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what makes male cats want to mate if they don't get any orgasmic feeling
>if they don't get any orgasmic feeling
what makes you think they don't ?
They need to pass off their genes and spread their species, incel/femcel waste of cum.
they want to because they do
OP [is a fag] probably diddled his tomcat and got swatted
skill issue
i've diddled my tomcat and he clearly gets an orgasmic feeling
also gets sleepy afterwards
They probably do get the feeling. The better question is why do females put up with it if they only experience pain.
Pain is actually very pleasurable
The male holds them in place
Evolution fucked them over by making the male cat's dickbarbs gouging the vaginal wall the only way for the car to ovulate. Also I think female cats feel uncomfortable if they don't mate while they're in heat
>they only experience pain.
they don't
the roughness of cat penises is vastly exaggerated
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kill yourselves
Crumb is so fucking based
They do
They don't "put up with it," they're held in place and the male grabs their scruff with their teeth for 2 seconds to rape them. Usually the female will bat or swat the male so the male needs to tire the female out beforehand so she's too weak to run away. The barbs DO hurt and female cats usually screech in pain during mating. Male cats are also known to gang rape. They're very similar to ducks in that they participate in sexually coercive behaviors and sex is painful for the female.
how do you know...?
It's a myth that sex makes female cats ovulate. They still ovulate normally even if they haven't mated.
Please keep your sex fantasies off of /an/, thanks.
They're masochists and love pain
I think there's some "scientific" meme that only heckin humies experience orgasms idk
>Why do females ___?
Who fucking cares?
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I care.
Go back to your incel forum and watch your beheadings, scum

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