard can't even control a dog.
You are probably autistic if you think someone wont get mad about hurting or killing their dogkek
>The best way to stop a shitbull from mauling something is to use what's known as a "break stick" to pry its jaws open.

Who carries a break stick or out device around though? If improvising you essentially need something very slim and hard and strong, you'd be hard pressed to break a bite with a tent stake...
if your dog is literally ripping an innocent dog apart his life is forfeit
or just you know a gun
yes you will get john wicked if your psychotic inbred dog kills someone else's and you will do nothing back because you're a little bitch who buys a dog instead of growing balls
Keep crying bitchtits

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