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I need an arborists that isnt in anyway affiliated with "lot clearing" elective killing of trees like every tree trimming company is. I have a tree in my life that is as old as me and may be going. I need a professional, tree hugging opinion of if anything can be done to save it.

I'm in central Maryland. Is the old myth that most state colleges do this work?
I could actually recommend someone if you were in my state but you are not, alas
How did you find them?
just buy a book about pruning and learn, trees need haircuts.
The tree is a scarred freak. A huge branch of it died or shed it's leaves super early (a month ago).
take a baggie of dirt and a clipping of some leaves into your local plant nursery and ask the old dude at the info counter
check out this site https://www.treesaregood.org/ for arborist near you
also what exactly is wrong with the tree? I live on the other side of the country but might be able to give you some basic advice
t. TRAQ arborist
>>4876610 #
Cant hurt. Thanks.

>>4876661 #
Bark falling off progressively past few years. This year although the eastern third came in healthy, lost all it's leaves middle of July.
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Take a close look at the bark. Is there any debris that looks like pic related? Any holes? Could be some kind of insect infestation. Can you post a picture of the bark?
Nah...and certainly not way up on the big branch that died. There is a maple about 50 feet away that is half dead and has a black mass at the base of the trunk.
Arbortion is murder!
Why don't you stop being retarded and post up like 10 good quality photos of the affected area, it's crown, trunk, any bifurcations , anything that's weeping fluids and the soil line and someone who knows what he's doing will advise you.

Yes. We are very pro-life here.

Cause if there was any of that I would have done it by now....
>not pro-leaf
anon you had one job
This was from the ornamental tree others planted underneath.
I mean, if the bark is lifting away from the trunk like that, that's a good indicator that she's already pretty fuckin dead
That's only new thing on the backside. The hollow trunk you see has been there all my life, while the leaves come in every year very healthy. Only now has a huge branch, which filled in spring just fine, died half way through the season.
bet this one leaf alone >>4878912 would be enough to give the guy an idea of what's gone wrong with it. better to bring along a handful of soil too so he can pH test it and whatnot, but sometimes a cutting alone will be enough.
I was gonna make another thread, but I have several offspring trees I'd like to save of other trees that died, and have had so little a success with cuttings....that leaf is a bit of a test, tree company told me, that it's an ornamental that kills all other tress around them....
>tree company told me
no no, not tree company. what i meant was drive to the nearest patch of suburbia, find the "plant store" where housewives go to buy their flowers, walk straight through to the outdoor section, then keep an eye on the wooden shack/structure thing in the center, and wander over when you see the old af white guy who's only there because retirement was feckin' boring and this is as close as he can get to what his body wouldn't let him keep doing. hand him the piece of tree you brought and ask him what's wrong with it. take pictures to show him too.

or test him with the leaf first, whatever. research whatever he tells you once you get home in case he picked up some boomerism that's ultimately wrong but still close enough that it leads you to the correct info. he's old, he's bored, he gets paid whether he sells you crap or not, he lacks the time-is-money mentality of youth, and he will happily do his damnedest to help you work out why your favorite tree isn't thriving anymore because trees are his favorite too.
That is a excellent idea. Thank you.
Its been raining. So I can't get there.

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