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I live on the 10th floor of an apartment block and these fuckers always come 2 hours after sunrise and start cooing, shitting and flapping about on my window sills. Every fucking day I wake up to scare them away by spraying them with water.

I've tried hanging cds, plastic owls, even a 3d made dragon! I've sprayed the sills with vinegar so much that my house smells of grandma's pantry. Still they keep zooming around, males chasing females so they can do their pathetic "spin to the left, spin to the right, now let me smash" dance and then stand bewildered for 30 seconds wondering why she flew away.

Couple of weeks ago there were a bunch munching on some stupid bread on the sidewalk when suddenly one of them darted between my legs as I was walking past and I squished it.
I've heard they are pretty intelligent, but I guess they sold their brains for some stupid bread.

How do I get rid of this flying circus act?
be nice to pigeons
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Suck it up vinegar boy
My god, I can smell you through the screen
Same, but budgies.
You should have sympathy for pigeons. We are the ones who made them like this. Humanity did this to them.
Put dry rice on your windowsill and around your apartment complex. Let the problem solve itself.
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simple, move out of the city :)
Is it this nigger?
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We are the ones who made them like this. Humanity did this to them.
We as in who? Did I do it?
This sounds like blacks guilt tripping whites for shit that happened hundreds of years ago.
If you think about it, pigeons really are the niggers of the sky. The crack head type. Shitting on the streets, zooming around, hanging out in gangs, crappy households, mostly on the streets, livelihood based on handouts, living in abandoned buildings or doing home invasions, only focused on dough, etc.
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that's some skill
Bros... How do we beat him?
simple, longer spikes. this size are useless for pigeon because his feet are longer than the spikes
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>my ancestor
BB gun
what the fu artist is fat shaming a bird?????
Someone will pay for this injsutice
>Live in a city and be woken up by pigeons at dawn
>Move out to the countryside and be woken up by roosters
You just can't win
>seething neurotic incel can't even enjoy the comforting coos of cute birds
That's a myth, dummy.
based gopher killer.
Now I want to build a house inside a giant primate skull.
You could introduce a couple flocks of crows to crowd them out, crows are smarter and tougher than pigeons. But then you'd probably be pissed off about living with the crows too
pigeon beak typed this post
we owe them reparations (bread and seeds)
>we wuz dinosaurs un shit
I love pigeons extremely. They are humans friend, but humans abandoned them.
>did I do it
If you treat them badly then it doesn't matter what you did or didn't do in the past you troglodyte. They're animals. It's not their fault they're here in the city, being a nuisance. Just don't act like the gorilla you are and leave them alone. I like pidgeons. They're cute. Fuck you.
>This sounds like blacks guilt tripping whites for shit that happened hundreds of years ago.
wdym "hundreds of years ago", you're being racist presently
>blacks guilt tripping whites for shit that happened hundreds of years ago.
The last lynching in the US happened in the 80s. I'm unsurprised a complete and utter smooth brained retard such as yourself can't appreciate the beauty that is pigeons. Low-iq individuals often can't.

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