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I used to think they were ugly but now I find them cute; especially the long-haired ones. How do you fell about them?
I had to put my Chihuahua down a couple years back. Probably the only time I cried in 10 years.
Sorry for your loss
I think they're fine, as long as you're responsible and don't let them become the stereotypical crackheads seen in those angry chihuahua videos by raising them properly
If they are well socialized they are some the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. If they are not they are so goblin like and ugly that it wraps back round to being cute again. Its a win win dog breed unless you are a toddler's hand.
they’re funny little guys
chihuahua mixes are fine. my sister has one, it looks exactly like a chihuahua but it's a normal peppy energetic dog.

purebred chihuahuas are neurotic crack addicts that will snap at you if you get within 6 feet of it or its owner.
I must admit I fell for the agressive little menace belief, until I actually met a chihuahua for the first time. The little guy is one of the sweetest, happiest little creatures I've ever met
They're the best dogs.
Only hated by the micropenis crowd.
My dad's wife has like five of them and they NEVER stop yapping.
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>My dad's wife
They're cute. I love them. They are very friendly despite people saying they're not. But they are easily scared. I have a teacup chihuahua and she's very well behaved.
people divorce and remarry all the time idiot
So...mother number 2/3? I don't follow.
The ones I met IRL were all nice but also morbidly obese.
Fat and happy.
anon probably worded it that way because of no blood relation or deep bond
HEY, I like them
My cousin was in a rando pet store in a strip mall, and it turns out it was run by a puppy mill owner. She didn't know that going it, but knew shortly thereafter from the smell of urine, and woodchips/straw.
In a cage was a one eyed long hair with "wire feet." Her feet were deformed from an entire life (6 yrs) of standing on wire. Her nose was twisted sideways from a bulging infection.
She bought Raggedy Anne for ten bucks, and had her infection looked at. It was $1.2K for the surgery to remove her teeth.
The first time she touched grass, it was like seeing an alien land on a new planet. She didn't know what to do, and freaked out when she was attacked my a butterfly.
She lived 8 more years, but would always have ptsd. She didn't know how to play, so her "playing" was hoisting her butt in the air, smacking the ground with her front foot, and sniffing.
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Chihuahuas and huskies are dog shaped aliens and you cannot convince me otherwise
Husky = speed and agility
Chihuahua = longevity and wisdom
We must combine them
you can just get a parson russell terrier, theyre kinda like a bigger chihuahua, except not as weird looking as a jack russell
I named my little guy Escapade and we are absolutely insufferable.
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What an absolutely chaotic idea, I love it

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