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How do you dog lovers cope seeing stray dogs?
feel bad I guess. It's pretty rare to see a stray dog just roaming around. Most get got by the city pretty quick.
Blame the jews
Kinda sad that stray dogs get rounded up and summarily executed, while a bunch of minicipalities renard completely feral cats as ‘community cats’ and encourage schizoids to waste all their welfare money leaving food everywhere from them (that rats and pigeons eat instead).
do you also feel bad for wolves, foxes, or coyotes?
well there you go
Do you live in Pakistan or something? Where the fuck are there stray dogs these days? I last saw a stray in 1999 and my cousins took it home and named it Killer because it was a tiny motherfucker who was fucking with this gigantic Great Dane a neighbour had. The Dane just yawned and didn't give a shit lmao
I suggested naming him Sbriciola (Crumb) because he's so damn small.
Oh no a wild animal in the wild so sad. Gtfo of /an/
Southern US. Go walk around southern border states for a while.
No stray dogs here.
Stray cats, though, which I feed rub on their bellies.
I looked into getting them spayed but it's like $300 per cat. I simply don't have that dosh.
I don't because I live in a place where stray dogs aren't a thing. The last time I encountered a dog wandering around, the owner came by and explained that the dog just likes to wander over to the particular place I was staying at.
I have no experience with stray dogs otherwise. Stray cats are a thing, though.
Idk, there are neighbourhoods with a lot of dogs here, I think that they enjoy the free life, being able to live without limits is something that all our domesticated dogs miss or long for, sadly it's harsh out there and it's never their fault, castration and adoption should be strongly encouraged
>which I feed rub on their bellies.
I'm drunk, but you know what I meant. They get food and bellyrubs. And water.
hopefully free of jewish chemicals?
>jewish chemicals
please go back to pol if you're going to blame everything on "the jews"
its a figure of speech
stray dog are dangerous and ought to be culled on sight. there's a reason why pounds exists for centuries. not only they're a menace to the environment, they also carry deadly diseases like rabies and leptospirose, and they often pack together and hunt down every animal they find, humans included, because unlike wolves they do not fear them.
oy vey you tell him akh!!!!!
Well cats are kings
I love cats and dogs equally but there's something uniquely repulsive about catfags
Toxo from roaming cats now kills more people than rabies in the US, probably more because doctors have better things to do than diagnose the exact cause of every 1st trimester miscarriage.
catfags are two-faced akin to a cat.
meanwhile dogchads are genuine and what you see is what you get.
Feral cats are also classified as a rabies reservoir while dogs have not been for decades.
Kinda sad that you're still sniffing chihuahua butts on a daily basis
least delusional dogfucker
They are not a rabies vector in the US because their population is kept in check. In areas where there are a lot of feral dogs, like India and Africa, they are a main cause of rabies in humans.
The cat lady who keeps 20 to 50 cats in her house is not exactly a reagent.
It's not my dog why would I care?
And cats are a rabies vector and reservoir and a toxo vector because they are not kept in check

750 people in the US die every year from a parasite spread exclusively by roaming cats.

Who gives a fuck how many indians and africans die? Not my problem.
I can differentiate between a domesticated pet and a pest/problem animal. While I love dogs, I also have no problem putting a bullet in one that needs it
>parasite spread exclusively by roaming cats
no, it reproducing in the shit of an infected cat is the exclusive part, can be spread by other means
So no outdoor cats no toxo no rabies

Concession accepted. Dont worry toxo you’ll find a new host.
I forgot to take a picture of it but there's a pretty big grey dog that just showed up in my uncle's neighborhood. It must weigh at least 85lbs because it's noticeably larger than my uncle's 70lb dog, but his neighbor just started feeding him and now he roams around the city block during the day and sleeps on that neighbor's front porch at night. It looks like a great dane but I'm not certain.
People in rural areas (especially in the South) tend to let their dogs roam free outside. It's just a cultural thing. You can tell the difference between a feral dog and an "outside dog" by their behavior. I've heard a couple stories over the years about people running into wild dog packs, but I've never actually encountered any. I see dogs hanging out or running around outside all the time though with no owner nearby. The vast majority of them are friendly.
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I try to catch them.
Just fucking help them?
Hello Awooooo Meow Bark
>It's just a cultural thing.
That's a nice way of saying retarded hicks.
I am from rural Texas, and can tell you this - no one from the rural south does this. It's all city people escaping the suburbs for multiple reasons who think their dogs is going to make friends with the racoons and be one with the coyotes. And then there's the ones who willfully dump their dogs to die.
this mofo making up shit.
i'm also from rural TX and can tell you plenty of people do this. my town had several trailer parks and shitbulls wandering around/into the streets was a common occurrence that no one ever did anything about. best decision in my life was finishing high school early at 17 and getting out of trash heap of a town.
That's some bullshit because I have absolutely come across redneck aggressive ass dogs that are allowed to free roam. I live next to 3 of them. It's about a quarter of the free roaming dogs I see are either not stranger friendly or not dog friendly, or both.
One of you is lying.
There's about 20 dogs just in my area alone that are 'free roam' or stray, that's a lot of fucking money. And no, there's no shelters here to take them, and rescues are full.
>One of you is lying.
i know, the retard seething about city people is. dogs roaming around is perfectly normal in rural towns, especially in trailer parks where the average IQ is 75. i had a good friend live in one so was over there often and saw the most hood trailer trash shit imaginable.
>be teenagers with shitty BMX bikes, setting up ramps near garbage heap to do jumps
>couple walking their dog, they disappear around a bend
>30 seconds later hear giant commotion, dog yelping
>go check it out
>shitbull latched onto couple's dog's front leg and isn't letting go
>guy comes running down the street with crowbar, buries it into shitpull's eye socket, doesn't let go, cracks crowbar across its head
>shitbull reluctantly lets go and starts running away wobbling
>another guy from nearby trailer comes out screaming (later identified as shitbull owner) at guy with crowbar and get in each other's faces
>owner goes back in trailer, comes back out with shotgun
>at this point friend and i GTFO back to his place
>later on police come and surround shitbull owner's trailer trying to get him to come out
>standoff until like midnight where he finally comes out and gets arrested
Around me it's the pits that are actually nice. It is specifically brown labs that are awful around here, idk why. Snarling, snapping, and charging people. Will go out of it's way to attack you if they so much as fucking hear your foot steps half a mile down the road. Also have some mean little dogs but I'm not worried about them, you could kill them with a kick. I think the scariest are the failed pyr mixes people get to protect their fucking 4 chickens - 120lb dog charging at you really gets your heart racing. Have to carry a fucking shillelagh just to get the mail.
When I see a stray running around, I take a photo and send its location to the local dog shelter, hoping they can come soon, catch it, and probably give it a better life. I volunteered there to learn about the future of strays who get caught. They have a clear pipeline for them that prohibits euthanasia unless the animal has rabies or other extremely serious shit. If there is no sign of aggression reduction after several sessions with professional dog handler (she's ex-military and knows her shit well), the dog just stays locked forever. Otherwise, the dog is sterilized, tagged, and put up for adoption if it is friendly or gets released back on the streets if it is too scared by human contact. I see about three-four dogs with such tags annually, they just stay as far away from people as possible.

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