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I like both Cats and Dogs
I like cats because they’re more engaging for my dog than regular food
Congrats. You share the view of the majority of normies irl
I tolerate dogs and detest cats
No you don't.
If you are not a fan of either whose banner do you raise high anon?
Plants and birds
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Somehow the one on the left is smarter than one on the right
Plants are not animals but I respect birds.
They are about equal thanks to inbreeding, its just the second is more socially compatible.
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sadly a controversial opinion on this board, thanks to retards. normal opinion to anyone who isn't abnormally down bad for specific animals
It feels good, makes me think I am not dysgenic.
Same. Consolewarsfags baffle me. Now if you'll excuse me I have a couple of threads to shit up with bite stats, toxoposting, indoors vs. outdoors (both sides), and saying "you just know" anytime a woman and a male dog are in the same picture, all because my braincell (singular) needs its dopamine fix.
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somehow I feel there's better ways to get dopamine
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Me too, but I like dogs more.
I'd have neither.
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>Liking more animals makes you one of those disgusting normies
This but unironically
Cats >>> birds

Same but I've only ever been able to have dogs, never a cat.

Nah I've heard tons of dog lovers say they hate cats because "they're useless" or something like that and tons of cat lovers say they hate dogs because of "drool" or whatever.
Well, cats are, indeed, useless.
And for some reason, the most popular large dogs are also naturally smelly with deformed lips that constantly leak drool.
>Well, cats are, indeed, useless.
Is companionship not a utility? Either way it hardly matters because 90% of dog owners don't use their dog for any sort of job or purpose so they're equally as "useless"
I also don't get why people hate drool so much. It's mostly water, who gives a shit? The only thing actually disgusting about dogs is red rockets which is why I've always owned females.
Technically, no companion animal is useful. You should only socialize with other humans to ensure 24/7 application of peer pressure so you do not deviate from prescribed social norms.

In reality most people are shit so we have companion animals to enable more expedient social escapes from abusive and manipulative relationships, and they act as sort of a POS repellent. Pet owners are less likely to attract pieces of shit in the first place because pieces of shit abhor the idea of "serving" an animal or having one in their home.
don't care.
dogs good.
cats bad.
Hideous desgenic fat bulbous features vs. Neat beautiful sharp features
Everyone who is not a brainrot monkey see monkey do idiot likes both.
I'm reading these comments and think most people who commented need to seek a therapist. Dogs, cats, and humans can and do take care of each other.
>most people who commented need to seek a therapist
welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay
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Fixed! also, go back to incel school. you never learned how to spell dysgenic.

No, a lot of normal people dislike your "furbaby". You can't pull the centrism card here. Dogcat arguments are older than /an/. The most reasonable position to ever come out of it is "i only like some dogs and some cats, the rest can die".
hey mods might i request this post >>4881545 for the splash board at the top of the page?
Me too
My friend doesn’t like dogs because they are codependent
Most people prefer dogs that are codependent, because the alternative basic personality trait is totally aloof and selectively obedient.

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